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#19125 14/04/03 05:14 AM
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korb Offline OP
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it would be nice if mirc support ipv6 now smile
im now using kvirc under windows for ipv6 or irssi underl linux but i prefer mirc in IPV6 ^^

#19126 14/04/03 05:46 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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In the future, before posting something click that link at the top that says "search" and search for the feature you are about to suggest. IPv6 has been suggested numerous times, and reasons why it has not been implemented have been given numerous times.

#19127 14/04/03 06:02 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'd like to know what the benefits are?

#19128 14/04/03 10:52 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I guess using IPv6 makes them feel l33t, not to mention some "cool" vhosts and ban evading grin

#19129 14/04/03 10:59 AM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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It provides a great protection medium.

Being more involved in the eggdrop cumunity, and the fact they are adding IPv6 in, I decided to get involved. I got hooked.

Most noticably with IPv6, IRC is the biggest attraction to it at this time. As such, seeing as I don't have a IPv6 web-borwser operating in *nix yet, I used a IPv6 enabled BitchX (I don prefer mIRC, seeing as windows is my desktop OS).

Many IPv6 tunnel brokers provide DNS and RDNS on there tunnels as standard. This provides a hsotname of IRC, and in most cases confuses "Joe Public". Doing a dns on the hostname, results in a "Unable to resolve" (only those that have done the research know that the zone type is different to account for IPv6).

To confuse "Joe "Public" further, seeing a IPv6 address in the whois (when RDNS is not available), will throw them right off (though in most cases, gets them screaming "I won't one like that").

Seeing as the IPv6 comunity is very limited, and I doubt there are any trojans or DDOS bots supporting IPv6. This provides great protection, as most would find it very hard to attack a IPv6 address. Most tunnel borkers will kill a connection for such high volumes of traffic too.

Suck it, lick it, milk it then put it away.
#19130 15/04/03 02:34 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Seeing as the IPv6 comunity is very limited, and I doubt there are any trojans or DDOS bots supporting IPv6.

That was said about Unix and Linux a while back and while these OS's haven't exactly BOOMED in the desktop environment the virii and exploits have. One trip to http://online.securityfocus.com/ will reveal all. Something doesn't have to be popular to contain a worthwhile security issue and the more people assume that none exist the more that hackers will rise to the challenge before them.

#19131 20/04/03 08:11 AM
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Tat Offline
Babel fish
Babel fish
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Actually security is one of the major things built into the protocol. Few other nice things, but long story short, it'll be a while before IPv6 gets large enough to require adding it. That and the entire subject is beating the dead horse for the hundredth time. It'll get added sometime in the future, I am sure. But, frankly v6 is so rare as is, that short of a few limited tunnels nobody has it yet. Run a search, and drop the subject.

#19132 20/04/03 05:12 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Better security is always good but it will, like everything else, end up being like the radar detector industry. When the radar detector companies build a better unit the companies that make the radar units will come up with another way or beating it so the coppers can book yet more people.

Relating this to computers... Security protocols are doors with locks that are meant to keep h4x0rs out... All it takes is the inventor(s) of IPV6 to say "this is fool-proof and totally secure" and someone who knows what they are doing will work their way around it. There's an old saying that locks only keep honest people out. It applies to computers as much as one's front door.

#19133 20/04/03 06:08 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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they even have outlawed radar detectors in some states here in the US ..... they must have a radar detector detector ....... which means no matter what u come up ..... someone always has a way around it

#19134 20/04/03 06:22 PM
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using tunnel brokers is no longer the only way to use ipv6
my isp has been giving all of its users their own personal ipv6 address for months now

#19135 20/04/03 06:23 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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so then in essence ur saying ipv6 is now just like anyother ip address then now because its being distributed the same way ....... lol if thats the case whats the point?

#19136 20/04/03 07:10 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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the point of IPv6 was #1 they were running out of IPv4 addresses. #2 they wanted addresses to be more structured. IPv6 solves both of these problems and many others.

#19137 01/09/03 11:21 AM
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Mostly harmless
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this is an old thread, but i'll reply to it anyway.

i must say, this discussion of ipv6 in mirc seems to come down to only what the benefits are NOW. OK, there probably isn't any HUGE and really important reasons why v6 should be implemented in mirc at the moment. like "Tat" said: "it'll be a while before IPv6 gets large enough to require adding it"
I myself would like to see a v6 support in mirc simply because i like experimenting with new gadgets. And since i don't have any $$ for a new grapicscard or laptop, i like to twiddle with new standards and software.

There seems to be a lot of opposition agains ipv6 on this forum. Maybe because of the people claiming "it would be easy to implement" etc. I don't think it would be easy to implement, but ultimately, v6 would be the dominating standard anyway, so i really don't see a problem with implemeting a test-support in net-software today. if the hostname resolves to a ipv6 address, then connect using ipv6. othervise, use v4. (well, i don't know much about checking if the os is xp or 98 or have v6 support, i have only written a simple v6 client in java smile

like it's been said before, clients like kvirc and x-chat support ipv6, so those who really want to use v6 can use those (i have). But mirc is my favourite client :] , so v6 support in that client would be nice smile I wouldn't need to have 2 different clients up and running at the same time.

If you are going to use v6 today, you either got to be directly connected to 6bone, or you got to use 6through4 tunneling (using eg a free tunnelbroker service). You don't get 'true' ipv6 with tunneling, but you won't notice much difference, and winXP does that part for you.

v6 is not needed yet, but would be appreciated by a lot of people smile It's about experimentation, and being a tech-freak wink

And also, if more and more people are using v6 (either directly or via tunneling), it could help for a faster transition. (I don't really like NAT wink

Is Khaled reading these pages anyway? =)

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