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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Currently, I'm trying to while loop $calc($3- -2), but you get the idea.

Trying to get:


etc. until it reaches $0.

Except, I'm using a variable.

Something like.

var %v = 3

Then $ $+ %v | inc %v

To get:

$ $+ %v = $ $+ 3 = $3 | inc %v
$ $+ %v = $ $+ 4 = $4 | inc %v


Problem is, I can't concatenate.

$ = $chr(36)


  var %v = 3
  while (%v <= $0) {
    %v = $left($eval($ $+ %v,2),1)
    ;I've tried $left($eval($chr(36) $+ %v,2),1)    
    inc %v

The above code was trying to while loop the 1st letter of each word in $3-: $3, $4, $5, etc.

Trying to get:

$left($3,1) | inc etc.
$left($4,1) | inc etc.

No luck.

And I would find it useful to while loop each and every word in $1- on an on text event. smirk



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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Why not use $gettok

  var %v = 3, %a
  while (%v <= $0) {
    %a = $left($gettok($1-,%v,32),1)
    inc %v

/help $gettok

Your code is almost correct, except when you are setting the %v variable inside the /while loop then tries to increment it. Use another variable.

Last edited by xDaeMoN; 22/08/07 06:21 AM.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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In this case, you can avoid the while and use $* :
tokenize 32 $3-
scon -r var $(%v,0) = $(%v,0) $!left( $* ,1)

I give you this code because $* is more faster than a while but $* should not be used.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Originally Posted By: Wims
but $* should not be used.

then why use it? >:D hah but ye, a lot has been said about the dangers of /scon etc, people should be warned about using that sorta stuff

theres an even simpler regex involved method of course


"The only excuse for making a useless script is that one admires it intensely" - Oscar Wilde
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Originally Posted By: xDaeMoN
Why not use $gettok

  var %v = 3, %a
  while (%v <= $0) {
    %a = $left($gettok($1-,%v,32),1)
    inc %v

Sorry, that only returns $left($3,1).

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Originally Posted By: Wims
In this case, you can avoid the while and use $* :
tokenize 32 $3-
scon -r var $(%v,0) = $(%v,0) $!left( $* ,1)

Okay, now I got something like:

# @ @ @ @ @ @ + + N N
Neal is in a minimum of 10 channels total.
Neal is in #bulbagarden @#mandy @#omgpwned @#Hell @#SocietyofLight @#Shadow_realm @#mIRC %wishmaker +#SSJ4RP +#teamgogo

The above returned the 1st letter of each char.

Although, if someone had a % (+h) in a channel, the script ignores, and I can guess obviously why..

Apparently, on 1 IRCd, there was a channel mode prefix that could also be in the channel name, and I didn't want that colored.

But now I see using $left() is useless because of the fact someone can have @+#channel, so no point using $left().

Well I guess I can $gettok() the left of the # sign.

I had:

%c = $replace(%c,!,6!,~,6~,&,6&,@,12@,%,4%,+,3+,-,11-)
/echo -s %c

But of course, it affects the channel name right of the # sound. Hence why I wanted to while loop $3-.

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