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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Both of those errors are from this line
.raw kick %s.chan $nick $+(:,$readini($keke,options,message)) $+ $cr $+ ban %s.chan $nick $mask($fulladdress,2)
"No such channel" - Apparently you don't have %s.chan defined. "Unknown command" - /ban is a mIRC command, not an IRCd command. Replace both these lines
.raw kick $chan $nick $+(:,$readini($keke,options,message)) $+ $cr $+ mode $chan +b $mask($fulladdress,2)
.timerswearunban 1 $readini($keke,options,secs) mode $chan -b $mask($fulladdress,2)
with this line
ban $+(-ku,$iif($readini($keke,options,secs),$v1,600)) #CHANNEL $nick 2 $readini($keke,options,message
but first change "#CHANNEL" to the channel you want the user kicked from. FWIW though, I think that's a pretty awful script, WAY too many $readini's IMHO. Edit: This replacement match_text alias will cut down on some of the file accesses...
alias -l match_text {
var %i = 1,%a = $readini($keke,swear,words)
while ($gettok(%a,%i,44)) {
var %swear = $+(*,$replace($v1,$chr(160),$chr(32)),*)
if ($wildtok($1-,%swear,1,44)) { return $true }
inc %i
Last edited by deegee; 30/10/07 04:38 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Lol I totally agree, sorry for the un-noticed ban mode
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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* Invalid parameters: $readini (line 102, dialog75.mrc)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Can you type out //echo -a $read(dialog75.mrc,n,102) and paste the output
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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lol I meant in mirc then give me what it says here.
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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He probably used only one /
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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* /echo: insufficient parameters
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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- //echo -a $read($script(dialog75.mrc),n,102)
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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.ban $+(-ku,$iif($readini($keke,options,secs),$v1,600)) #test444 $nick 2 $readini($keke,options,message
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Add a ) to the end ban $+(-ku,$iif($readini($keke,options,secs),$v1,600)) #test444 $nick 2 $readini($keke,options,message)
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Ok I fixed that but still wont trigger, here is what I have so far:
alias swear { dialog -dmr sweard sweard | %s.chan = #test44 }
dialog sweard {
title " Swear"
size -1 -1 342 330
option pixels
button "&Close", 1, 205 305 60 20, flat cancel
list 2, 15 20 309 110, sort size
box "Swear Words", 3, 5 6 325 153
button "Add", 4, 109 133 60 21, flat
button "Remove", 5, 173 133 74 20, flat
check "Kick Message:", 10, 13 179 84 20
box "Other Options", 11, 5 156 326 142
edit "", 12, 99 179 225 20, autohs
button "Ok", 13, 270 305 60 20, flat ok
check "Exempt The Ops in the Channel", 14, 13 205 175 10
check "Exempt The Voices in the Channel", 15, 13 224 185 10
edit "", 16, 112 238 50 20, autohs
check "Set Ban Length:", 17, 13 240 99 20
text "Seconds", 18, 165 240 50 20
combo 19, 112 265 151 89, edit drop
text "Select Ban Time", 21, 13 268 99 30
on *:dialog:sweard:*:*:{
if ($devent == init) {
if ($readini($keke,options,ban)) { did -c $dname 17 }
if ($readini($keke,options,message)) { did -c $dname 10 }
if ($readini($keke,options,ops)) { did -c $dname 14 }
if ($readini($keke,options,vops)) { did -c $dname 15 }
did -a $dname 12 $readini($keke,options,message)
if ($readini($keke,options,secs)) { did -c $dname 17 }
did -a $dname 16 $readini($keke,options,secs)
did -i $dname 19 0 $readini($keke,options,punish)
.dlist 2 swear words
did -f $dname 13
did -a sweard 19 Kick
did -a sweard 19 Kick and Ban
did -a sweard 19 None
if ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did(14).state == 1) { op_c }
if ($did(15).state == 1) { vo_c }
if ($did == 4) {
var %t = $$?="Enter swear word $crlf $+ Separate multiple entries with a comma:"
if ($numtok(%t,32) > 1) { %t = $replace(%t,$chr(32),$chr(160)) }
.writeini $keke swear words $iif($readini($keke,swear,words),$+($ifmatch,$chr(44),%t),%t)
dlist 2 swear words
if ($did == 5) {
var %tmp = $did(2).seltext
if (%tmp) {
if ($remtok($readini($keke,swear,words),%tmp,44)) {
.writeini $keke swear words $ifmatch
else .remini $keke swear words
.dlist 2 swear words
if ($did == 8) {
var %t = $$?="Enter Channel Name $crlf $+ Separate multiple entries with a comma:"
if ($chr(32) !isin %t) {
.writeini $keke exempt chan $iif($readini($keke,exempt,chan),$+($ifmatch,$chr(44),%t),%t)
dlist 7 exempt chan
if ($did == 9) {
var %tmp = $did(7).seltext
if (%tmp) {
if ($remtok($readini($keke,exempt,chan),%tmp,44)) {
.writeini $keke exempt chan $ifmatch
else .remini $keke exempt chan
.dlist 7 exempt chan
if ($did == 13) {
; OK button,flat
.writeini $keke options kick $iif($did(10).state == 1,$true,$false)
.writeini $keke options message $iif($did(12),$ifmatch,$readini($keke,options,message))
.writeini $keke options secs $iif($did(16) isnum 1-,$ifmatch,$readini($keke,options,secs))
.writeini $keke options ops $iif($did(14).state == 1,$true,$false)
.writeini $keke options vops $iif($did(15).state == 1,$true,$false)
.writeini $keke options ban $iif($did(17).state == 1,$true,$false)
.writeini $keke options punish $iif($did(19),$ifmatch,$readini($keke,options,punish))
on *:OPEN:?:*: {
%swear.punish = $readini($keke,options,punish))
if ($readini($keke,options,ops)) { op_c }
if ($readini($keke,options,vops)) { vo_c }
if ($readini($keke,swear,words)) && ($match_text($1-)) {
if (None isin %swear.punish) { return }
if (kick isin %swear.punish) {
if (ban isin %swear.punish) {
.ban $+(-ku,$iif($readini($keke,options,secs),$v1,600)) #test44 $nick 2 $readini($keke,options,message)
else { .raw kick $chan $nick $+(:,$readini($keke,options,message)) }
alias -l keke return $+(",$scriptdirswear.ini,")
alias -l match_text {
var %i = 1,%a = $readini($keke,swear,words)
while ($gettok(%a,%i,44)) {
var %swear = $+(*,$replace($v1,$chr(160),$chr(32)),*)
if ($wildtok($1-,%swear,1,44)) { return $true }
inc %i
alias op_c {
if ($nick isop %s.chan) { halt }
alias vo_c {
if ($nick isvo %s.chan) { halt }
alias -l dlist {
var %a = 1
did -r $dname $1
while ($gettok($readini($keke,$2,$3),%a,44)) {
did -az $dname $1 $ifmatch
inc %a
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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-- Removed due to being incorrect --
Last edited by Bekar; 31/10/07 08:43 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Oops, good catch thats what happens when your tired.
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Actually, no. I'm wrong. Checked the help page when I got home. ON TEXT is that order, ON OPEN is reversed, just for the 'ol confusing 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hmph, that seemed an incorrect order to myself. I guess my brain still functions when tired lol
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Ok I fixed that but still wont trigger, here is what I have so far:
* deegee wonders where the errors came from if the script didn't trigger...  You'll need to change the $chan in this line also else { .raw kick $chan $nick $+(:,$readini($keke,options,message)) } Not really a lot of use to use /raw for a kick either...
else { !kick #CHANNEL $nick $readini($keke,options,message) }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I would seriously re-write the whole script and use Variables to carry the words and use TOK commands to loop through etc..
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Its working fine now accept for kicking or banning the exact bad word exemple: sex ok to ban but not to ban sexy can that be fix?