Work regexp in mIRCs highlight function
It does since v. 6.3:
80.Moved highlight dialog to address book and added regex support.
Open the address book (alt-b), go to the highlight tab > add, enter a regular expression and check the regex checkbox (and maybe other highlight options you'd like to apply).

- highlight text (regex): /[A-Z]\d{3}/
- checked: regex, case sensitive, match on message
- matches messages: A321 or X00000 or TEST7777TEST ...
- no match on messages: b123 or A12B3 or [1234] ...
I will have this in regexp ‹‹new›› ‹‹series››
What in detail do you want to match?
*<<new>> <<series>>*
<<*>> <<*>>
or something else? Maybe theree's no need for a regular expression at all...