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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Hi, I'm looking to a good working !peak script wich one is easily to start. Hope someone can help me 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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alt-r/file/new/ then add this line
on *:text:!peak*:*:{ echo -a Peak Script Triggered, Amazing Eh! }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:join:#yourchan: {
if ($nick(#,0) >= $+(%,peak.,$chan)) {
set $+(%,peak.,$chan) $nick(#,0) $ctime
on *:text:!peak:#yourchan: {
msg $chan On $date($gettok($+(%,peak.,$chan),2,32),mmm dd yyyy) $+ , there were $gettok($+(%,peak.,$chan),1,32) users in $chan $+ !
Note that you can add in the time as well as the date by just editing the output line's $date statement. That's why I used $ctime when setting the variable. This will work for multiple channels as long as the channel names are different (i.e. not the same name on two different networks).
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I do like this script, it's pretty simple and basic set up. The only thing I dislike it the way it stores the info... By setting it as variables. In my opinion you should avoid having long lists of variables in your variable window.
How would you make a version using hash tables?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Here's a hash version.
on *:join:#: {
if (!$hget(PeakStats)) {
hmake PeakStats 10
if ($isfile($scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh)) { hload PeakStats $scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh }
if ($nick(#,0) >= $hget(PeakStats,$chan)) {
hadd PeakStats $chan $nick(#,0) $ctime
hsave PeakStats $scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh
on *:text:!peak:#: {
msg $chan On $date($gettok($hget(PeakStats,$chan),2,32),mmm dd yyyy) $+ , there were $gettok($hget(PeakStats,$chan),1,32) users in $chan $+ !
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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 Aha, there we go. Gonna test it tonight, Thanks Riamus!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Uhm, you missed one section. Thats in case the channel doesn't exist yet. But I could figure that part myself. Here is the slightly updated version:
on *:join:#:{
if (!$hget(PeakStats)) {
hmake PeakStats 10
if ($isfile($scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh)) { hload PeakStats $scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh }
if ($nick(#,0) >= $hget(PeakStats,$chan)) {
hadd PeakStats $chan $nick(#,0) $ctime
hsave PeakStats $scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh
if (!$hget(PeakStats,$chan)) {
hadd PeakStats $chan $nick(#,0) $ctime
hsave PeakStats $scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh
on *:text:!peak:#:{
msg $chan On $date($gettok($hget(PeakStats,$chan),2,32),mmm dd yyyy) $+ , there were $gettok($hget(PeakStats,$chan),1,32) users in $chan $+ !
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:join:#:{
if (!$hget(PeakStats)) {
hmake PeakStats 10
if ($isfile($scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh)) { hload PeakStats $scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh }
if ($nick(#,0) >= $hget(PeakStats,$chan) || !$hget(PeakStats,$chan)) {
hadd PeakStats $chan $nick(#,0) $ctime
hsave PeakStats $scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh
on *:text:!peak:#:{
msg $chan On $date($gettok($hget(PeakStats,$chan),2,32),mmm dd yyyy) $+ , there were $gettok($hget(PeakStats,$chan),1,32) users in $chan $+ !
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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on *:join:#yourchan: {
if ($nick(#,0) >= $+(%,peak.,$chan)) {
set $+(%,peak.,$chan) $nick(#,0) $ctime
on *:text:!peak:#yourchan: {
msg $chan On $date($gettok($+(%,peak.,$chan),2,32),mmm dd yyyy) $+ , there were $gettok($+(%,peak.,$chan),1,32) users in $chan $+ !
Note that you can add in the time as well as the date by just editing the output line's $date statement. That's why I used $ctime when setting the variable. This will work for multiple channels as long as the channel names are different (i.e. not the same name on two different networks). $date()? I only see $date. Anyways.. On , there were %peak.#channel.Network users in #channel! Not working.. On join event:
if ($nick(#,0) >= $+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network)) {
set $+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network) $nick(#,0) $ctime
/echo $chan On $asctime($gettok($+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network),2,32),mmm dd yyyy) $+ , there were $gettok($+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network),1,32) users in $chan $+ !
Last edited by LostShadow; 07/07/07 05:54 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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In the on text event, it's missing an evaluation of the variable to get not the variable's name, but it's value: $($+(%,peak.,$chan) ,2)on *:text:!peak:#yourchan,#anotherchan,...: {
var %val = $($+(%,peak.,$chan),2)
msg $chan On $date($gettok(%val,2,32),mmm dd yyyy) $+ , there were $gettok(%val,1,32) users in $chan $+ !
} To format the output of the date/time, check: /help $asctime e.g: $asctime($gettok(%val,2,32) ,mmmm dd yyyy - hh:nn:ss tt) will return something like "July 07 2007 - 08:21:28 am" ... $date can be used as well, sure  Edit: And I wonder why you don't use Riamus2's nice hash based code...
Last edited by Horstl; 07/07/07 06:50 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yes, there was a missing evaluation in the original code. Just use the latest version. As for $date(), that works just fine.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Wait a minute, topics can be bumped now?
Truth is, I used both.
You'll noticed I added a ,.,$network after $chan.
In other words, I'm in several #mIRC or #lobby.
So the hash table one I kept for all channels undistinguished by network.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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In the on text event, it's missing an evaluation of the variable to get not the variable's name, but it's value: $($+(%,peak.,$chan) ,2)on *:text:!peak:#yourchan,#anotherchan,...: {
var %val = $($+(%,peak.,$chan),2)
msg $chan On $date($gettok(%val,2,32),mmm dd yyyy) $+ , there were $gettok(%val,1,32) users in $chan $+ !
} To format the output of the date/time, check: /help $asctime Uh, any reason why $nick(#,0) or $ctime isn't included in your code?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I wanted to point to the missing evaluation, so I posted the on text event as illustration, of course you need the on join event. The on text is to msg the max peak, it's read only and returning absolute values (the peak record)... But you can calculate relative values - using read value and actual values $nick(#,0) / $ctime. Here's an example, I also added that network val you want to use: on *:join:#chan,#otherchan,...: {
if ($nick(#,0) > $($+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network),2)) {
set $+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network) $nick(#,0) $ctime
on *:text:!peak:#chan,#otherchan,...: {
var %val = $($+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network),2)
if (%val) {
msg $chan On $+( $date($gettok(%val,2,32),mmm dd yyyy) $&
$chr(40), $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok(%val,2,32)),2) ago, $chr(41)) $&
there were $gettok(%val,1,32) users $&
(thats $round($calc(100 - $nick($chan,0) / $gettok(%val,1,32) * 100),0) $+ % more than now) $&
in $chan $+ !
} This will return something like: On Jul 07 2007 (12mins ago) there were 75 users (thats 3% more than now) in #test! Anyway, I'd prefer the code with hash tables...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Wait a minute, topics can be bumped now? No. You'll noticed I added a ,.,$network after $chan.
In other words, I'm in several #mIRC or #lobby.
So the hash table one I kept for all channels undistinguished by network. Here's an update for multiple networks.
on *:join:#:{
if (!$hget(PeakStats)) {
hmake PeakStats 100
if ($isfile($scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh)) { hload PeakStats $scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh }
var %chan.net = $+( $chan ,., $network)
if ($nick(#,0) >= $hget(PeakStats,%chan.net) || !$hget(PeakStats,%chan.net)) {
hadd PeakStats %chan.net $nick(#,0) $ctime
hsave PeakStats $scriptdir\PeakStats.hsh
on *:text:!peak:#:{
var %peak.stat = $hget(PeakStats,$+( $chan ,., $network )
msg $chan On $date($gettok(%peak.stat,2,32),mmm dd yyyy) $+ , there were $gettok(%peak.stat,1,32) users in $chan $+ !
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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on *:join:#chan,#otherchan,...: {
if ($nick(#,0) > $($+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network),2)) {
set $+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network) $nick(#,0) $ctime
} No that didn't work. Second line works using: if ($nick(#,0) >= $+(%,peak.,$chan.,$network)) { Else it won't create the variable if it doesn't exist. Edit: Well, scratch that too, it'll say there's a new record when there isn't one.. So I've tried using.. on *:join:#: {
if ($+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network) == $null) { /set $+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network) $nick(#,0) $ctime }
if ($nick(#,0) >= $+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network)) {
/set $+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network) $nick(#,0) $ctime
var %value = $($+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network),2)
if (%value) {
/echo $chan $+($date($gettok(%value,2,32),mmmm dd yyyy)), ( $+ $duration($calc($ctime - $gettok(%value,2,32)),2) ago), there is a channel record of $gettok(%value,1,32) users!
} No luck. Ever channel join is a record...
Last edited by LostShadow; 08/07/07 07:53 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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on *:join:#chan,#otherchan:{
if ($nick(#,0) > $($+(%,peak.,#,.,$network),2)) || (!$($+(%,peak.,#,.,$network),2)) {
set $+(%,peak.,#,.,$network) $nick(#,0) $ctime
echo # There is now a new channel record of $nick(#,0) users!
on *:text:!peak:#chan,#otherchan:{
tokenize 32 $($+(%,peak.,#,.,$network),2)
if ($0) {
msg # On $date($2,mmmm dd yyyy) ( $+ $duration($calc($ctime - $2),2) ago $+ ) there were $1 $&
users (thats $round($calc(100 - $nick(#,0) / $1 * 100),0) $+ % more than now) in # $+ !
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why don't you just use the updated hash table version? You're going to have a LOT of variables if you don't.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:join:#chan,#otherchan,...: {
if ($nick(#,0) > $($+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network),2)) {
set $+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network) $nick(#,0) $ctime
} No that didn't work. You're right, my mistake. It could be: if ($nick(#,0) > $iif($($+(%,peak.,$chan,.,$network),2),$gettok($v1,1,32),0)) { But $me still signs: Why don't you just use the updated hash table version? You're going to have a LOT of variables if you don't. 
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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var %peak.stat = $hget(PeakStats,$+( $chan ,., $network ) )Bracket mismatch 