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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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This is an on ban event.

It tries to set a variable by nick as $banmask.

Say I have a variable like

%bannick , nick1, nick2, nick3

Someone sets mode: +b 1Person

%bannick = , nick1

I use $mid(%bannick,3) btw.

But then, let's say.

Someone sets mode: +b 3People


%bannick = , nick1, nick2, nick3

If.. %bannick = , nick1

Then I can /set %bnick $+ $mid(%bannick,3) $banmask

To get:

%bnickNick1 $banmask

But what if I have %bannick = more than 1 nicks...

How do I...


% $+ bnick $+ $gettok($mid(%bannick,3),1,44) $banmask


% $+ bnick $+ nick1 $banmask


%bnickNick1 $banmask
%bnickNick2 $banmask
%bnickNick3 $banmask

(Because all nicks have the same banmask for this case).


My attempts, so far I've tried:

/set % $+ $gettok($mid(bannick,3),1,44) $gettok($mid(%bannick,3),1,44)

I'm guessing I will have to $+( ) it or $eval( ,2) the whole thing, or even $+($eval( ,2)) it even.

Any suggestions?

I just need to know how to dynamically link the name of the variables.

My current failed code (unnecessary to question).

  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $gettok($mid(%bannick,3),0,44)) {
    /set % $+ $gettok($mid(bannick,3),%i,44) $gettok($mid(%bannick,3),%i,44)
    /set %bnick $+ $gettok(%bannick,%i,44) $banmask
    inc %i

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If ist not about storing many bnicks / bmasks, I'd suggest to use a simple addtok.

set %banstring $addtok(%banstring,$+($iif(($bnick),$bnick,-none-),$chr(44),$bmask),32)

this will produce a single variable %banstring.
e.G. there was:
mode # +b Nick1!user@*
mode # +b *!*@93754.telecomitalia.com
mode # +b Nick2!*@*.ipt.aol.com

The data will look like:
Nick1,Nick1!user@* -none-,*!*@93754.telecomitalia.com Nick2,Nick2!*@*.ipt.aol.com

Please note that "$bnick" is $null if a ban contains no nickname at all. Therefore I used that $iif(($bnick),$bnick,-none-)

To parse data, use token identifiers, eg:
grab the 3nd bnick: $gettok($gettok(%banstring,3,32),1,44)
grab the 2nd bmask: $gettok($gettok(%bansgring,2,32),2,44)
delete the first bnick-bmask in the var: set %banstring $deltok($banstring,1,32)

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Maybe this will help you with "dynamically numbering" variable's names. The first part here shall demonstrate what method I used...
alias incvarname.demo {
  set %ban.5 bnick5 bmask5
  set %ban.3 bnick3 bmask3
  set %ban.1 bnick1 bmask1
  set %ban.2 bnick2 bmask2

  ; how many vars matching %ban.* do I have at all?
  var -s %total = $var(%ban.*,0)
  ; whats the name of the last variable? (mIRC sorts them: "last" means alphanumeric highest, not "last added")
  var -s %last = $var(%ban.*,%total)
  ; now I got that var's name, what was the number at the end of that variable?
  ; Note: that "6" depends on the variable name's length)
  var -s %num = $mid(%last,6)
  ; and what number do I need now?
  var -s %newnum = $calc(%num +1)
  ; so what new varname do I need?
  var -s %newvar = $+(%,ban.,%newnum) some new data

  unset %ban.*

this uses the method demonstrated above, but shortens it a lot smile
; syntax: /incvarset variable-root varable-data
; e.g. /incvarset ban. $iif(($bnick,$ifmatch,-none-) $bmask

alias incvarset {
  if ($1) { set $+(%,$1,$calc($mid($var($+(%,$1,*),$var($+(%,$1,*),0)),$calc($len($1) +2)) +1)) $2- }

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Okay it seems I was confused.

Let me call this "while loop error."

* Someone sets mode: +b letter
Ban affects 3 nicks.

  echo $chan $gettok($mid(%bannick,3),1,44)
  echo $chan $gettok($mid(%bannick,3),2,44)
  echo $chan $gettok($mid(%bannick,3),3,44)
  echo $chan $gettok($mid(%bannick,3),0,44)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $gettok($mid(%bannick,3),0,44)) {
    /set %bnick $+ $gettok($mid(%bannick,3),%i,44) $banmask
    inc %i

[July 15 2007 Sunday 03:43:11 PM] * Neal` sets mode: +b f*!*@*

Well, only %bnickfound_20 was made, but not the other 2. In other words, the while loop only goes round the 1st time, even though 1 < 3...


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why don't you use $ialchan? Then loop through the matches.

Using $ialchan(*!*@*,$chan,0).nick for example:

On *:Ban:#: {
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $ialchan($banmask,$chan,0)) {
    echo -a $ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick
    inc %x

Just change the echo bit to how you stored the nicknames before.

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Okay, you totally came up with a different solution to solve my problem. And that's also good in my book.

So I have.

  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $ialchan($banmask,$chan,0)) {
    echo $chan $ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick
    /set %bnick $+ $ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick $banmask
    inc %x

Then I got

%bnickNick1 $banmask
%bnickNick2 $banmask
%bnickNick3 $banmask

Then, for the unban event, I have the same thing, except I used /unset %bnick $+ $ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick. That didn't unset it. I guess I have to play around with it, using [ ] or $eval().

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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No luck.

I've tried.

/unset %bnick [ $ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick) ]
/unset $+(%bnick,$ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick)
/unset $+(%,bnick,$ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick)
/unset $+($eval(%,bnick,$ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick,2))

Heh. :\

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Looks like I misunderstood your question, sry.
However, this works for me:
on *:ban:#:{
  var %x = 1
  while ($ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick) {
    set -s %bnick $+ $ifmatch $banmask
    inc %x

on *:unban:#:{ 
  var %x = 1
  while ($ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick) {
    unset -s $+(%,bnick,$ifmatch)
    inc %x

[00:37:17] * Horstl|Fortl sets mode: +b *o*!*@*

* Set %bnickHorstl|Fortl to *o*!*@*
* Set %bnickMaestro to *o*!*@*

[00:37:21] * Horstl|Fortl sets mode: -b *o*!*@*

* Unset %bnickHorstl|Fortl
* Unset %bnickMaestro

Last edited by Horstl; 15/07/07 10:36 PM.
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Wow, thanks so much!

I got it working.

[uly 15 2007 Sunday 05:36:41 PM] * Neal` sets mode: +b f*!*@*
Ban affects found_20, found_22, Fara7oOo.
Ban also afftects fractorial, FireHose, floyd-ZzZzZ, FlipKonijn.
[July 15 2007 Sunday 05:36:52 PM] * Neal` sets mode: -b f*!*@*
Unban affects found_20, found_22, Fara7oOo.
Unban also affects fractorial, FireHose, floyd-ZzZzZ, FlipKonijn.

Ban affects = users in channels, ban also affects = users outside the channel in my matching IAL comchans.

And then I setted 3 variables for the ban affects nicks and unsetted them when unbanned.

Thanks again.


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Fjord artisan
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And just for a small minor change, I did not use $ifmatch because I needed the variable.

  var %x = 1
  while ($ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick) {
    /timernotice $+ %x 1 %x /notice $ialchan($banmask,$chan,%x).nick Unbanned in $chan
    /unset $+(%,bnick,$ifmatch)
    inc %x

* Timer notice1 activated
* Timer notice2 activated
* Timer notice3 activated
[July 15 2007 Sunday 05:43:25 PM] -> -found_20- Unbanned in #8
* Timer notice1 halted
[July 15 2007 Sunday 05:43:26 PM] -> -found_22- Unbanned in #8
* Timer notice2 halted
[July 15 2007 Sunday 05:43:26 PM] -> -Fara7oOo- Unbanned in #8
* Timer notice3 halted

While this isn't a large issue, I can't actually use $+ $chan in /timer, since ops could be unbanning in different channels, that could mess up the numeric order. But I shall/can cope. :]

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Just a note: you might get probs... As your variable names depend on nicknames. Nicks can change. You cannot be asure the right variables will unset.

Assume a user Joe!friend@somehost
* banning: *!friend@*
Now, you'll store a %bnickJoe *!friend@*
* Joe changes nick to Joe|away
* unbanning: *!friend@*

> Your script will try to unset %bnickJoe|away, as the user part of his addres is still "friend" but there is no such var.
> Same problem if Joe parts / quits / gets kicked: You will keep variables that are of no use any more.
To echo users affected by ban / unban, why do you need to set variables at all? Just loop the $ialchan and $ial to pick the names...

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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Yea I'm aware, I actually don't set variables when echoing ban and unbanned nicks.

One of my echo's, if in a comchan, will show the updated nick.

Unban affects: Person
Unban also affects: Person|sleep

Usually though, it's pointless to let them know they're unbanned. wink

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