this is an old thread, but i'll reply to it anyway.
i must say, this discussion of ipv6 in mirc seems to come down to only what the benefits are NOW. OK, there probably isn't any HUGE and really important reasons why v6 should be implemented in mirc at the moment. like "Tat" said: "it'll be a while before IPv6 gets large enough to require adding it"
I myself would like to see a v6 support in mirc simply because i like experimenting with new gadgets. And since i don't have any $$ for a new grapicscard or laptop, i like to twiddle with new standards and software.
There seems to be a lot of opposition agains ipv6 on this forum. Maybe because of the people claiming "it would be easy to implement" etc. I don't think it would be easy to implement, but ultimately, v6 would be the dominating standard anyway, so i really don't see a problem with implemeting a test-support in net-software today. if the hostname resolves to a ipv6 address, then connect using ipv6. othervise, use v4. (well, i don't know much about checking if the os is xp or 98 or have v6 support, i have only written a simple v6 client in java

like it's been said before, clients like kvirc and x-chat support ipv6, so those who really want to use v6 can use those (i have). But mirc is my favourite client :] , so v6 support in that client would be nice

I wouldn't need to have 2 different clients up and running at the same time.
If you are going to use v6 today, you either got to be directly connected to 6bone, or you got to use 6through4 tunneling (using eg a free tunnelbroker service). You don't get 'true' ipv6 with tunneling, but you won't notice much difference, and winXP does that part for you.
v6 is not needed yet, but would be appreciated by a lot of people

It's about experimentation, and being a tech-freak
And also, if more and more people are using v6 (either directly or via tunneling), it could help for a faster transition. (I don't really like NAT

Is Khaled reading these pages anyway? =)