Here's what I'm using now as a now-playing script to cover VLC, iTunes, and MPC (had to resort to gtsdll). It works well enough, just two minor issues. If iTunes isn't running, mIRC hangs for a little bit. And the MPC part treats the file like a video, so I'm not getting any tag info.

Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions.

;[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Now Playing ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

alias np_format {
  ;//np.command // np.chan // player // name // artist // file // stream // duration // album // genre //
  return $eval($iif(%np.command && %np.chan,/_describe,echo) %np.chan 3 $+ $chr(44) $+ 1<0 $+ %np.player $+ 3> Now Playing:12 $iif(%artist,%artist -12) $iif(%name,%name,%file) (3 $+ $iif(%stream,%stream,$asctime(%duration,n:ss)) $+ ) $iif(%album || %genre,14»»») %album $iif(%genre,[14 $+ %genre $+ ]),0)

alias np {
  if ($chan) { /set -u5 %np.command $1- | /set -u5 %np.chan $chan }

  /set -u5 %np.player iTunes | /itunes
  /set -u5 %np.player MPC | /mpc
  /set -u5 %np.player VLC | /vlc

alias itunes {
  .comopen iitunes iTunes.application
  if ($comerr) return
  var %dummy = $com(iitunes,PlayerState,3)
  if (($comerr) || ($com(iitunes).result != 1)) goto error
  %dummy = $com(iitunes,CurrentTrack,3,dispatch* iittrack)

  var %data = Artist:Name:Duration:Genre:Album:Comment | ;BitRate:BPM:Compilation:Composer:DateAdded:DiscNumber:KindAsString:PlayedCount:PlayedDate:Playlist:Rating:SampleRate:TrackCount:TrackNumber:Year
  while ($numtok(%data,58) > 0) {
    %dummy = $com(iittrack,$gettok(%data,1,58),3)
    var % [ $+ [ $gettok(%data,1,58) ] ] $com(iittrack).result
    echo -s >> $gettok(%data,1,58) == % [ $+ [ $gettok(%data,1,58) ] ]
    if ($comerr) goto error
    %data = $deltok(%data,1,58)

  ;Get Stream Information
  %dummy = $com(iitunes,CurrentStreamTitle,3)
  var %stream $regsubex($com(iitunes).result,-[^-]*(http://|www\.)[^ - ]*$,$null)

  if (%stream) {
    %artist = $gettok(%stream,1,$asc(-))
    %name = $gettok(%stream,2-,$asc(-))
    %dummy = $com(iitunes,CurrentStreamURL,3)
    %stream = $com(iitunes).result

  .comclose iittrack
  .comclose iitunes

  if (!$com(iitunes)) return
  .comclose iitunes
  while ($com(0)) .comclose $com(1)

alias mpc {
  ;//gtsmirc also has an audio script that would pick up iTunes
  var %message $dll(" $+ $scriptdir $+ gtsmirc.dll",GetOpenVideo,_)
  if (!%message) return
  /echo -s $replace(%message,$chr(1),$+($chr(160),$chr(183),$chr(160)))
  /var %file = $regsubex($gettok(%message,3,1),\.mp3$,$null)
  /var %duration = $duration($gettok(%message,5,1))


alias vlc {
  sockclose vlc_meta_info
  /set -u5 %vlc.chan $chan
  /set -u5 %vlc.command $1-
  sockopen vlc_meta_info 8082
on *:SOCKOPEN:vlc_meta_info: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /NowPlaying.htm HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: localhost
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  sockwrite -n $sockname $null
on *:SOCKREAD:vlc_meta_info: {
  if ( $sockerr > 0 ) { return }
  /var %artist, %name, %duration, %album, %genre, %stream, %file, %temp

  sockread %temp

  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%temp == $null) goto read
  if ( Error 404 isin %temp ) {
    echo Announce: Error. 404. File not found.
    goto close

  if (Artist:* iswm %temp) %artist = $regsubex(%temp,/^Artist:/i,$null)
  else if (Title:* iswm %temp) %name = $regsubex(%temp,/^Title:/i,$null)
  else if (Seconds total:* iswm %temp) %duration = $regsubex(%temp,/^Seconds total:/i,$null)
  else if (Album/movie/show title:* iswm %temp) %album = $regsubex(%temp,/^Album/movie/show title:/i,$null)
  else if ($regex(%temp,Genre:.*)) %genre = $regsubex(%temp,/^Genre:/i,$null)
  else if (PLAYLIST FILENAME:http://* iswm %temp) %stream = $regsubex(%temp,/^PLAYLIST FILENAME:/i,$null)
  if (PLAYLIST FILENAME:* iswm %temp) %file = $nopath($file($regsubex(%temp,/PLAYLIST FILENAME:/i,$null)).longfn)

  if (%temp) echo -s >> %temp
  if ( %temp == EOF ) {
    goto close

  goto read
  sockclose vlc_meta_info