hi there. i think this is posible.
what i want is this:
!vcomp - view complaints (For Bot Owner Only)
!cmpl - Report/Post Complains.
!delcomp - Delete complaints number.
!cmpl <name> <number/reason>
!delcomp <number of complain>
about the !cmpl <name>
<number/reason>, number means the particular number in the default choices of reason.
1. Flooding
2. Flamming
3. Cursing
4. Spamming
If the reason is not in the list, they can type their own reason in the complain.
example: !cmpl khei hacking the channel.
here's the scenario 1(Using their own reason):
<Meme> !cmpl ray so handsome
-Bot- Thank you for posting your complain.
-Bot- The Admin will review your complain when he is online.
Scenario 2(Using the default choices):
<vic> !cmpl tado 1
-Bot- Thank you for posting your complain.
-Bot- The Admin will review your complain when he is online.
And when the Admin check the Complaints list, this is what the bot will response:
<Admin> !vcomp
-Bot- [Complaints List]____
-Bot- 1. ray (by Meme)
-Bot- 2. tado (by vic)
-Bot- [Complaints list]____
To view the reason:
<Admin> !vreason ray
-Bot- [Meme's Complain to ray]: so handsome
if there are 3 person who wants to complain in 1 nick,
<Cave> !cmpl ray So ugly
<Groov> !cmpl ray Bad smell
<Tebo> !cmpl ray so self-fish
this is what the bot will response:
<Admin> !vreason ray
-Bot- ------------------
-Bot- [Cave's Complain to ray]: So ugly
-Bot- [Groov's Complain to ray]: Bad smell
-Bot- [Tebo's Complain to ray]: so self-fish
-Bot- ------------------
!delcomp Command
<Admin> !delcomp 1
-Bot- Deleting record of ray...
-Bot- Record of ray deleted.
<Admin> !vcomp
-Bot- [Complaints List]____
-Bot- 1. tado (by vic)
-Bot- [Complaints list]____
Thats all.
Thank you.
Sorry for the long post.
The explanation is long but i think the code for this is just short.