I've been on a channel successfully for a while but now can't get on. If I can connect there's only me there but I know other people are on because I have other ways of contacting them to see what's going on.
are you sure youre always connecting to correct network ?
I have a message MOTD is missing in the loading script
MOTD has nothing to do with script :P
MOTD is Server/Network side and doesnt have anything with your problem... (coz its just some crap message displayed when you connect)
Other servers either won't connect or if they do it's only me there!
or youre on wrong network or network has net-split problems
and some servers may be desynched from others (which would explain why you dont see others)
either way, ask your friends to give you exact name
of server on which they are on and connect to IT directly
by typing the full name of server instead of general network adress