Sorry for reviving old post, but, I have same problem now!
I want to change some of server notices to mine, as I am ircop's, and I'm creating script, that would help me, and some other ircop's. If I simplify my code:
on *:SNOTICE:*: {
echo -s Server notice halted
But that halt isn't going to work

Is this some kind of mIRC bug?
If so, I'm gonna write to Khaled or that other one... about this bug... Please, who have 5 minutes to spend, test this code, maybe works for you, then we will now, that this isn't bug but something else...
PS: From mIRC Help file:
on SNOTICE event triggers when you receive a server notice.
Format: on <level>:SNOTICE:<matchtext>:<commands>
Example: on 1:SNOTICE:*client connecting*:/halt
For an explanation of
matchtext see the
on TEXT event.
Exampleson 1:SNOTICE:*hack*:/splay hack.wav
This triggers when a server notice contains the word hack.
Note: You can prevent the default server notice from being displayed by using /halt.