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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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When i type /catch.dcc.send all i get is this
* Debug output on (nul)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No kidding? really?
Did you do this as well.... * a good test is to dcc send yourself something, and see if the port number stays the same, if it changes its liekly your router altered it.
you have to then have dcc sends/gets occur, thats what it catches.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I dcced myself few times and got files off people and it seemed to stay around port 1036, but i don't believe my router is having problems.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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when u dcc'ed yourself was the port number the same on the ".to." and the "from" ?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Yep it was, posted the log here [4:06 am] DCC SEND .to. PRIVMSG of versions.txt 1370683332 1035 54291 [4:06 am] DCC SEND from PRIVMSG of versions.txt 1370683332 1035 54291 By the way someone told me the reason for the low CPS then it dropping is that mirc loses track of the ip address connection or something along that lines, if this is due to port ranges would i be better off opening more ports then i have set? By the way, i tried sending a file to my friend and again it's sending around 1.89 KB then it stays at 0.00 KB then drops and then says Incomplete in the status window, sadly doesn't say the ports it used as it wasn't a completed send but a send failed. Still not sure if this is a mirc bug, a problem my end or the problem their end.
Last edited by Kev_Uk; 21/03/06 04:16 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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[4:06 am] DCC SEND .to. PRIVMSG of versions.txt 1370683332 1035 54291 [4:06 am] DCC SEND from PRIVMSG of versions.txt 1370683332 1035 54291 lol, gotta love how you took the username out, but left something else of far more direct significants in :-) { those that know well know already those that dont Well u just dont need to know } Anyway, i think your DCC sends are fine from that info above, you dont have any router port changing issues. You do of course have the issues with slow/dying sends, this problem I dont think is with mirc "loosing track" more like the connection being lost, your end just sits there waiting and waiting, with the speed (an average) decreasing as it waits until its 0.00kbs for a bit then it gives up and says its a fail. I would suggest you try a dcc chat to this friend and see how long you can mantain that. Maybe in the editbox of the dcc chat run this command to keep something active being said /timer 0 30 say keep active text at $time See if this is maintainable. This might not really proove anything, but i think it would be interesting if it does fail at about the same type of time frame. Its also possable for ISP's to detect the type of connections you have and limit the speed of them, this some "evil" isp's do, and base there right to do so on that "well a dcc send ment you had a server running and thats a breach of your connection agreement" <--- that was tried on me once, i asked them to proove i didnt just dcc send someone a file, which they couldnt do, the problem quickly disapeared. The other option is to try your end using a different pc and see if dcc send/gets can maintain at high speeds, which would say your OS is dodgy.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Not sure what you mean took the username out, that's how it pasted in the status window.
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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hi, since a few days I have a problem with receiving files from mIRC... I'm using irc for more than 2 years now and there have never been any problems. whenever I try to download a file (e.g. zip) there is a note which says: "the file has been rejected. If you wish to accept this type of file, you must add it to your list of acceptable files." BUT, where is that list???  I never had problems with IRC and I didn't change anything in the options, so why am I not able to receive my files??? is there anyone out there who can help me? Please? 
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Press Alt + O, then look in the Treeview for something like "DCC" its under "Connect, IRC, Sounds, Mouse, DCC" then look for "Ignore" underneath "Options, Folders, Ignore" ...
There is a drop combo called "Method:" then click the Drop down box, to "Accept only" then you will see a list window with *.bmp for example and so on, look for the button "Add" then you need to add "*.zip" which is in the text box, then click on Add, more that likely its all ready in that list of accept only files.
What I have is, "Method"... "Disabled"... this is WHAT I have, its not a suggestion to what you should use, as you should know, some files are viruses, Blah Blah Blah
Last edited by Skeletor; 01/05/06 09:54 PM.
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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can anybody help me with connecting to mIRC with a linksys router??? I've tried EVERYTHING clubfxr@sirinet.net
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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You are probably run behind a NAT firewall, in that case you need to either turn it off (Bad Idea) or enable port forwarding for a port range of 6667-7000.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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why would u need to forward the port 6667 to the pc? i mean u connect OUT that port.
Honestly the person was a bit vague tho on what his problem is.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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True, but on my Router, I needed to add the mIRC ports, as it would not connect without them.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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When I moved here I immdetatly stopped from being able to send anything out. Could it be that bellsouth is keeping me from sending? Oh and I have a westell 6100 router.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You have to configure your router correctly (and possibly your firewall). Use http://www.portforward.com/ for help doing so.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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My DCC problem is not uniform. I am able to send files to some users without problems but others do not see the files waiting and normally they end up failing the connection or timed out. It seems to be related to how the users have their settings. I read the many reasons given but I am not sure I identify a problem like mine. Please suggest.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If people block DCCs or specific file types, they will not receive what you send. There's nothing you can do about that other than ask them to change their DCC ignore settings.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Coding scripts for making DCC eas(ier) is brilliant. However, needless to say that it would be awesome if Khaled Mardam-Bey implemented DLNA/UPnP/NAT-PMP support for the client, since 95% of the users are behind NAT routers nowadays. It's not the nineties anymore, and the caution for security breach is not a real issue anymore. Things have been patched up, world-wide..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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UPnP is already available in mIRC 7 beta.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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go to tools/options/connect/ident make sure 113 is in the port box and show ident request box is checked and enable only when connecting box is checked and remember when you set ports u need to set to the computers ip get computer ip by typing--> /run cmd a black box will open in that box type --> ipconfig look for ipv4 use that ip in router some cases you will have to use--> /run command instead of--> /run cmd to close that balck box type--> exit and if all fails and you are useing a newer mirc like 6.31 or higher use the passive dcc in the channel type--> dcc passive on now you can dcc chat and dcc send and remember only portforward dcc ports like 5001 - 5010 the other are mirc ports port u need Set 59,113 and 6060 as public, range 5001-5010 can be set as private if router allows, server Protocol on all is TCP. irc ports 113 = identd 6667 = irc connect 59 and 6060 = listen ports 5001 to 5010 = send ports so only forward the send ports 5001 - 5010 if you use the --> /dcc passive on command dont mess with the router you wont need to good luck
Last edited by NufSaid; 05/02/11 10:54 AM.