at the moment, the only control we've got over the nicklist color, via /cline and /cnick (and /cnick is quirkier than the average psych ward).
what i want is commands that will enable us to sort the nicklist, specifically so that the people i like talking to are at the top of the list.
any and all ability to control how, and what, the nicklist displays would be an improvement. for exmaple, i might want to add a red * next to the nicks of people who are running an fserve. or an A for those who are marked Away. or an I for those who have been Idle.
the ability to group nicks would also be very handy. there are alot of channels based on organizations, like the fansubbing of anime for example. with proper control over the nicklist, one could have al lthe editors in one group, all the translators in another, etc.
as it stands, from what i have seen, there is almsot no ability to control/modify the appearance or contents of the nicklist.