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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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How to add , on the end of eatch clone, but not the last one. e.g: (clones 3: me1, me2, me3) and not (clones 3: me1, me2, me3 ,) on ^!*:join:#:{
if %join.clone.scan == on {
var %x_match = ( $+ $ialchan($address($nick,2),#,0) clone $+ $iif($ialchan($address($nick,2),#,0) > 1,s) $+ :
var %x = $ialchan($address($nick,2),#,0) , %nicks
if (%x > 1) {
while (%x) { %nicks = %nicks $ialchan($address($nick,2),#,%x).nick | dec %x }
%xnicks = %nicks $+ )
if $me !isin %xnicks {
echo -ltc join # * $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) has joined # 5 $+ $iif( $ialchan($address($nick,2),#,0) > 1 , %x_match %xnicks )
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Use $addtok(). while (%x) { %nicks = $addtok(%nicks,$ialchan($address($nick,2),#,%x).nick,44) | dec %x }
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Cheers! How do I get space between the nicks? (clones 2: nick, nick)
Edit: How to remove the joinnick from the echo? And remove the number..
Old: (clones 2: me,nick) New: (clone: nick) and if more clones, change clone to clones: New +s: (clones: nick, nick2)
Second Edit: The nick must be over 2 chars long to show clone echo, how?
Last edited by Deep3D; 05/03/10 11:05 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on ^!*:join:#:{
if %join.clone.scan == on && $len($nick) > 2 {
var %x_match = ( $+ clone $+ $iif($ialchan($address($nick,2),#,0) > 1,s) $+ :
var %x = $ialchan($address($nick,2),#,0) , %nicks
if (%x > 1) {
while (%x) { %nicks = $addtok(%nicks,$ialchan($address($nick,2),#,%x).nick,44) | dec %x }
%xnicks = $replace(%nicks,$chr(44),$chr(44) $+ $char(32)) $+ )
if $me !isin %xnicks {
echo -ltc join # * $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) has joined # 5 $+ $iif( $ialchan($address($nick,2),#,0) > 1 , %x_match %xnicks )
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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hi 1- if you already have the space, use $left 2- $address($nick,2) = $wildsite 3- $ial dont work always if u join channel and many user is present the ial dont see them u have to do when u join /who 4- u can use $regsubex so the code will be like this on ^*:join:#:{
if $nick == $me { set -e %/who $+ # 1 | who # }
else {
if %join.clone.scan == on {
if $ialchan($wildsite,#,0) > 1 {
echo -ltc join # * $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) has joined # 5 $+ $+($chr(40),$v1 clone(s) $left($regsubex($str(.,$v1),/./g,$+($ialchan($wildsite,#,\n).nick,$chr(44),$chr(32))),-2),$chr(41))
raw *:*:{
if (($numeric == 352) && ($($+(%,/who,$2),2))) haltdef
elseif ($numeric == 315) && ($($+(%,/who,$2),2)) { unset %/who $+ $2 | haltdef }
} *RAW is for stop scrolling the command /who avery join
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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dag1=me Now: * dag3 (dag@*.no) has joined #dag (clones: dag3,dag2,dag1) I would like to see: * dag3 (dag@*.no) has joined #dag who is a clone of dag2 and dag1
Lets say dag4 joined: * dag4 (dag@*.no) has joined #dag who is a clone of dag3, dag2 and dag1
So remove the nick that joins from the echo.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Replace the echo with echo -ltc join # * $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) has joined # 5 $+ $+($chr(40),$v1 clone(s) $remove($left($regsubex($str(.,$v1),/./g,$+($ialchan($wildsite,#,\n).nick,$chr(44),$chr(32))),-2),$nick),$chr(41)) Personally I don't like having code that looks like that, but I'm not willing to chance putting it into smaller sections and breaking the regex.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on ^!*:join:#:{
if (%join.clone.scan == on) && ($len($nick) > 2) && ($ialchan($wildsite,#,0) > 1) {
var %x = $calc($v1 -1), %n = 1, %cnicks
while ($ialchan($wildsite,#,%n).nick) {
if ($v1 != $nick) { var %cnicks = %cnicks $v1 }
inc %n
if (%x > 1) { var %cnicks = $replace($gettok(%cnicks,1--2,32),$chr(32),$+($chr(44),$chr(32))) and $gettok(%cnicks,-1,32) }
echo -ltc join # * $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) has joined # who is a clone of %cnicks
} Blind guess 'bout the > and< thing. Anyhow I suggest to eventually settle on a final layout... 
Last edited by Horstl; 10/03/10 01:19 PM.
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Cheers to you both! It works just how I want it, perfect.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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$ial cant work befor event so when he join he have to /who #chan or else $ial can't work for the present nicks when he joined chan e.g: if i join chan and 20 nicks r there $ial can't see these 20 nicks u have to /who chan before so u have to use /who #chan and about this Lets say dag4 joined: * dag4 (dag@*.no) has joined #dag who is a clone of dag3, dag2 and dag1 u can do it into $regsubex too then u have 2 codes here Horstl code: 444 bytes (without /who and raw) WorldDMT code: 429 bytes and u can do smallest too on ^*:join:#:{
if $nick == $me { set -e %/who $+ # 1 | who # }
else {
if %join.clone.scan == on {
if $ialchan($wildsite,#,0) > 1 {
var %x $left($regsubex($str(.,$v1),/./g,$+($ialchan($wildsite,#,\n).nick,$chr(44),$chr(32))),-2)
echo -ltc join # * $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) has joined # 5 $+ $+($chr(40),$(},$v1) clone(s) $&
$replace(%x,$mid(%x,$pos(%x,$chr(44),$pos(%x,$chr(44),-1)),2), $chr(32) and $right($mid(%x,$pos(%x,$chr(44),$pos(%x,$chr(44),-1)),2),-1)),$chr(41))
raw *:*:{
if (($numeric == 352) && ($($+(%,/who,$2),2))) haltdef
elseif ($numeric == 315) && ($($+(%,/who,$2),2)) { unset %/who $+ $2 | haltdef }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It is not necessarily the case that a script of less bytes will perform better (i.e. faster). Readability put aside, $reg* for example is computationally quite intensive.
You're right regarding $chan().ial, but this really depends on the purpose of the script... Myself, I'd check for .inwho in any case (imagine 3 other scripts doing their "on me join who #" each), and - if you really need your internal lists updated right after join - swap the task into a separate script, with a queue system (imagine 10+ chans in autojoin and touchy flood-settings of the network).
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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if you really need your internal lists updated right after join - swap the task into a separate script, with a queue system (imagine 10+ chans in autojoin and touchy flood-settings of the network). yeah sure or else he will never get better result
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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and i forget to tell u about $gettok(%cnicks,1--2,32) that dont work for any version of mIRC
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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and i forget to tell u about $gettok(%cnicks,1--2,32) that dont work for any version of mIRC Oh? Try it. //echo -a $gettok(This is just some random sentence to use as an example.,1--2,32) That outputs word 1 through the second word from the end (an) as expected (mirc 6.35).
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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@Riamus2: mIRC 6.32 & 6.35 but if u have 6.21 that will return only the first word
@Horstl: why u put the condition $len($nick > 2) ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok, didn't understand your wording then. "that dont work for any version" made me think you meant it didn't work in any version... meaning no versions work with that method. I see that you meant that it doesn't work in every version.
In either case, it works fine if the person is on a newer version of mIRC and not distributing the script to others. Though subtracting X tokens from the total number works too. And that's usually how I do it.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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sorry about my english i dont speak verry well :p
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Deep3D asked for a minimum nicklen in the third post. And usually I tend to care for compatiblity only with, say, the last or second last version.  21/05/2008 - mIRC v6.32 [...] 22.Fixed handling of negative range values in token identifiers.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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i asked about $len($nick) > 2 why did u put it?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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See "Second edit" in This post