That first elseif should be an if. You could also shorten the code by using $!cmds instead of $ $+ cmds, and same for the others. Also, since you /halt in the if statement, there's no need for you to use an else statement to set the %antiflood variable:
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
if (%antiflood) {
msg $chan Antiflood ON
set -u10 %antiflood on
if ($1 == $!cmds) { notice $nick Commands: $!server / $!ip :: $!ts :: $!google }
elseif ($1 == $!google) { set %searchstring $replace($2-,$chr(32),+) | msg $chan $+ %searchstring $+ &num=50 | /unset %searchstring }
elseif ($1 == $!server) { msg $chan Server: ... Password: 4fun }
elseif ($1 == $!ip) { msg $chan Server: ... Password: 4fun }
elseif ($1 == $!ts) { msg $chan TeamSpeak: ... (Ask for password) }