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Joined: Jan 2008
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dassa Offline OP
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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I have tried this on my own and not gotten very far and was wondering if anyone can spare a few moments to assist. I am looking for a script to connect to image shack download the image (to the urs extension specified) and place it in my mirc directory. Is there any easy way of doing this?

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Jan 2004
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The problem with your request is you're not talking about the specific, but to the general, and how badly people can interpret your request.

An example of this is if you wanted to download teen porn from ImageShack, then most of the people here will reply that they won't help you because mIRC isn't meant to do that.

But if we taught you how to download from any url, you could then use the same trick to download .mp3 files rather than .jpg, or other files that could be illegal, which we wouldn't want to help you with, or even harmful to your computer, like .exe files which could be viruses.

So how hard is it to right-click an image and save target as?

Or maybe you want to mass download a bunch of files.

But as far as using in-line images, you can just /run iexplore.exe $1 or whatever you use. There's also the /url -a command. Basically, you open up a browser to go to the page, and the image would be stored in your cache. If you want to open with Firefox, though, you will need some on hotlink events.


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Or maybe he just wants to download an image?

Going by your logic we should stop helping people connect to IRC just in case people use it for filesharing.

OP, to answer your question, the easiest way (imo) would be use this brilliant alias by FiberOPtics:

; Author:    FiberOPtics - mirc.fiberoptics@gmail.com
; Usage:    $download(exportfile, HEAD, url)
;            $download(exportfile, GET,  url, 1-3 [,headers])
;            $download(exportfile, POST, url, 1-3, postdata [,headers])
; Info    - Allows you to download HTML/XML/data from http urls just like you would do with sockets.
;            The data refers to files like .exe, .zip, pictures, movies etc. basically anything that
;            is not in text format, rather binary format. Unlike with sockets, usually no headers
;            will have to be specified, the code will find out itself what to send to the server.
;            This does not work for downloading from ftp locations.
;          - $download() returns $false if nothing has been written to the exportfile, or
;            if an error has occured during the download process. The error code and description
;            (if any) are echoed to the active window. $download() returns $true in all other cases.
;          - $download() will pause the current thread until all data has been downloaded, before
;            continuing the code following it. It does however not freeze mIRC. This allows you to code
;            the download process in one single alias, with the code to parse the retrieved data. Code
;            examples can be found at the end of the documentation.
;            If you want to download something that is triggered in an on text event, then specify a
;            timer or signal, so that $download() is initiated on another thread.
;            on *:text:!download &:#chan: set %download.url $2 | .timer 1 0 myalias
;            alias myalias ...
;            Note: Do not pass $2 as a parameter to the timer, because it would be evaluated twice,
;                  once when setting the timer, and once when triggering the timer. This means someone
;                  with bad intentions could exploit you by typing !download <bad identifier>
;                  This is not related to the snippet, but I thought I should mention it anyway.
;            on *:text:!download &:#chan: signal getfile $2
;            on *:signal:getfile: ...
;          - Note that this identifier is made primarily to be used to retrieve HTML/XML for parsing,
;            and the downloading of small files. It will normally work well on downloading bigger files
;            as well. In my tests I successfully downloaded a 33MB .exe from a http location. However,
;            there is no caching of any kind, so if something happens to either your connection, or the
;            server's connection, then you will lose all your data. Therefore it is advised not to
;            use it to download big files.
;          - Unfortunately, due to current mIRC limitations, this snippet relies on the running
;            of VBScript in a .vbs file. This offers both positive and negative points:
;            * Positive is that the snippet waits to continue processing until all data has
;              been received, making code for retrieving data/html source very easy, as all code
;              can be put in one small alias.
;            * Another advantage is that any file transfer that you have initiated in mIRC with
;              $download, doesn't need mIRC to do the actual downloading. That means even if you
;              close your mIRC, the downloads will continue and saved to the correct file when finished.
;            * On the other hand, the executing of a .vbs file may tick off certain AVG or anti-spyware
;              programs. I know for a fact that Microsoft anti-spyware software will complain about
;              this if you have this setting enabled. Nothing I can do about it.
;        -  The COM object that takes care of downloading will remain open until the data has been
;            received. This means that it may be open for quite a while for downloading files, so be
;            careful that you don't accidentally close all COM objects. The connection wouldn't be lost,
;            but you wouldn't know anymore when it is finished, and the .vbs file wouldn't be deleted.
; Requires:  mIRC 6.0, Windows ME or higher
; Install:  This is a snippet with the alias prefix, which must be copy/pasted to the Remote tab
;            in the Scripts Editor. alt+r -> tab "Remote" -> paste
; Params:
;        1) Exportfile
;        --------------
;        The retrieved data will be written to this file. You either specify the full path to the file
;        like: c:\some folder\myfile.jpg, or you just specify a filename like htmlsource.txt which will
;        then be saved in your main mIRC folder. You don't need to include the " " on filepaths with
;        spaces in it, as the snippet takes care of this already.
;        2) GET, HEAD, POST
;        ------------------
;        The server will respond with headers followed by data when specifying GET/POST
;        The server will respond with only the headers when specifying HEAD.
;        When specifying POST, the postdata should be put in the 5th parameter.
;        3) URL
;        -------
;        This is the actual url to the file/site that you want to download. Note that you can only
;        specify urls that start with http:// The snippet will prefix your url with http:// if it
;        doesn't contain it. It is very important to specify the correct full url to get the best
;        results. In other words, specify http://www.winamp.com/ instead of winamp.com or something.
;        Note that the snippet does not support downloading from an ftp, just http links!
;        4) Bitmask (1-3)
;        ----------------
;        This parameter is a numeric value between 1 and 3, which specifies what you want to download:
;        1 = headers
;        2 = body
;        3 = both   
;        Note that because of this bitmask, you could specify a GET operation with bitmask 1,
;        which would only write the headers to the exportfile, thus simulating a HEAD. However,
;        the load on the server is bigger because a GET downloads both headers and data, whereas
;        a HEAD only retrieves the headers.
;        When downloading binary data like .exe, .zip, .rar, .dll, .jpg etc. files, you should
;        only specify bitmask 2. Your file would otherwise be corrupted when you try to /run <file>
;        because the headers are not part of the data, thus shouldn't be included. You can of course
;        specify 3 to watch the headers, but you will need to remove them from the file before
;        trying to execute this file.
;        5) Headers
;        ----------
;        As stated, you will usually not need to specify any header (not even Host: <the host>) as
;        the snippet will figure this out by itsself usually. I added the option nevertheless to
;        specify headers when necessary. It's possible of course that you need to add in some
;        extra headers like cookie data etc. The format is:
;        Label: value 
;        To specify multiple headers seperate them by linefeeds ($lf)
;        -> Cookie: <some cookie> $lf Connection: close
;        Note that I am automatically adding the following header with each method:
;        -> User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
;        In the case of a POST I am automatically adding the header:
;        -> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
;        Note that in case of a POST, the headers go in the 6th parameter, as the 5th is then preserved
;        for the postdata.
;      - Code samples (demonstrative):
;        -----------------------------
;        alias showfile loadbuf $iif($active != status window,-pi $ifmatch,-spi)
;        var %url = http://www.mirc.com/
;        if ($download(mirc_com.txt, GET, %url, 3)) showfile mirc_com.txt
;        var %url = http://mirc.stealth.net/download/mirc616.exe
;        if ($download(mirc616.exe, GET, %url , 2)) run mirc616.exe
;        var %url = http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=mirc
;        if (!$download(google.txt, GET, %url, 2)) echo -a Error querying google, try again.
;        else showfile google.txt
;        var %url = http://www.mircscripts.org/download.php?id=2930&type=2
;        if (!$download(checkgmail.zip, GET, %url, 2)) echo -a Error downloading checkgmail.zip
;        else run checkgmail.zip
;        var %url = http://www.foxnews.com/xmlfeed/rss/0,4313,1,00.rss
;        if ($download(foxnews.txt, GET, %url, 3)) showfile foxnews.txt
;        var %url = http://www.mirc.net/pictures/7ddab9fb3897453e8fee89b49d366ac4369e10ad.jpg
;        if ($download(fiberoptics.jpg, GET, %url, 2)) run fiberoptics.jpg
;        var %url = http://www.jobpredictor.com/jobbodynew.asp
;        var %postdata = email=fiberoptics&submit3=Submit+for+jobprediction
;        if ($download(predict.txt, POST, %url, 3, %postdata)) showfile predict.txt
;        var %url = http://world.altavista.com/tr
;        var %postdata = doit=done&intl=1&tt=urltext&trtext=this+is+a+test&lp=en_nl&btnTrTxt=Translate
;        if ($download(translate.txt, POST, %url, 3, %postdata)) showfile translate.txt

alias download {
  var %r = $(|,) return $false, %e = scon -r !echo $color(info) -a $!!download: Error -
  if (!$isid) %e this snippet can only be called as an identifier. %r
  if ($os isin 9598) %e this snippet requires Windows ME or higher. %r
  if ($version < 6) %e this snippet requires mIRC version 6.0 or higher. %r
  var %dir = $nofile($1), %file = $nopath($1), %method = $upper($2), %url = $3
  var %bit = $4, %headers = $iif($2 == get,$5,$6), %postdata = " $+ $5", %res
  if (* !iswm %file) %e you must specify a file to save the data to. %r
  if (%file != $mkfn(%file)) %e file %file contains illegal characters. %r
  if (* !iswm %dir) %dir = $mircdir
  elseif (!$isdir(%dir)) %e no such folder %dir %r
  if (!$istok(get head post,$2,32)) %e method can only be GET, HEAD or POST. %r
  if (!$regex(%e,$3,/^\S+\.\S+\.\S+$/)) %e you didn't specify an url to download from. %r
  if ($2 != head) {
    if ($4 !isnum 1-3) %e bitmask should be a digit in range 1-3. %r
    if ($2 == post) && (* !iswm $5) %e you didn't specify any post data. %r
    if (%headers) && (!$regsub(%e,%headers,/(\S+?): (.+?)(?=\s?\n|$)/g,"\1" $chr(44) "\2",%headers)) {
      %e bad header syntax. Correct -> Label: value seperated by $!!lf's %r
  var %file = $+(",%dir,%file,"), %id = $+(@download,$ticks,$r(1111,9999),.vbs), %a = aline %id
  if (http://* !iswm $3) %url = http:// $+ $3
  .comopen %id wscript.shell
  if ($comerr) %e could not open Wscript.Shell. %r
  write -c %file
  window -h %id
  %a on error resume next 
  %a sub quit $lf set http = nothing : set ado = nothing : wscript.quit $lf end sub
  %a sub errmsg
  %a set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
  %a set file = fso.createtextfile( %file ,true)
  %a file.write("Err number: " & err.number & " = " & err.description) : file.close
  %a set fso = nothing
  %a quit
  %a end sub
  %a arr = array("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1","winhttp.winhttprequest","msxml2.serverxmlhttp","microsoft.xmlhttp")
  %a i = 0 $lf while i < 4 and not isobject(http) : set http = createobject(arr(i)) : i = i + 1 : wend
  %a if not isobject(http) then errmsg
  %a err.clear
  %a http.open $+(",%method,") , $+(",%url,") ,false
  %a http.setrequestheader "User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"
  if (%headers) { tokenize 10 %headers | scon -r %a http.setrequestheader $* }
  if (%method == post) {
    %a http.setrequestheader "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    %a http.send %postdata
  else %a http.send
  %a if err then errmsg
  %a set ado = createobject("adodb.stream")
  %a if not isobject(ado) then errmsg
  %a ado.open
  if (%bit != 2) {
    %a ado.type = 2 : ado.charset = "ascii"
    %a ado.writetext "HTTP/1.1 " & http.status & " " & http.statustext,1
    %a ado.writetext http.getallresponseheaders,1 : ado.position = 0
  if (%bit != 1) %a ado.type = 1 : ado.read : ado.write http.responsebody
  %a ado.savetofile %file ,2 : ado.close : quit
  savebuf %id %id
  close -@ %id
  .comclose %id $com(%id,run,1,bstr*,%id,uint,0,bool,true)
  .remove %id
  %res = $read(%file,t,1)
  if (Err number:*=* iswm %res) || (!$file(%file)) %e $iif(%res,%res,no data could be retrieved) - %url %r
  return $true
  if ($com(%id)) .comclose %id
  if ($isfile(%id)) .remove %id
  if ($window(%id)) close -@ %id
  return $false

With this script it's as simple as:

alias getimage noop $download($gettok($1,-1,47),GET,$1,2)

/getimage <link>

Joined: Jan 2008
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dassa Offline OP
Ameglian cow
OP Offline
Ameglian cow
Joined: Jan 2008
Posts: 22
Hi Hixxy

Yes. I just wanted to download an image.

Not that i should have to justify myself for requesting a script but i will explain why i needed it. I have a script which uses dialogs and has an icon to spruce up the dialog, i wanted mIRC to check on start if (!$isfile(icon.png)) to download the icon automatically from imageshack.

I have played with the alias you gave me and its working perfectly. Its always refreshing to see you active on the forums with your expertise and way of thinking.

Thank-You kindly

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No probs blush

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