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#207985 09/01/09 02:29 AM
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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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Windows 7 no longer includes Microsoft Agent.

Therefore, users of Windows 7 will receive an error message that "agentctl.dll used by mIRC is no longer available in this version of Windows."

mIRC functions normally otherwise without the Agent functions.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I would not consider this to be a mIRC bug, as it is due to the removal of an item from Windows, rather than something that is still included but has stopped working in mIRC.

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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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Well, there's no other appropriate forum for the post.

I've already submitted a report to Microsoft over it, chances are they'll just say that mIRC needs to be updated.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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When do you get this error? On start? When you try to use agents?

You realize Windows 7 is not yet released, and an OS cannot be judged by what's in a pre-release (not even the official beta). MS Agent might in fact be included in W7. Until it is released, there is no forum for this discussion indeed.

If not, this is still not a bug. If Microsoft removes agents from the OS it makes sense that mIRC would be unable to use them-- neither mIRC or the OS would need an update, we would just need to deal with no more agents. AFAIK though, the solution is simply to download and install MS Agent on your own, from: http://www.microsoft.com/msagent/

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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It's not an error. It's a program compatibility dialog that pops up after mIRC is closed. It simply states that mIRC tried (even when you never use it, personally) to access a component of Windows that's no longer available on 7. It gives you information on how to to fix it by giving you the download link.

mIRC could just simply be updated to disable the functionality of the agent when it's not detected on a Windows machine. SSL works the same way. In its current form, mIRC attempts to load the agent even when it's not enabled.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm sure when Windows 7 is released this issue will be addressed. Until then, the final behaviour is still unknown. It may or may not still be an issue when Windows 7 ships and mIRC is compiled as a native W7 application.

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Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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Windows 7 went Beta 1 officially to Technet and beta testers on Wednesday evening during the Ballmer keynote speech at CES.

Today, Windows 7 beta 1 will be available publically to 2.5M people that download it through the Microsoft website.

The OS is feature complete, what it has or doesn't have now is what it's going to have when Windows 7 actually gets released. So the error message received will continue to occur even on the final version.

I've brought it to the attention of Microsoft. Also to the attention of the mIRC developers so they're aware of it and can work out a solution or think of one now for when it's released.

That is all.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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"Feature" complete does not mean behaviourally complete. If Windows was not going to change then it would not be considered a "beta" and it would already be in stores. I'll bet that the compatibility warning is *only* being displayed for developers so that they can work on solutions to migrate their software-- I would guess that such a message would not be in the final version and won't be an issue-- but only time will tell.

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Mostly harmless
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I have a different problem with the latest Mirc and Win7 beta1, when i minimize Mirc, the program dissappear, i see it on the list of processes but i can't bring the window back up.

maybe i don't understand something, that happen quite often

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The program did not disappear. mIRC is set by default to minimize to the tray, however in Windows 7 tray icons are hidden by default. You can expand the hidden tray icons with that tiny little "^" button next to the right hand of the taskbar. I can only assume Microsoft is trying to encourage developers to use the taskbar icon instead of throwing icons into the tray (which current programs love to do).

The fix is to click that little "^" button then click "Customize...". That will allow you to set mIRC to "Show icons and notifications" instead of the "Hide" option. You can also set mIRC not to minimize to the taskbar, which would be the better choice for Windows7.

I really hope they don't plan on keeping this feature, it will likely confuse the hell out of thousands of users since tons of programs have this behaviour. You are not alone in your confusion, I assure you.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I'm using Windows 7 and i don't get any problems with mIRC at all.
The only thing is the return of $os which i'm sure when Windows 7 gets released khaled will update mIRC accordingly.

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I just installed windows 7 and it keeps saying no ssl installed. This might have something to do with this.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC does not come packaged with SSL. Visit http://mirc.com/ssl.html to get the installer for SSL and use that. I just tried it and succeeded.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I had the same problem before, emailed Khaled.. Here's a quote of what I get in reply smile

Hello Alex,

Thanks for the email, apologies for the slow reply.

mIRC should be independent of Microsoft Agent - it tries to dynamically
load the Microsoft Agent object on start up and if that fails it skips
the process and continues running as normal. This is why mIRC also runs
on Windows installations that do not have Microsoft Agent.

It may be that the Windows 7 beta you are using is doing something slightly
different that causes mIRC to crash for some reason - perhaps Windows 7
automatically detects whether an application wants to use a feature that
is no longer in Windows 7 and halts the program on purpose?

Perhaps this needs to be reported as a Windows 7 bug?

I will hopefully take a look at it in the future once Windows 7 reaches
a more final release stage :-)

Thanks again,

Also.. in my case it was a system info script that caused it. Scripts like Moo System Info that uses $com on microsoft agent will not be compatible with this. Also some DLL's might cause it.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It's important to differentiate "crash" from "compatibility message". mIRC does not crash due to the agents thing. It merely informs you that mIRC used an invalid and newly deprecated library. As agreed in this thread, it's highly likely that this is only a debugging message and won't exist in the retail version of Windows 7.

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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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mIRC works fine for me in Windows 7 RC. I do see the compatibility message sometimes. It has also just made explorer.exe crash once (mIRC stopped responding for a while when I was restoring a minimized server window).

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Can you elaborate on "sometimes"? I would find it odd if the message appeared randomly.

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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Microsoft Agent 2.0 is extremely buggy with Windows 7... Probably why it's not included... I wouldn't recommend installing it on windows 7 until it is updated... If you press "This program worked correctly" on the compatibility window, it will no longer pop up on exit.

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Not really, no.
I installed MSAgent on Win7 RC and I had no issues, no crashes or freezes. And I have a decent uptime for both Windows & mIRC.

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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Well it may be fixed now I haven't checked... When I installed it back in Jan. on Win 7 beta I experienced a Magenta colored background on all of the labels and some were out of place and there was a weird behavior when I minimized mIRC it left artifacts on my desktop until I would drag a window over those areas.

BTW I just found on the page at Microsoft... Agent is no longer supported and there will be no updated release with the final version of Windows 7.


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