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Joined: May 2009
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prawn69 Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: May 2009
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how to make a movielist, playlist, nowplaying etc..

i dont know, i cant figure on mirc...

for justin tv

Joined: May 2009
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prawn69 Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Posts: 7
do i go to tools tab, scripts editiors
and remote tab

type !nowplaying push?

i didnt get it.. there nothing..

Joined: Feb 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Feb 2003
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Have you installed a script for it? (addon) give us something to work on here smile

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }
Joined: May 2009
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prawn69 Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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where do i get scripts?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,432
here would be a good place to start wink search the addon section for "mp3" without the " "

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }
Joined: May 2009
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prawn69 Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Posts: 7
theres many list..oh god.. which one is better?
its mp3.. so how i make for movie?

Last edited by prawn69; 12/05/09 08:35 PM.
Joined: Feb 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 3,432
See if you can find one for that then, search for the format you want to use.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }
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prawn69 Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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nope! frown

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Feb 2003
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did you use google ?

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }
Joined: May 2009
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prawn69 Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: May 2009
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yep.. everyting i tried to search

google, mirc movielist, !nextplaying mirc on google.. blahhh...

Joined: May 2009
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prawn69 Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: May 2009
Posts: 7
;Name: pink.movielist.nomadxx
;File(s): pink.movielist.nomadxx.mrc, readme.txt
;Archive: pink.movielist.nomadxx.zip
;Version: 002 (pink.movielist 033 rebuilt)
;Date: 2009.01.05
;Creator: pinkrubberboots
;URL: http://justin.tv/pinkrubberboots/profile

on *:LOAD: {
set %bot.owner nomadxx
set %bot.manager scriptfaultfinder
set %bot.channel #nomadxx
set %bot.movie.playing 1
set %bot.movie.next 2
unset %bot.movie.list
unset %bot.global.timer
unset %bot.movie.timer
unset %bot.movie.listtimer
unset %bot.movie.playingtimer
unset %bot.movie.nexttimer
unset %bot.movie.versiontimer
set %bot.rules No rules specified by owner, use !setrules
set %bot.commands No commands specified by owner, use !setcommands
set %botmodcommands No modcommands specified by owner, use !setmodcommands
unset %bot.global.timer
unset %bot.rulestimer
unset %bot.commandstimer
unset %bot.modcommandstimer
; Adding movies to list
on *:TEXT:!setschedule*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
if ($2 != $null) {
if (($nick == %bot.owner) || ($nick == %bot.manager)) {
set %bot.movie.list $addtok(%bot.movie.list,$$2-,124)
msg $chan New Schedule: $replace(%bot.movie.list,$chr(124),$chr(44))
set -u4 %bot.global.timer 1
; Clearing movielist
on *:TEXT:!scheduleclear*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
if (($nick == %bot.owner) || ($nick == %bot.manager)) {
unset %bot.movie.list
set %bot.movie.playing 1
set %bot.movie.next 2
msg $chan Schedule cleared.
set -u4 %bot.global.timer 1
; Move on to next movie
on *:TEXT:!schedulenext*:%bot.channel: {
if (($nick isop $chan) || ($nick == %bot.manager) || ($nick == bot.owner)) {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
if (%bot.movie.list != $null) {
inc %bot.movie.playing
inc %bot.movie.next
if ($gettok(%bot.movie.list,%bot.movie.playing,124) == $null) { set %bot.movie.playing 1 }
if ($gettok(%bot.movie.list,%bot.movie.next,124) == $null ) { set %bot.movie.next 1 }
msg $chan Now Playing: $gettok(%bot.movie.list,%bot.movie.playing,124)
else {
msg $chan No Schedule Set.
set -u4 %bot.global.timer 1
; Jump to a movie
on *:TEXT:!schedulejump*:%bot.channel: {
if (($nick isop $chan) || ($nick == %bot.manager) || ($nick == bot.owner)) {
if ((!%bot.global.timer) && ($2)) {
if (%bot.movie.list != $null) {
if ($gettok(%bot.movie.list,$2,124) == $null) { return }
set %bot.movie.playing $2
set %bot.movie.next $calc($2 + 1)
if ($gettok(%bot.movie.list,%bot.movie.next,124) == $null ) { set %bot.movie.next 1 }
msg $chan Now Playing: $gettok(%bot.movie.list,%bot.movie.playing,124)
else {
msg $chan No Schedule Set.
set -u4 %bot.global.timer 1
; Move back to previous movie
on *:TEXT:!scheduleprevious*:%bot.channel: {
if (($nick isop $chan) || ($nick == %bot.manager) || ($nick == bot.owner)) {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
if (%bot.movie.list != $null) {
dec %bot.movie.playing
dec %bot.movie.next
if (%bot.movie.playing == 0) { set %bot.movie.playing $numtok(%bot.movie.list,124) }
if (%bot.movie.next == 0) { set %bot.movie.next $numtok(%bot.movie.list,124) }
msg $chan Now Playing: $gettok(%bot.movie.list,%bot.movie.playing,124)
else {
msg $chan No Schedule Set.
set -u4 %bot.global.timer 1
; Movielist
on *:TEXT:!schedule:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.movie.listtimer) {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
if (%bot.movie.list != $null) {
msg $chan Schedule: $replace(%bot.movie.list,$chr(124),$chr(44))
else {
msg $chan No Schedule Set.
set -u2 %bot.global.timer 1
set -u30 %bot.movie.listtimer 1

; Current movie
on *:TEXT:!nowplaying*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.movie.nowtimer) {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
if (%bot.movie.list != $null) {
msg $chan Now Playing: $gettok(%bot.movie.list,%bot.movie.playing,124)
else {
msg $chan No Schedule Set.
set -u2 %bot.global.timer 1
set -u30 %bot.movie.nowtimer 1
; Next Movie
on *:TEXT:!nextplaying*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.movie.nexttimer) {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
if (%bot.movie.list != $null) {
msg $chan Next Playing: $gettok(%bot.movie.list,%bot.movie.next,124)
else {
msg $chan No Schedule Set.
set -u2 %bot.global.timer 1
set -u30 %bot.movie.nexttimer 1
; Version info and userlist update (add names $chan to a timer if u dont want this in here)
on *:TEXT:!version*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.movie.versiontimer) {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
msg $chan Running pink.movielist.nomadxx by pinkrubberboots. (userlist updated)
names $chan
set -u2 %bot.global.timer 1
set -u120 %bot.movie.versiontimer 1

on *:TEXT:!rules*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.rulestimer) {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
msg $chan Rules: %bot.rules
set -u2 %bot.global.timer 1
set -u30 %bot.rulestimer 1
on *:TEXT:!commands*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.commandstimer) {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
msg $chan Commands: %bot.commands
set -u2 %bot.global.timer 1
set -u30 %bot.commandstimer 1
on *:TEXT:!modcommands*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.modcommandstimer) {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
msg $chan ModCommands: %bot.modcommands
set -u2 %bot.global.timer 1
set -u30 %bot.modcommandstimer 1
on *:TEXT:!setrules*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
if ($2 != $null) {
if (($nick == %bot.owner) || ($nick == %bot.manager)) {
set %bot.rules $$2-
msg $chan Rules: %bot.rules
set -u4 %bot.global.timer 1
on *:TEXT:!setcommands*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
if ($2 != $null) {
if (($nick == %bot.owner) || ($nick == %bot.manager)) {
set %bot.commands $$2-
msg $chan Commands: %bot.commands
set -u4 %bot.global.timer 1
on *:TEXT:!setmodcommands*:%bot.channel: {
if (!%bot.global.timer) {
if ($2 != $null) {
if (($nick == %bot.owner) || ($nick == %bot.manager)) {
set %bot.modcommands $$2-
msg $chan ModCommands: %bot.modcommands
set -u4 %bot.global.timer 1

so how do i write replace with?

Joined: May 2009
Posts: 1
Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
Joined: May 2009
Posts: 1

Where did you get this from ?

And were you able to add it to the bot of your channel ?

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