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Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 102
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 102
Ok i need a simple script that will say when a user joins my room that they are also in ....#channel....

So basicly a quick whois on join but all i wana see are the channels the users in displayed in the chat window as a /notice or something of that sort.

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Joined: Aug 2004
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252
on !*:join:#:{
  .enable #channels
  var %join.nick = $nick, %join.chan = $chan
raw 366:*:{
  .whois %join.nick
#channels off
raw 318:*:{
  .disable #channels
raw 319:*:{
  .echo -t %join.chan %join.nick is also on $remove($3-,%join.chan)
#channels end

Note: If a lot of people enter the room quickly, some of the people may be skipped over, due to the time required for the /names and /whois commands to be sent, and the respective raws returned.

Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 102
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 102
Sweet, Do i need to make any edits before use or is it just set to rock N rOLL ?

Rock and Metal Music videos ON DEMAND!
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Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252
That should be ready to rock'n'roll.

The only edit you might need to make, is to issue a /names command in the ON JOIN event (just after the event line), as some people have reported to me that the network they are on doesn't do a /names automatically.

If your network does do a /names automatically, and you do put it in, you'll probably find a duplication of messages.

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