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#216462 15/11/09 10:24 PM
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RusselB Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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A friend of mine asked how she could set up sounds to let her know when certain people come online or leave. She told me that she'd already tried setting the sounds in the Options and in the notify list.
With her permission, I accessed her computer remotely and confirmed that the settings were all set correctly and that the files she wanted to use did exist in the correct location.

I was unable to confirm audioably(?) that the files were valid, but based upon the format and size returned for the files, they do appear to be valid. She states, and I have no reason to not believe her, that the files are valid, and that she can hear them through other programs (ie: WinAmp), but she can't hear them through mIRC.

As I am at a loss to explain why everything looks correct, why she is unable to hear the sounds when people join/part the network, I thought I'd inquire here as to other options. She prefers to not use a scripted option, but if that is her only choice, the fact that she uses PnP may be relevant.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I have the same problem, I've tried going through the sound options in the option menu from mIRC and I can't enable any of them. I'm using NNScript on 6.34 if that's of relevancy.

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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IT could be dumb, but, did you guys check use speakers and enable sounds options? Sometimes, banal stuff can get things work wink If not, scripting is your best friend then wink

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RusselB Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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As I said, I did check all of the settings, and while I was unable to literally hear from the computer I was accessing, due to it being remote access, the lady stated that she was able to hear the sounds from the various files using other players (winamp and Windows Media Player) just not through mIRC.

Writing a script for what she's wanting is easily done, though if there is something in mIRC that is not processing the sounds correctly, I fail to see how a script would over-ride this, since mIRC still needs to process the sounds via the script.

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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mIRC needs 'Enable sounds' option checked (ALT+O/Sounds).
Moreover, you need Microsoft PCM Converter codec (installed as default in Windows) - not LAME MP3 or something else - to use /splay for MP3, WMV, OGG...

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RusselB Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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mIRC needs 'Enable sounds' option checked (ALT+O/Sounds).
As stated previously, this has already been confirmed.
Moreover, you need Microsoft PCM Converter codec (installed as default in Windows) - not LAME MP3 or something else - to use /splay for MP3, WMV, OGG...
This I was unaware of, as I rarely use mIRC for playing sounds. Thus this is something I will look into as being the possible source of the problem.

Thanks for your assistance.

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