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#178056 04/06/07 09:39 PM
Joined: May 2005
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Dracoz Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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* /if: invalid format (line 56, script.ini)

Need help on this, the problem is here,,,

on *:TEXT:!add*:#: {
if (($address == Dracoz@Dracoz.users.barafranca.com) && ($address == Tonyc@Tonyc.users.barafranca.com) {
/auser mylevel $2
/msg $chan 7 $2 13is toegevoegd aan mijn lijst !

The if adress with tonyc does not work can anybody help me on this ?

If this does not work than can anyone make an script that when somebody says !invite the bot will invite people into the channel,
But only certain people can be allowed to be invited and only 4 people can allow people to get invited..

Last edited by Dracoz; 04/06/07 09:41 PM.
Dracoz #178058 04/06/07 09:45 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:TEXT:!add*:#: {
if (($address == Dracoz@Dracoz.users.barafranca.com) && ($address == Tonyc@Tonyc.users.barafranca.com)) {
/auser mylevel $2
/msg $chan 7 $2 13is toegevoegd aan mijn lijst !

You need a matching number of ( and )

Dracoz #178060 04/06/07 09:54 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Also note that those two conditions will never both be true at the same time, so you should be using || (or) not && (and).

hixxy #178062 04/06/07 09:56 PM
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Dracoz Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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Hmm does not work,,

I dont know much about scripting, but how do i make something that people from #channel are going to be invited to #hidden.channel.

But only people in a list are accepted...

How do i make that ?

And that 10 people can use the bot to grant acces to users

Last edited by Dracoz; 04/06/07 10:00 PM.
Dracoz #178066 04/06/07 10:25 PM
Joined: May 2005
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Dracoz Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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w00t okay i got one working, figured it out myself laugh

on *:TEXT:!invite*:#corleone: {
  if ($address($nick,1) isin %userlist) {
    /invite $nick #hidden.corleone
    msg $chan 3 $+ Invite Geslaagd. 
    notice $nick Dubbelklik op #hidden.corleone
  else {
    msg $chan 4Error! Je staat niet in de database!
on *:TEXT:!allow*:#corleone: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($2 ison $chan) {
      if ($address($2,1) isin %userlist) {
        msg $chan 4Error! $2 staat al in de database!
      else {
        /set %userlist %userlist $address($2,1)
        msg $chan 3 $+ $2 is toegevoegd aan de database!
    else {
      msg $chan 4Error! Deze gebruiker bestaat niet!
on *:TEXT:!remove*:#corleone: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($address($2,1) isin %userlist) {
      /set %userlist $remove(%userlist, $address($2,1))
      /kick #lucchese.fam $2 4Error! Je bent verwijderd uit de database!
      msg $chan 3 $+ $2 is verwijderd uit de database!
    else {
      msg $chan 4Error! $2 staat niet in de database!

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