If i use a simple command as alias in $tip that changes the CID and the focus to a special window the window won't become active in the treebar/switchbar.

mIRC sets the window as active but it won't be selected in the treebar/switchbar until i remove the focus from mIRC and set it again or click on any place inside mIRC.

on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if (($highlight($1-)) && ($1- !isnum 1- $highlight(0))) { 
    if (($chan != $active) && ($appactive)) {
      noop $tip($cid $+ - $+ $chan, Highlight: $chan ( $+ $cid $+ ), $nick $+ : $strip($1-), 15, $mircexe, 5, !scid $cid !window -a $qt($chan))


one step closer to world domination