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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Many ISP's have problem with there connections now, maybe thats your problem. so wait and see if it get solved by it self.
ISP = Internet Service Provider
Last edited by Mentality; 26/12/04 10:32 AM.
if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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sorry if this issue has already been addressed on the board but this section is so big i couldnt read it all! The problem is that i can connect from my house using my laptop, but when i bring the same laptop down to my uni house and attempt to connect i get the following: Your username is invalid. Connect with your real username, in lowercase. If your mail address were foo@bar.com, your username would be foo. is there anybody out there you can give me some advice? it'd be much appreciated 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That's why there's a search feature  See the enable identd sticky thread just below this one, it has information on that error. Regards,
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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haha thanks for that mate, very rapido response! i'l search next time, didnt kno u could ....im quite new around these parts :tongue:
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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I get 'You are infected with a trojan, please clean your PC (ID: 4)' error. Pleae help me guys...i got no viruses i checked 
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Does anyone know why i keep getting this?Sometimes I can connect but most of the time its like that.
* Connecting to irc.rizon.net (6662) - Local host: VALUED-664B84C7 ( - -irc.rizon.net- *** Looking up your hostname... - * Identd request from - -irc.rizon.net- *** Checking Ident - -irc.rizon.net- *** Found your hostname - * Identd replied: 1347, 6662 : USERID : UNIX : gundamseed - -irc.rizon.net- *** Got Ident response - -irc.gamepad.ca- *** Banned Invalid username (2004/11/27 03.33) - Closing Link: (*** Banned )
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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when i try to sign on it says unable to connect to server (permission denied) what do I ?? 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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first, have you tried other servers or even other networks? go to the networks website (usually easily found using google.com) and check out their current server list. suppose they show a server named irc.dudley.net, you would type in your main mIRC window /server irc.dudley.net (dont forget the /) For info about other networks to try, check out sites like www.searchirc.com
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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ok so i connected at my house but now im at college and i dunno if there is a firewall up on their server or what but i cant get on and it says connection interupted
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Having a problem trying to connect to tmd moviez, it is /server irc.criten.net. Comes up Unable to connect to server, connection timed out? Can someone help me? No firewall or anything like that, done everything i was supposed to do in options menu. And still no clue, running on T3 line.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC is not for file trading, that group is known specifically for trading illegal files and we don't help with it here. Consider it a blessing, not a curse, mIRC's saving you from yourself!  Regards,
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Mostly harmless
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ok so i connected at my house but now im at college and i dunno if there is a firewall up on their server or what but i cant get on and it says connection interupted i have this same exact problem...could connect from home a few hours ago...but now that i'm at college i cant connect to anything suggestions?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Colleges and universities (Etc.) usually have firewalls setup across the network. You will need to speak to the network administrator of your college and ask him/her if they can allow IRC access.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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regardless of what server i try connecting to i always get this:
unable to connect to server (software caused connection abort)
i talked to my college network admin, he said the college network is not the problem as he just connected to some of the same MIRC servers i was unable to connect to.
I turned my windows firewall off, same problem. any ideas on what the problem could be?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Have you looked at the Software caused connection abort sticky thread, that's almost everything we have on the topic. It can occur for a lot of reasons and sometimes it's specific to your computer setup, meaning there's not much we can suggest other than what others have reported (which is all in that thread). Hope you get it sorted. If you sort it out, and it ends up being nothing in that thread, do feel free to contribute it - your solution may help others  Regards,
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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thanks for your help, i changed to 6670 and just a different error message. I looked into some other networks, most still gave me the same error, but now i'm finding a few networks who's servers do work. I guess i'll be content with only a few working.
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Mostly harmless
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Ok, I don't have time to read all these 1000 posts lol, so here it goes nice and simple, I use Packetnews.com and when i click on a packet it wont connect to mIRC no matter which one i go to none of them will connect to the server, I thought maybe it is was down for a day or 2 but its been goin on for like a week. Thanks, anyone who can help me out email me at dominicanpapi809@aol.com and let me know, I appreciate it. Fred
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Mostly harmless
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Hi peeps. im running a network at home. Network is running fine.... website browsing works. When i configure mirc from the client pc i get "unable to connect to firewall"
Using win 98 SE mirc 5.91
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Ok, I have a really strange error that I haven't found anywhere else on this thread.
My mIRC won't connect unless the mIRC folder is put in another specific folder and is named mIRC. This isn't a problem when I do my usual chatting. Now I'm experimenting a little with a bot, but to run this bot and have the possibility to test it I have to connect to mIRC from two different folders (right?). One for my own user and one for the bot. This is not possible. The error message I get is:
* Connect retry #96 elsene.be.eu.undernet.org (6668) - * Unable to connect to server (Socket is not connected) - * Connect retry #97 (6668) - * Unable to connect to server (Socket is not connected) -
and so on...
I've tried to delete and reinstall several times but the same error occurs. It's not because of the bot, it doesn't matter if scripts are used or not. I'm not using firewalls. I've tried many different servers. All goes fine with my original mIRC, but the mIRC which is in "wrong" folder can never connect.
I'm using mIRC 6.16 and winxp.
Does anyone have an idea?
Last edited by nils; 09/03/05 12:36 AM.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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I am running Zone Alarm Pro with Mirc 6.1 and when i try to connect to a server lately i get this error message, 'Firewall: Unable to find firewall address' what does this mean and why did it start all of the sudden?