alias banstats {
if (#$1 !ischan) { echo -a you have to specity a valid chan, use /banstats #channelname }
else {
var = 1, = 1, = 1, %list, %ouput
; loop the $ibl, set (or inc) a variable for each nick that set a ban
while $gettok($ibl(#$1,,1,33) {
inc -u $+(%,banstats.,$ifmatch)
; loop the "individual" variables set, and store them in a single variable (make string that can be sorted)
while ($var(banstats.*, {
var %list = $addtok(%list,$+($($v1,2),$chr(149),$gettok($v1,2,46)),32)
; sort the string with sorttok
var %list = $sorttok(%list,32,r)
; finally, loop the string to get the intended output-design, add percentages
while ($gettok(%list,,32)) {
var %output = $addtok(%output,$+($gettok($v1,2,149),: $gettok($v1,1,149) $iif(($gettok($v1,1,149) == 1),ban,bans) $&
$chr(40),$round($calc($gettok($v1,1,149) / $ibl(#$1,0) *100),0),$chr(37),$chr(41)),32)
echo -a Banstats for #$1 $+ : %output