Now, for those who read my thread from yesterday, know I'm a beginner with not much knowledge towards this scripting language. The code I'm trying to create is activated when the user types !set event <world> <team1> <team2> <team3> <delay until first game>
For example, the following would have the bot set the world to 103, the first team to zammy, the second team to sara, and the third team to zammy. The delay to the first game would be 5 minutes.
!set event 103 zammy sara zammy 5
Here's the code that the bot has.
on *:TEXT:!set *:#: {
if (($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ishop $chan)) {
if ($2 == event) {
/set %world $3
/set %team1 $4
/set %team2 $5
/set %team3 $6
/set %wait $7
/set %wait $calc(%wait * 60)
/notice $nick Event set to start in %wait seconds. World to be played in will be %world . The first team will be %team1 , the second team will be %team2 , and the third team will be %team3 .
/msg $chan 9UBG Castle Wars event!14WORLD:6 %world 1. 14TEAM:6 %team1 1. Game starts in $calc(%wait / 60) minutes.
.timer 1 60 goto wait
.timer 1 60 /msg $chan 9UBG Castle Wars event!14WORLD:6 %world1. 14TEAM:6 %team11. Game starts in $calc(%wait / 60) minutes.
/set %wait $calc(%wait - 60)
if (%wait <= 59) {
goto game1
goto first
/set %wait $calc(20 * 60)
/msg $chan 9UBG Castle Wars event started in 14World6 %world , 14Team6 %team1 . It's time to pwn!
/msg $chan 9UBG Castle Wars event!14WORLD:6 %world 1. 14TEAM:6 %team1 1. Time left: $calc(%wait / 60) minutes.
/set %wait $calc(%wait - 60)
if (%wait <= 59) {
goto inter1
.timer 1 60 goto game1
/set %wait $calc(20 * 60)
/msg $chan 9UBG castle wars event intermission (5 minutes)! 14World6 %world, 14Team6 %team21. Prepare yourself.
.timer 1 300 goto game2
goto veryend
.timer 1 60 /msg $chan 9UBG Castle Wars event!14WORLD:6 %world1. 14TEAM:6 %team21. Time left: %wait seconds.
/set %wait $calc(%wait - 60)
if (%wait <= 59) {
goto inter2
.timer 1 60 goto game2
goto veryend
/set %wait $calc(20 * 60)
/msg $chan 9UBG castle wars event intermission (5 minutes)! 14World6 %world, 14Team6 %team31. Prepare yourself.
.timer 1 300 goto game3
goto veryend
.timer 1 60 /msg $chan 9UBG Castle Wars event!14WORLD:6 %world1. 14TEAM: 6%team31. Time left: %wait seconds.
/set %wait $calc(%wait - 60)
if (%wait <= 59) {
goto end
.timer 1 60 goto game3
goto veryend
/msg $chan Good games UBG, can't wait for the next one :D
if ($2 == link1) {
/set %link1 $3
if ($2 == link2) {
/set %link2 $3
if ($2 == link3) {
/set %link3 $3
By the way, ignore anything about links in that code it's unimportant.
Thanks for reading my thread, hopefully you can help