the problem is this... let's say somebody gets a file from my fserve... the way my script works is that it writes the info (nick and filename) to a file so i can keep track of my sends (because my script allows me to have different fserves in different channels).

now if the other person stops the send, i can use "on sendfail" to trigger code and delete the info from the file. but if i stop it before the send completes, i don't know how to trigger the code...

i still have to delete the info from the file... any ideas?

"on close" doesn't seem to work and "on sendfail" doesn't seem to work

feel free to try this out if you don't believe me... dcc send somebody a file and then stop the send on your end before it finishes. i can't find anything in mirc that will let me trigger code at this point.