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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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In most cases this is because you have tried to connect to a server that doesnt exist (perhaps you mistyped it) or is down. By using your favorite search engine, find the website for the network you are trying to connect to and look at their list of linked servers. Make a note of a few of them, (Since things change, the server list that comes with mIRC and even a networks website can be inaccurate at times) and try to connect to them by typing in your main mIRC window: /server theserver.info.here like: /server dudley.irc.net (thats a fake one so dont try it) Since it could be the entire network is down, try connecting to a different one to see if it works. Try turning your scripts off. Its possible that you/your isp are having dns probs, and you may need to connect to the ip rather than the domain name of the server. Like: /server 123.456.789.123 You can try getting that from /dns theserver.info.here (altho it may not work if you are having dns probs) or try checking their website. It could just be the server is full, try another one Some networks, like DALnet, have set their "round robin"/ Random (irc.dal.net), to not resolve correctly, so you will need to try connecting to a specific server. Again, check their websites or various sites on the web that keep track of server connections. (one site for DALnet servers is here and another is here ) Another possibility is that you have mIRC or the server ports blocked in firewall/router (yes, that includes the firewall in winxp). Server ports: 6660-6669, 7000-7001 and port 113 for identity If your connection is timing out, you could try in mIRCs options file(or view, depending on version)/options/connect/options click on RETRY and increase the line "if not connected in ___ secs" a little bit ( i use 60 secs) For details of other connection errors, please see this thread If the prob is 10053 (software caused disconnect) then do a search here, all forums, expand the date range, using 10053 as search term. This seems to be very common (especially during dcc for xp users). There isnt any one-solution-fits-all, but you will find things that have worked for others. More specifically, see if this sticky thread helps you out, it has almost all advice we can give.
Last edited by Mentality; 16/05/05 12:45 PM.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Closing Link: (name) by Extremity.CA.US.GamesNET.net (USER: Bad username)
thats the error that im getting on trying 2 connect 2 gamesnet east i dont know why that is... i cant even use my e-mail name how can i connect!?!?!?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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make sure what you are using in view/options/connect/identd and before the @ on the email addy line in connect are the same and all lower case letters without things like ^ or - gamesnet also has a website and forum where you can get help specific to their network, www.gamesnet.net
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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I try to connect to undernet and I always get the next mssg: Closing Link: NICK by Info.server.here (Too many connections from your host) And I dont know what to do... I cant deal with this anymore!
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Ok, what do I do when it says: Connecting to (6668) Unable to connect (Connection refused) ???
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i get the same thing with that ip, so i would guess its down or no longer connected or not for use. try: /server irc.webchat.org
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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the "Too many connections from your host" means there are too many ppl trying to connect from the same host. Undernet usually only allows 2-3 connections from the same host. Could be firewall/proxy/bnc or your isp showing too many ppl from the same host. check out their forum at http://www.undernet.org/forum/index.php
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Ok - ive got Mcafee Firewall Plus, and i blocked access of somethingy, and now my mirc wont connect, anyone help me out at all?
i get the "*** Unable to connect (Invalid argument)" Eror BTW
Thanx if u can.. if not... Thanx (i guess)
Last edited by sacrificeMMiii; 16/12/03 04:15 PM.
(¯`·._.·[sAcRiFiCe MMiii ]·._.·´¯)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Firstly, if you remember what it was you changed, simply change it back. Make sure you have port 6667 open, and preferably port 6667-7000 - you can only connect to the ports you have open and which are configured with the server (port 6667 is open for just about every server on IRC). Secondly, if there is a "Reset" or "Reset defaults" button with that Firewall, click it, then try to connect. If not, then only if you know how you can always try reinstalling the Firewall completely - there should be help files with that Firewall given the manufacturer, and that should have instructions on how to reinstall (or uninstall -> install). You can also click here for a technical explanation of that error message. A Search of the Forums will not do too much good I'm afraid, there have not been too many people with that error message (thought that might save you a little time). Good luck, hope you get connected, and happy chatting  Regards,
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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sunday december 21 i was on a chat room and my connection was close because of a software, i don't know what software close it but since that day i can't log in to the server, i ask other and says that its working, i have check the 4 servers and still no connection because of time out, the firewall is not the problem since i always have it, i have turn it off but still unable to connect, can someone help me?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It would be better to know: 1) What the error message is. 2) What version of mIRC you're using. 3) What version of Windows you're using. Remember, you can check out a number of error messages and their meanings here. You may also like to check for viruses and try and investigate what program might have caused the shut down. There are quite a few free trojan/virus scanners out there, including SwatIT and The Cleaner. A good virus scanner is Grisoft's AVG or for a free online scan, try Trendmicro. If you have mIRC 6.12 and Sys Reset script, delete Sys Reset and reboot. You can also run a Search and expand to 'All Forums' and 'All Posts' for best results. G'luck, hope you get online soon. Regards,
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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1: Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out) 2:6.12 and its registed 3: winxp familly edition i keep trying but i know that the server i want are online and i try like undernet but i still can't connect, i will try the other antivirus and see if the found anything.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It could be problems with your ISP, although if that were the case I would imagine other programs would be experiencing problems too (including Internet Explorer) Start > Control Panel > Network ConnectionsClick on the Internet connection you're currently using and see if the IP settings are correct. Right click it, and click 'Properties' and see if everything seems OK there. If you're unsure, phone up your ISP and check with them. Whilst you're talking to them you might want to inform them of your minor plight and see if they can help you. It could be that some sort of hardware settings were uninstalled or reset, especially if you're a cable user. You should by now have read and followed the instructions posted on my previous link to Merlin's post about common IRC error messages. To make sure, do them again "Check the obvious first: check that the destination address is a valid IP address. If you used a hostname, did it resolve to the correct address? If the hostname resolution uses a local host table, it's possible you resolved to an obsolete address. Can you ping that hostname?
Do you have a router configured? Is the router up and running (check by pinging it, and then ping an address on the other side of it)? Try a traceroute to the destination address to check that all the routers are functioning.
Check your subnet mask. If you don't have the proper subnet mask, your network system may treat a local address as a remote address (so it forwards addresses on the local subnet to the router, rather than broadcasting an ARP request locally), or visa versa." Your Subnet mask should be visible when you click on your Internet connection in the 'Network Connections' area I mentioned earlier in this post. I hope you manage to get your problem sorted soon :-) Regards,
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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the problem what pc-cillin 2003 with is firewall that was bloking any irc, now i got rid of it and put back my good old pc-cillin 2000 mirc is working fine.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Whoo hoo! Glad you got it sorted :-)
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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me it says "* Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)" ??
Sup all!
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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i think its because i am behind a firewall? but when i go to option's then firewall.. i dunno wat to do lol
Sup all!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You have posted this in more than one place. This is unnecessary. All you have to do is post your problem, and a volunteer helper will get to your post as quickly as possible  Collective has answered this issue, for those who'd like to contribute to the thread, it's here. Thought I'd post to save people wasting their time! Happy chatting  Regards,
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Try reading the thread I posted above. You may also like to read this post which gives information on that particular error message. Thirdly, try running a Search, as this has been mentioned many times before. Expand to 'All Forums' and 'All Posts' for best results  G'luck! Regards,