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Mostly harmless
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Mostly harmless
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Hi, I'm trying to get videos from videopimp, and I want to know how to get them. I understand those @find (something), but I don't know how it's done to download stuff.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The only thing I am gonna say is if you are going to download any content from someone off the internet don't use mIRC for it. Try using programs like Kazaa or Morpheus or iMesh...they are built specifically for that purpose. Also, don't forget the possiblility of receiving any viruses or trojans; be sure to constantly use an anti-virus scanner so that does not happen.

<insert further lecture of using mIRC for downloading and why you shouldn't be doing so>

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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<stuff the_game didn't want to say>
Sharing of copyrighted material such as movies, television shows, programs, and music is illegal. By asking us for help with it, you are asking us to be accessories to intellectual property theft. Would you go up to someone you never met and say "I'm robbing a bank, wanna help me?" Of course not, thats just ridiculous. But for some reason, when it comes to copyright infringment, everyone seems to think "everyone will want to help me commit a crime!" Well sorry to tell you, but you are wrong. If you want movies, television shows, programs, or music, try www.bestbuy.com, www.circuitcity.com, www.walmart.com or one of any number of other retailers.
</stuff the_game didn't want to say>

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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well said, TheGame and codemastr.

DaWickedOne: just in case you have any doubts, since what you asked for is illegal, against the acceptable use policy of some networks, puts you at risk of trojans/virii, and is not the intended use of mIRC (which is chatting) that is not something we will help with on this forum.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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see .. there's that word illegal again *sigh*

I guess I missed the part where he said "Hi, I'm trying to get illegal videos from videopimp"

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Its called copyright infringement....look it up!

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Post deleted by RoCk

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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there is no need to start turning things into a moral issue ... if u have nothing to add to help along this post then u are wasting everyones time by putting nothing there...... uve posted what 13 times and have yet to actually help anyone?? and anything uve asked uve done nothing but poke fun at the answers u are given? ... sorry to waste ur time u all knowing of everything that is IRC

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Post deleted by RoCk

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Whether it's illegal or not, if people consider it 'wrong' then they're not going to help. Clearly all the people that have replied so far do consider it wrong.

Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Post deleted by RoCk

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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well .. my point is, if they think it's wrong and are not going to help .. then they shouldn't reply at all .. don't you think ? As I said before .. nobody needs these people telling everybody else what is right & wrong.

ok ill say this alil slow so u can understand using your own logic to help u understand

if YOU are not going to HELP then YOU need to STOP posting

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mmmk .. and I just bet you're pc wouldn't have anything like that on it now would it .. uh huh

My pc is 100% warez free. Every mp3 I have was ripped directly from a CD that I purchased. Any software I have I paid for. As a software developer, I know what it feels like when people steal my work, I don't want to do the same to others.

well .. my point is, if they think it's wrong and are not going to help .. then they shouldn't reply at all

There is a different between right/wrong (morality) and legal/illegal (legality). Regardless of whether you agree with it, in the US, copyright infringment (including transfering warez or mp3s) is illegal. So why should we not tell him this? It is your opinion that if you see someone committing a crime, and they may very well not even know it is a crime, you shouldn't tell them? In the US there is an old legal saying, "ignorance is no excuse." If he got arrested for copyright infringment, he couldn't simply tell the police "I didn't know it was a crime," they don't care. Whereas, now that he has been informed that it is a crime, perhaps he will decide he doesn't want to do it, because before he didn't know it was a crime. If someone informed me of something I was doing wrong, I would be grateful, I wouldn't be angry. Thats like saying you see someone walking across the street with their eyes closed and you shouldn't say to them that it isn't a good idea simply because they don't want to be told they are wrong. Additionally, if you don't like to be told what is right/wrong I suggest you move to a remote island that no nation has claims to. One of the things a government does is decide what is right and wrong for its citizens. If you don't like that, either write your representitive, or leave the country, don't tell me I shouldn't point out someone elses error in an attempt to have them reform simply because you don't like the laws.

Furthermore, DaWickedOne has yet to reply saying "thanks for nothing" "I don't care whether it is illegal or not", or the like, so why do you feel the need to speak on his behalf? If he is dissatisfied with the answer we gave him, I'm sure he is more than capable of telling us himself rather than having you do it for him without his consent.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I wasn't turning anything into a moral issue...I was simply stating fact. So I may as well turn it into one. Filesharing of any, and I mean ANY content is in fact copyright infringement whether mIRC supports the ability or not. We on this board just simply state that this message board or mIRC in general does not support illegal activities. There is a time an place for that. Here isn't the place.

If you use mIRC for it don't tell anyone here because you will just start a never-ending argument. I suggest that you go and look up the following and any objectives listed:

1. Copyright Infringement
2. Illegal
3. Penalties under the law if caught
4. Learn what mIRC is and its primary purpose -or to save you the time, Chatting!
5. Where to complain about the above issues -Not here

If you don't agree with any of the above statements. I could care less. The fact of the matter is that anything that is received by you from someone else without purchasing it, is in fact an illegal copy of said content. You may be saying to yourself:

"mIRC supports it!"

Simple answer: So what! Illegal distribution isn't what Khaled intended the use for.

So unless you have anything helpful to pass on to other users then why do you bother to even register a nickname for these boards? Pointless.


in a big, dumb sounding voice mimicking The_Game: errrrr "Its called copyright infringement....look it up!"

Do you realize how stupid you made yourself look? Everyone else does...

grin --Do try to have a nice day!

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Babel fish
Babel fish
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to download anything "off" mIRC, someone else must send it to you. This technology is called DCC, Direct Client-to-Client connection. So your task is to find that "client" first.

When you use @find, or !list, or anything like that (such keywords are called "triggers"), you're actually asking if anyone has the stuff you need. Some people run scripts that automatically reply on your trigger with instructions how to obtain the file. You should read those, or just ask people in the same channel.

As for legal/illegal, that's nonsense. You asked for videos, and some of them are perfectly free. Besides, not everyone lives in the USA or its occupied countries, and laws are different throughout the planet.

Necroman, #mIRC @ Undernet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yes your right different countries have diifferent laws ...... basically it means the copywritten material has no right to protect itself ... in most cases these products dont even get imported to these countries for that very reason ...... now with the introduction of the internet these countries can now have access to this stuff freely ...... but that doesnt make it right ..... what it makes it is someone in one of these countries ws to get it where it is........ ok call it illegal or not illegal but however u may veiw it its then becomes a question of character ...... why take something from someone when its not yours ........ not to mention the virus factor in all this ... no one just starts giving things away out of the kindness of thier heart ......... NO ONE just a fact of life

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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"As for legal/illegal, that's nonsense. You asked for videos, and some of them are perfectly free. Besides, not everyone lives in the USA or its occupied countries, and laws are different throughout the planet. "

What on earth does where someone lives have to do with this? Does the fact that one country may not enforce another country's copyright laws make it all right? To say legal/illegal is nonsense is stating your opinion. It is your choice to ignore copyright infringement laws/network & provider AUP/trojan potential. Here, it is our policy to not aid someone in downloading movies/music/software for all the reasons stated elsewhere on this thread. If you choose to help someone in your channel to download/upload files in violation of laws, and in spite of Undernet's AUP that says "The Undernet IRC Network is under no circumstances to be used for illegal activities", again...thats your choice. Please respect our policies as we would yours.

I have no idea what videos you refer to that are "free" altho i'm not a copyright lawyer. The odds that the poster was in search of something that wouldnt violate copyright laws are slim. We arent trying to tell ppl what to do or dictate right/wrong, we are respecting laws and AUP.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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What on earth does where someone lives have to do with this?

If someone lives in a country where multimedia trading is NOT ILLEGAL, then it is LEGAL for him or her.

Does the fact that one country may not enforce another country's copyright laws make it all right?

Yes, it does.

In the USA, handguns are legalized. In Russia, they are not. Even if I think that an armed population is "not all right", I won't call you a criminal because you have different laws. I won't judge a man in the Netherlands for buying/selling drugs legally, for the same reason.

That's the difference between us.

To say legal/illegal is nonsense is stating your opinion. It is your choice to ignore copyright infringement laws/network & provider AUP/trojan potential. Here, it is our policy to not aid someone in downloading movies/music/software for all the reasons stated elsewhere on this thread.

What if I have videos of my sister's wedding ceremony, and would like to trade some? In that case, do I really need your careful censorship? Or did I ask anyone to protect me from trojans?

If you choose to help someone in your channel to download/upload files in violation of laws, and in spite of Undernet's AUP that says "The Undernet IRC Network is under no circumstances to be used for illegal activities", again...thats your choice.

Again, fileserving is a built-in technical feature of mIRC, and it has nothing to do with legal issues. The guy in question said nothing about illegal activities, he simply asked for help in downloading video files off mIRC. And got a whole load of moralistic comments.

If someone asks me to teach him to chop trees, I won't start a long Jesuistic discussion about "don't kill". I could simply help him, leaving him responsible for his own actions.

Please respect our policies as we would yours.

I can respect policies provided they are consistent and not hypocritical.

In the second comment, The_Game gives DIRECT ADVICE to "search in Kazaa, Morpheus, etc.", which are well-known networks for (illegal?) filesharing. And what is your response, ParaBrat?

"Well said".

Later, someone gives a remark that no "illegal" file trading has been mentioned, yet codemastr easily compares the original question with an invitation to rob a bank (???).

As long as mIRC supports the /fserve and /dcc commands, it supports file sharing, and any words regarding its "intended use" remain irrelevant.

Necroman, #mIRC @ Undernet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The US and it's "occupied nations"? Last I checked the United States is not occupying any nations, although I think this was meant to be a political stab at the war in Iraq which makes it just a ridiculous claim. And in any case, please tell me when the US "occupied" England, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Spain, etc, etc. Why do I say that? Because all of those nations (77 in total) signed the Berne convention, which states that all signatories are bound to enforce the copyrights of all other nations. And note, the US is a member, therefore all those 77 nations must respect the US's copyright laws, or else they are in violation of international law as prescribed by the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) a part of the UN. Additionally there is a treaty known as GATT (General Agreement on Tarrifs and Trade) set up by the WTO (World Trade Organization) and has 117 signatories also all agreeing to respect copyright laws. There is also the NAFTA charter which says that the US, Canada, and Mexico will all respect eachother's copyright laws. The Rome Convention, The Paris Convention, the WIPO Copyright Treaty. In all, these treaties covery about 95% of the world's nations, including almost every nation that is a member of the UN. Therefore saying these laws only apply to the US and it's "occupied nations" is but false and ridiculous. Before you make such claims, do your homework.

In the USA, handguns are legalized. In Russia, they are not. Even if I think that an armed population is "not all right", I won't call you a criminal because you have different laws. I won't judge a man in the Netherlands for buying/selling drugs legally, for the same reason.

That is something so unrelated it isn't even funny. You are talking about owning a gun and buying drugs as being comparable to stealing. They aren't the same. Go before a judge and say "Well Your Honor, I may have robbed the guy, but in Russia, they can't have guns, yet they won't consider us criminals in the US for having guns. Just the same there are nations that allow robbery, so why should I be considered a criminal?" At which point, in the best circumstances, you'd get off by reason of insanity, in the worst case, you'd be laughed out of the courtroom. If you are going to use an example, at least make it make sense.

Later, someone gives a remark that no "illegal" file trading has been mentioned, yet codemastr easily compares the original question with an invitation to rob a bank (???).

If you honestly think he was looking for videos of someone's wedding, then bluntly put, you are either trying to start an argument, or you are a fool. You know as well as we all do that he was intending to download illegal files. And if he wasn't, why doesn't he just come back and say "I want to download a friends videos, not illegal stuff, can you help me now?" But guess what? He never did that, and in my mind that means he realizes it is illegal and realizes we aren't going to help him with it. So stop playing Devil's Advocate, and just trying to prolong an argument where you have no basis, and admit he was trying to get illegal files.

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Babel fish
Babel fish
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The US and it's "occupied nations"? Last I checked the United States is not occupying any nations

Not nations, countries. And "not occupying" is just too funny to deserve a serious answer.

And in any case, please tell me when the US "occupied" England, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Spain, etc, etc.

Does your long list (apparently you did your homework well) claim that downloading any video files for personal entertainment or educational purposes is illegal in all countries in the world? Fortunately, it doesn't, which leaves you without the right to assume that your definitions of "legal" or "illegal" automatically apply to everybody.

You are talking about owning a gun and buying drugs as being comparable to stealing. They aren't the same.

I never said they were the same. Just like I never compared downloading video with robbing banks (though I know someone who did).

What I said was that things legal in one country might turn out illegal in another, and vice versa. The original poster may deserve a warning, but noway flames and prejudgement.

Go before a judge and say "Well Your Honor, I may have robbed the guy, but in Russia, they can't have guns, yet they won't consider us criminals in the US for having guns. Just the same there are nations that allow robbery, so why should I be considered a criminal?" At which point, in the best circumstances, you'd get off by reason of insanity, in the worst case, you'd be laughed out of the courtroom.

That's what happens when vivid imagination meets perverted logic. Read slowly:

1. Our court judges according to our local state laws.
2. There aren't any universal "state laws" across the Net.
3. You aren't my judge.

If you honestly think he was looking for videos of someone's wedding, then bluntly put, you are either trying to start an argument, or you are a fool.

When people like you start to imply things and "think up" facts, anything may happen (even an armed act of "liberation" against a sovereign state).

Can you stop thinking for others, for a change, and let them speak for themselves? Oh, I guess you cannot - here you come up with a bunch of "evidence":

You know as well as we all do that he was intending to download illegal files. And if he wasn't, why doesn't he just come back and say "I want to download a friends videos, not illegal stuff, can you help me now?" But guess what? He never did that, and in my mind that means he realizes it is illegal and realizes we aren't going to help him with it.

I simply don't know what kind of files he was thinking of. He owes me nothing and is responsible for his thoughts and actions. But he didn't deserve all the Pharisaism and hypocrisy that followed his simple, valid and legal question, which possibly scared him away.

Necroman, #mIRC @ Undernet
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