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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I ran mIRC and put debug mode. It's crashed again so where do I find the debug.log? I don't see it in my mIRC folder.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It should be in whatever folder $mircdir points to (the same location mirc.ini is). Unless you put mirc.ini into your install folder, then you should find it in your Application Data folder. In Windows 7, that would be c:\users\yourlogin\appdata\roaming\mirc\ . It's something similar in Vista, but without "roaming".

Of course, from within mirc, you can just type /run debug.log and it should open it for you (or at least pop up the dialog asking what program to use to open it if you don't have notepad or whatever set up to load log files).

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Feb 2010
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Ok I found it, should I PM it to someone? Although I'm not sure how useful it'll be since I'm on like 70 channels.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You could probably email it to khaled@mirc.com, but I think just pasting the bottom 2-5 lines here would be enough. If there's any personal information, you can **** it out, but try to avoid that unless it's really necessary in case you accidentally **** out something that's important.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I disabled all the encoding/font related options in Options/IRC/Messages and it still crashed, I did not try different combinations. About the debug.log, is there a detail level to it? Or is this really simply a channel log? Depending on the encoding setting for the log file, the lines that make me crash are
<- :nwa!~defianze@somewhere PRIVMSG #channel :4&#32349;&#33292;&#12539; 7blah in ANSI and
<- :nwa!~defianze@somewhere PRIVMSG nwa :2&#12496;&#12540;6nbn in UTF-8

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No, there's no detailed level. Debugging shows all information sent or received over the network as well as the format in which it's being sent or received (such as PRIVMSG). That gives it more detail already than a standard log. Those are the very last lines in the log, right (unedited other than removing host info)? You'll need to wait and see what Khaled thinks when he sees that and if he needs any more information. I've tried reproducing it, but I don't have Japanese locale, so that may be why I can't crash mIRC using any of the combinations of text that you've shown.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks, that helps narrow it down - it's proving to be a tricky issue though as I have not been able to reproduce it yet. Here are the exact steps I took to try to reproduce it:

1. Using Windows 7 32bit, Japanese System Locale.
2. Create an empty folder on the Windows Desktop.
3. Copy mirc.exe for mIRC 6.35 into this folder - and no other files.
4. Create an empty mirc.ini in this folder.
5. Run mIRC.
6. Fill in details in the Connect dialog.
7. In Options/IRC/Messages disable/uncheck the following:
"SJIS/JIS conversion"
"Multibyte display"
"Multibyte editbox"
"UTF-8 display"
"Font linking"
"ANSI codes"
8. Connect to a server on irc.efnet.org.
9. Try the following commands:
//echo 4繝舌・ 7blah in ANSI
//echo 2バー6nbn in UTF-8
//msg $me 4繝舌・ 7blah in ANSI
//msg $me 2バー6nbn in UTF-8

If you follow the above steps exactly, does mIRC still crash for you?

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Yes (with font script set to Western).
Although I'm on 64 bit Win7.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Following those steps to the letter, no crash here under Windows 7 64.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Mar 2010
Posts: 8
Yep, did exactly the same things. Debug log starting from connecting to efnet:

-> irc.efnet.org NICK defianze
-> irc.efnet.org USER defianze "?.com" "irc.efnet.org" :defianze
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Processing connection to irc.easynews.com
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking Ident
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** No Ident response
<- ERROR :Closing Link: (You are not authorised to use this server)
-> irc.efnet.org NICK defianze
-> irc.efnet.org USER defianze "?.com" "irc.efnet.org" :defianze
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Processing connection to irc.easynews.com
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking Ident
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** No Ident response
<- ERROR :Closing Link: (You are not authorised to use this server)
-> irc.efnet.org NICK defianze
-> irc.efnet.org USER defianze "?.com" "irc.efnet.org" :defianze
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Processing connection to irc.inet.tele.dk
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking Ident
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname
<- NOTICE AUTH :*** No Ident response
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 001 defianze :Welcome to the EFNet Internet Relay Chat Network defianze
-> irc.inet.tele.dk USERHOST defianze
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 002 defianze :Your host is irc.inet.tele.dk[irc.inet.tele.dk/6667], running version ircd-ratbox-2.2.4
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 003 defianze :This server was created Mon Jan 29 2007 at 12:52:38 CET
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 004 defianze irc.inet.tele.dk ircd-ratbox-2.2.4 oiwszcerkfydnxbauglZCD biklmnopstveI bkloveI
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 005 defianze CHANTYPES=&# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=eIb,k,l,imnpst CHANLIMIT=&#:20 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=beI:100 NETWORK=EFNet MODES=4 STATUSMSG=@+ KNOCK CALLERID=g :are supported by this server
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 005 defianze SAFELIST ELIST=U CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 CHARSET=ascii NICKLEN=9 CHANNELLEN=50 TOPICLEN=160 ETRACE CPRIVMSG CNOTICE DEAF=D MONITOR=60 :are supported by this server
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 005 defianze TARGMAX=NAMES:1,LIST:1,KICK:1,WHOIS:1,PRIVMSG:4,NOTICE:4,ACCEPT:,MONITOR: :are supported by this server
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 251 defianze :There are 8728 users and 38683 invisible on 51 servers
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 252 defianze 341 :IRC Operators online
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 253 defianze 1 :unknown connection(s)
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 254 defianze 22577 :channels formed
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 255 defianze :I have 3739 clients and 1 servers
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 265 defianze 3739 6524 :Current local users 3739, max 6524
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 266 defianze 47411 73175 :Current global users 47411, max 73175
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 250 defianze :Highest connection count: 6525 (6524 clients) (7846222 connections received)
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 375 defianze :- irc.inet.tele.dk Message of the Day -
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- __ .___ .__ __ __
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- _/ |_ __| _/____ |__| _____/ |_ ___________ ____ _____/ |_
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- \ __\/ __ |/ ___\ | |/ \ __\/ __ \_ __ \/ \_/ __ \ __\
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- | | / /_/ \ \___ | | | \ | \ ___/| | \/ | \ ___/| |
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- |__| \____ |\___ > |__|___| /__| \___ >__| |___| /\___ >__|
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- Welcome to TDC Solution's IRC server
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- Location: Aarhus, Denmark (56 11 N 10 11 E)
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- Operated by: TDC Solutions, http://www.tdc.dk
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- Operating since: 17 Jan 2002.
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- Ports: 6661-6669.
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- Rules on this server:
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - No bots (but if it's quiet and we don't know it's a bot we don't care)
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - No abuse (clones, flooding, spam and mass advertising)
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - No begging for O-lines - we have enough opers.
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Sorry, but you cannot join any channels on split.
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- You can contact our oper team:
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Sonny T. Larsen - STL (Server admin)
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Jan Chrillesen - Chrille (Server admin)
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Anders Hardangen - Hardy
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Jaded
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - sprite-dk
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Alex Short - MrDev
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Patrik Hildingsson - KurD
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Anders Mundt Due - Kralian
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - David B. - tel
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Glenn Bergland - swift
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- Try `/stats p irc.inet.tele.dk' to find an active oper
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- (TeleOPM and TeleMon are bots - not real opers)
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- Contacts:
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Send questions regarding server to efnet-opers@tdk.net.
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- - Abuse reports to: abuse@eris.dk.
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- ATTENTION:
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- proxy-scanner.eris.dk is not trying to hack you! On join we connect to
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- a number of ports to scan for open proxies, routers with default
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- passwords, jeem.mail.pv trojans and misconfigured wingates
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :- This is the new server!!!
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 372 defianze :-
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 376 defianze :End of /MOTD command.
<- :dkbot!monitor@tele.bot PRIVMSG defianze :VERSION
-> irc.inet.tele.dk NOTICE dkbot :VERSION mIRC v6.35 Khaled Mardam-Bey
<- :irc.inet.tele.dk 302 defianze :defianze=+~defianze@somewhere
-> irc.inet.tele.dk PRIVMSG defianze :2ƒo[6nbn
<- :defianze!~defianze@somewhere PRIVMSG defianze :2ƒo[6nbn

Moved my mouse over the message, selected the text (this tends to speed up the crash, but it's not necessary) --> crash.

Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 5,514
Thanks, I was able to reproduce it. After closing the options dialog, I copied the //echo command and pasted it into the Status Window editbox and pressed the enter key. I then opened the font dialog, changed the font from FixedSys Japanese script (which was the default) to Georgia Western script, and pressed OK. At that point, if I highlighted the text (which was now Mojibake) in a certain way, mIRC would freeze.

I tested the Unicode beta version of mIRC and could not reproduce it, so it appears to be a non-unicode multi-byte issue. Thanks for helping to track it down.

Joined: Jan 2010
Posts: 13
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
Joined: Jan 2010
Posts: 13
ok... now i found something wierd, i use a laptop and a pc with mirc and my own key one is a 32bit w7 and my main pc is 64bit w7 on my lappy i only have mirc installed, when it froze it froze on both my laptop and pc at the same time so its mirc that cause it

not foobar or its plugins

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If they both froze at the same time, then it would have to be caused by something sent from/through the server such as the Japanese text issue mentioned.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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