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when i try to log on it says this * Connecting to gaming.windfyre.net (6667) - * Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out) - * Connect retry #1 gaming.windfyre.net (6667) - * Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)....so on and so forth! What do I do???
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I can't get on that server either, it is probably down.
Try another server on the network (if there is one) or wait to see if it comes back up.
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* Dns resolving irc.mircx.com - * Dns resolved irc.mircx.com to - * Connecting to (6667) - * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused) - * Connect retry #1 (6667) - * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
This goes on forever and ever, or rather, until it hits 99 retries and stops.
It's only started doing this the past few days, and only for the irc.mircx.com server. I can connect to kechara.sorcery.net (the other server I use) just fine.
I am on a router with my roommate, we are not on an uni line, and I know for a fact that my computer is not firewalled. She is having the same problems I am. My roomie thought it was the BitTorrents we had going and suggested we connect to IRC when we didn't have any running, but that didn't solve our problem at all.
Is the mircx server just down or could it be something wrong on our end?
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I have the same problems as Tohma. I can connect to any other server just fine but not mircx.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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When you can get on other networks/servers but not one in particular, logically that indicates the problem is with that network/server. It isnt uncommon for networks/servers to have problems and be hard or impossible to get on for a period of time. Since several ppl have reported the exact same problem over the past few days with mircx, i'd check on their website for any info about it.
mIRC isnt connected with the administration of any network, so we cant know whats going on behind the scenes any more than you can.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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I cannot connect to any server and any attempt to gets me this message:
[10053] Software caused connection abort
I understand from the common connection errors that this is a problem with my machine, but am unsure as to go about fixing the problem. Any suggestions?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Unfortunately, there is not a known 100% certain "fix" for it. You can however, try reading this sticky thread (which is just a few below this one  ) or try this post. G'luck! Regards,
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Hi. I'm having a little problem connecting through my firewall. It's "McAfee Personal Firewall +", which to the best of my knowledge hasn't been mentioned here before.
I've messed with the firewall settings, but nothing seems to work, and I tried every port from 6667-7001. I'm assuming that basically means I'm screwed if I can't change which ports my firewall is blocking, but I thought I'd check with you guys to see if there is any way around this. Thanks for your time.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, I don't use McAffee, but make sure that you have no other firewalls enabled because they may be clashing. If you have XP make sure you disable its firewall - see these instructions. Otherwise, try the McAfee support FAQ or ask their support team a question. G'luck! Regards,
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ok I need som help here.. I was online for like 13 hours last night on galaxynet and when I wake up and try to connect today I get this?!? : [09:51] * Connecting to irc.galaxynet.org (7000) - [09:51] -irc.galaxynet.org- *** Looking up your hostname - [09:51] -irc.galaxynet.org- *** Checking for ident server - [09:51] -irc.galaxynet.org- *** Found your hostname - [09:53] Ping? Pong! - MOTD File is missing - Connection from your host is refused on this server. - [09:53] Closing Link: |Miwe|[] by lostworld.us.galaxynet.org (K-lined) - [09:53] * Disconnected - * /msg: not connected to server - * /join: not connected to server [09:53] * Connect retry #1 (7000) - [09:53] - *** Looking up your hostname - [09:53] - *** Checking for ident server - [09:53] - *** No identification response - [09:53] - *** Found your hostname - [09:53] Ping? Pong! - l-15 drones. - [09:53] Closing Link: |Miwe|[] by relaychat.us.galaxynet.org (K-lined) HEEEEELP! PLZ ?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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A K-line is a ban from a server. In this case a reason is not specified, to it is impossible for us to tell you why. You might want to try another server and see if you can connect then - see GalaxyNet's server list. Remember that the K-line may not be aimed at you, it could just be aimed at someone else who uses your ISP (Internet Service Provider). For example, if you are with AOL, your hostname might be ABC5D12B.ipt. aol.com. If a K-line is set on *aol.com then anyone who's hostname ends with 'aol.com' (i.e. any customers of AOL) is affected. This works with all hostnames, not just AOL (this is just an example). As for us on these boards, there is nothing we can do about it. Connecting to a server is a priviledge, not a right - you can be k-lined from any server at any point, without prior notice or warning, and with no reason. This is of course a rarity as people want users to come to their networks, but it's valid. Read http://www.mirc.co.uk/help/conflicts.html. You should also see this sticky thread. G'luck in getting reconnected  Regards,
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Self-satisified door
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help it will not allow me to connect to anything
if im gunna die 4 a word.... its gunnabe pontang
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hi there, In order for us to help you, you will need to post what error message you are receiving. Make sure you read all the posts in this thread and see if anything applies to you. Also include: 1) What version of mIRC you are using. 2) What Operating System (95, 98, XP, ME etc) you are using. 3) If you have any Firewalls installed. 4) If you are using a router, and what make. Also make sure you read the Common IRC Errors post and run a Forum Search. With the search feature make sure you expand to 'All Forums' and 'All Posts' for best results - also make sure you use concise search terms. Finally, make sure you try to connect to multiple servers/networks to see if it's a problem with a specific server/network or if it really is "anything". Regards,
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Self-satisified door
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1) What version of mIRC you are using.
2) What Operating System (95, 98, XP, ME etc) you are using.
xp pro
3) If you have any Firewalls installed.
yes norton 2004 and zone alarm (but has worked fine with both of these before)
4) If you are using a router, and what make.
if im gunna die 4 a word.... its gunnabe pontang
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Zone Alarm shouldn't be an issue, but disable it just incase. Norton Personal Firewall should prevent IRC access but gives you an option to allow connections when you try and connect (first time) - if you've done this, again, no problems should occur. However, once again, disable this to make sure it's not the issue.
So, now that you have both ZA and Norton disabled, try and connect.
If it still does not connect you need to include the error message you are receiving.
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Self-satisified door
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i uninstalled zone alarm its worked with norton b4 so no changes there
the error is [17:52] * Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out) - [17:52] * Connect retry #1 irc.dal.net (6663)
thanks 4 helping me
if im gunna die 4 a word.... its gunnabe pontang
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Try another server address. Due to attacks that DALnet faced, and due to the fact that many attack bots are coded to point to the irc.dal.net address, DALnet closed off their main server pool. It does sometimes work I have found, but more often than not you will have problems with it. You can get a list of DALnet servers here, but I recommend serverpronto.dal.net for now. Hope this works! Regards,
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I get autokill when trying to connect on grnet. One operator said isp was banned for a year, 2 nights ago operator said would be fixed in 22 hours, then another said didn't know. I don't know much about computers other than go to the same chat room for years and NEVER had this problem before...HELP someone please...only way to keep up with my friends in Greece!!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Unfortunately, we on this board have no affiliation with any channel, server or network. We have no ability to remove any bans you may have on a network, nor any capability to inform you how long the ban is due to last. If the network staff cannot accurately inform you, then that is due to their own disorganization. I suggest checking out the network's website and finding the email address for the highest authority of the network (Often something like 'Executive Board' etc). Seeing as bans from networks are usually closer to 24/48 hours, try again in 22 hours as one of those IRC Operators said. Best of luck with getting back online  Regards,
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i really cannot connect to an irc server and i think its something with my acutal internet settings please help