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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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alias mm {
  var %a = $nvnick($chan,0)
  while (%a) {
  var %addr = $address($nvnick($chan,%a),5)
  if (%addr !isignore) && (%addr !isprotect) .timer 1 $calc(%a * 9) .msg $nvnick($chan,%a) $1-
    dec %a
Try with this.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I can't see any reason why this would crash your 6.21 as all of the commands, variable assignments and comparisons are valid for 6.21 (as far as I am able to determine).

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You've modified my code, i was using while (%a) and /dec %a, you were using while (%a <= %b) and /dec %a, a infinite loop.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ooops blush Thought I'd changed that to inc

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Originally Posted By: Wims
alias mm {
  var %a = $nvnick($chan,0)
  while (%a) {
  var %addr = $address($nvnick($chan,%a),5)
  if (%addr !isignore) && (%addr !isprotect) .timer 1 $calc(%a * 9) .msg $nvnick($chan,%a) $1-
    dec %a
Try with this.

again, it msgs people that I have protected...

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Try replacing
var %addr = $address($nvnick($chan,%a),5)
var %addr = $+($nick,*!*@*.*)
I just back checked the previous posts and realized that the format you're reporting for the addresses in the protect list don't match the format returned by $address(<nick>,5)

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I just back checked the previous posts and realized that the format you're reporting for the addresses in the protect list don't match the format returned by $address(<nick>,5)
Imo, he is requesting some help here, this means that he should gave the right information to us, but he never stated clearly how he store his protect list.
Also, $address could be $null, he should try to debug this code with an echo with the value of %addr, and $nick should be $nvnick($chan,%a) in your last line wink

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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All of the information that has been requested has been provided, but this topic has gotten big enough that some of the earlier replies have been forgotten.

An earlier reply
the addresses in my protect list are like: some*!*@*
therefore the information in the protect list is stored in the format of <nick>*!*@* with the nick having a wildcard following it, and both the ident and host portions of the address being wildcarded, in contrast to the absolute return by $address(<nick>,5)

mIRC doesn't have a $address mask that matches that format, so I used the $+ concatenator to make an address format that matches the format in the list.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I hope you're right, but the $nick part have to be changed anyway

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Originally Posted By: Wims
[quote]Imo, he is requesting some help here, this means that he should gave the right information to us, but he never stated clearly how he store his protect list.

my protect list is stored in every possible way, which means, but is not limited to:




there may be also, 'channels' and 'network name or server address' value (but this is rare and I wouldn't like this to complicate matters)

I usualy use these aliases to add to my protect list:

/i protect -w $$1 $+ *!*@*
/d protect -w *!*@* $+ $$1
/l protect -w $+(*!*@,$$1,*)
/y protect -w $+(*,$$1,!*@*)

sorry for any inconvenience, I thought it was known that my protect list could be anything...

Last edited by nataliad; 17/08/08 12:37 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Do yourself a favour.. pick one format for the information on your protect list, and stick with it. mIRC's /protect command has an optional [type] parameter, so you can fill that parameter in with the number that corresponds with the mask format you wish to use.
See /help $mask for a list of numbers and their corresponding formats.

It'll make writing any script that references your protect list a lot easier.

If you have a lot of entries on your protect list, I'll see what I can do about writing a conversion script, but I'll need to know what format you actually want to use.

Doing a quick think on this, based on this additional information, I think the following code would work
alias msg2 {
  if $chan && $$1 {
    var %a = 1, %b = $nick($chan,0)
    while %a <= %b {
      set %msg2 $addtok(%msg2,$nick($chan,%a),44)
      var %c = 0, %d = 19
      while %c <= %d {
        if $protect($address($nick($chan,%a),%c)) {
          set %msg2 $remtok(%msg2,$nick($chan,%a),1,44)
        if $ignore($address($nick($chan,%a),%c)) {
          set %msg2 $remtok(%msg2,$nick($chan,%a),1,44)
        inc %c
      inc %a
    .msg %msg2 $1-

Usage: /msg2 common message here

Last edited by RusselB; 17/08/08 03:28 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Originally Posted By: RusselB
All of the information that has been requested has been provided

#mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net == the best mIRC help channel
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You disagree? If so, please provide references where information was requested from the OP, in regards to this topic, and the OP has not provided the information.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'll not provide anything, and yes of course i disagree, i'm not saying it's your fault or the OP fault, i'm just saying that wrong questions have been asked to the OP and it took 32 replies to state that finally, we were not aware about how his protect list was, the most important thing.
And now, the only solution you gave him is that he should change his "stored method" simply to make the code easier.Again i'm not saying it's bad or something like that.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hmm.. You say that you disagree that the OP has provided information that has been requested, yet you're unwilling or unable to substantiate this. As to the format for the protect list
Originally Posted By: RusselB
1) Please ensure that you do have the addresses in the protect list set to match the same format as $fulladdress (ie:nick!user@host)

Aside from that, I see nothing wrong with your code.

can you tell me please how to check this?
the addresses in my protect list are like: some*!*@*

At this point, the OP has given a specific format that the protect list is in. It's not until much later that it's revealed that this is, in fact, only one of the formats that the protect list uses.

And now, the only solution you gave him is that he should change his "stored method" simply to make the code easier.
-- Did you completely miss the code I appended to that message? Also, that was a suggestion, since, if the OP wanted other scripts that also referenced the protect list, they are easier to write if one format is used in the protect list, rather than multiple formats.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I disagree about the whole thing, bot about what you said.You have asked some information and the OP gave you only one part of the info since there are multiple format in his protect list.My post was not against you, rather against the OP but i already said that he should have gave better information.

Did you completely miss the code I appended to that message? Also, that was a suggestion, since, if the OP wanted other scripts that also referenced the protect list, they are easier to write if one format is used in the protect list, rather than multiple formats.
Yes, i don't even read your code.I've simply read the part when you suggest him to use only one format.It is true that it would make thing easier for him, but it's not what he was looking for at the beginning.

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Originally Posted By: RusselB

alias msg2 {
  if $chan && $$1 {
    var %a = 1, %b = $nick($chan,0)
    while %a <= %b {
      set %msg2 $addtok(%msg2,$nick($chan,%a),44)
      var %c = 0, %d = 19
      while %c <= %d {
        if $protect($address($nick($chan,%a),%c)) {
          set %msg2 $remtok(%msg2,$nick($chan,%a),1,44)
        if $ignore($address($nick($chan,%a),%c)) {
          set %msg2 $remtok(%msg2,$nick($chan,%a),1,44)
        inc %c
      inc %a
    .msg %msg2 $1-

Usage: /msg2 common message here

I get this error:
* /set: line too long (line 557, script.ini)

I don't understand about the protect reference, you may tell me what to do about this, thanks

Last edited by nataliad; 18/08/08 01:21 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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First off, there's no need for you to have this at the end of another script. I suggest loading it into a new/empty remote page/file in the Script editor, then try it again, as it's hard for me to know just which line is causing the problem when the line number that is referenced is higher than the total number of lines in the code.

I also just spotted one small possible problem, which can be taken care of by putting
unset %msg2
just after the
alias msg2 {

Unless you're in a huge channel, this should handle that problem.
GTW: This is another good reason for upgrading, as mIRC 6.3 (I think) and above allow for more information to be stored in the variable names before that error message occurs.

Before 6.3 variables were limited to about 900 characters, after that they can hold about 4000. A significant increase, especially for a code like this.

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