That's spectacular, works terrific! I really appreciate it!
Your welcome, at least you tried to read the mIRC help file alot of people ignore it, even in this case the explanation of sockreads are not much helpful. But other things are really helpful depends on what you need. So therefore you learn with time of what works and what doesn't and how to use what even if you never touched it since you started. Its like a baby learning new words and the meaning of it, later in years you'll learn different words but know the meaning of it.

Also if you dont want a - to appear in null locations are want a space "Empty" area remove the - in the script and hold CTRL and press I on your keyboard once, then save the script run your script youll see what I mean.
I didn't want to put that in the script live on here because if you edited your script and erase the empty spot by accident it would of let you wondering what you edited when you can't see it.