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#166 07/12/02 09:12 PM
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Hoopy frood
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When you can receive DCC, but cant initiate a dcc send or chat, the problem is usually one of two things: mIRC isnt getting the correct ip for you, or you are blocking the ports needed with your firewall/router/network. (NOTE: if your employer/school/isp is doing the blocking,you can go beg your sysadmin, which is pretty much an exercise in futility and will prolly make them cranky. If there happens to be a hole in the way the tech ppl set it up, or there is a way to evade their wishes, we will not help you find or exploit it)

You and the other person should check for any error msgs in your status window, like file type blocked or needing to dccallow. Try with more than one person/file type. The problem could be on the others persons end. Check your mIRC options to be sure you/them arent blocking dcc (file/options/dcc, look under ignore there too, and file/options/general/lock or in recent mIRC versions: view/ options/dcc and view/options/ other/lock).

Check for an ip mismatch by typing /dns yournickhere and then typing //say $ip and compare the two. If they arent the same, type /localinfo -u and then try to DCC send.

Make sure that mIRC is getting the external ip for you, not your internal network ip. You will also need to forward a range of ports for mIRC to use and then set those ports in mIRC's options under file/options/dcc/options (in recent versions of mIRC, it will be view/options/ connect/options and click on the advanced button ) where you see the default of 1024-5000. (Any externally initiated connections, like identd port 113 and dcc ports in options need to be forwarded in router to the lan ip of the mirc computer.)

You may also consider shutting down (temporarily) any AntiVirus programs you have running, more specifically those that have "Auto protect" or "Real time protection" features. Norton Antivirus 2005 has an 'Internet Worm Protection' feature that will block DCC, you can disable this in NAV's Options section.

XP firewall help:
on Merlin's site and here
when using this tutorial, please note that in v6.14 dcc ports moved to connect/options, click on advanced button

For help with the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Windows Firewall, which differs slightly from the original Windows XP Internet Connection Firewall, please see this website at microsoft.com. You can also see this guide, which was specifically written for mIRC by Collective.
If you are setting a port rather than making a complete exception for mIRC, choose 'TCP'.

Linksys: Linksys help http://www.linksys.com/tech_helper/advanced.html OR Linksys & DCC (basic) - http://www.practicallynetworked.com/support/linksys_router_help_pg4.htm#mIRC - http://kareno.net/LinkSys/

Dlink: http://www.ntplx.net/dsl/Dlink.di701.pppoe.html scroll down to (3) advanced router setup also check http://www.dlink.co.uk/search.asp click on your equipment then look on left frame for config download or install guide. also this web page

Belkin: http://www.homenethelp.com/web/review/belkin-router.asp

Netgear: http://www.netgear.org/

Note, you can find guides for port forwarding for many more routers at http://www.portforward.com/routers.htm so check that out if the above doesn't help you! (Thanks Danthmandoo for that link)

Also note that some routers (like some of the Netgear ones) seem to dislike port 6667, try changing to a different server port. Also be sure you have the latest firmware for your router.

General networking and ICS help:

DSL: You may be able to web or telnet in to adjust the default settings. Ask your provider, and finding out what router they use will be a help to you. You can telnet into some, with a text-only configuration, and you can web into others with password protected access. Some have built in firewall/routers that you may or may not be able to adjust. The provider may have set up very restrictive settings, or they may be that way by default until you change them. If you can web-administer your unit, the fix will vary depending on the device in question. Get the model number of your unit, and go to the maker's website. See if it is "integrated router" or "integrated firewall" type. Settle in, and start reading the configuration documents at the makers site smile Note that some settings can only be adjusted from the ISP level, while others could be adjusted by the user, but only if the ISP allows the user access.

Cable:Some cable users have resolved their DCC problem by doing the following:
1. Be sure the cable provider doesn't have you firewalled.
2. While disconnected, in File>Options>Connect>Local info, under on connect always get, clear both the local host and the greyed out ip address boxes.
3. In Windows control panel>internet options>connection, change both modem and LAN settings to "automatically detect"

Satellite: I've been told that some, like directpc and directway one have a packet size and distance issue from your computer to the satellite to their *station* back to the satellite and back to the other computer and dcc send isnt likely to cooperate

( NOTE: its possible scripts/addons could interfere with things. unload them, turn them off or try with a new clean copy of mIRC in a new directory)

Last edited by Mentality; 25/02/05 01:46 AM.
#167 02/03/03 06:54 PM
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"2. While disconnected, in File>Options>Connect>Local info, under on connect always get, clear both the local host and the
greyed out ip address boxes."

I use DSL at home, and found that if I clear the boxes, as stated above, and I choose "On connect, always get" Local Host and "Look Up Method" as Server, it does allow me to DCC send. I have tried other combinations of those settings, without any luck.

#168 12/04/03 11:53 AM
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my problem is that i use a bouncer and when i type /localinfon -u, it gets the BOUNCER ip instead of mine, any solution ?

thanks in advance

#169 13/04/03 08:07 AM
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It gets the bnc ip because that is what you are connecting with. You would have to manually input your ip (connect/localinfo) in place of the bnc ip. Of course, that rather defeats the reason some ppl use a bnc, which is to hide their actual ip from everyone.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
#170 21/04/03 10:28 PM
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here what mungkee do

he have problem 2

open mIRC
DCC options
DCC ports: 1024

go to router settings
forward TCP 1024
be sure enabled
DCC Server settings
Check enable DCC Server

also in Router settings

forward UDP 113
be sure enabled

Mungkee Happy : )

prob already in here
but I think silly to have 3000+ ports open
why have a firewall or router???

#171 01/06/03 07:30 PM
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Mirc needs a severe mod. Just tested this with a friend on-line and my DirecWay connection. The IP address returned by /DNS done by myself in Mirc yeilds the local IP address in the Sat software. This IP works for receiving only.

Had friend do /DNS on me and got totally different IP address. Switched to that IP address. Could send just fine, but now receive is broke. Packet size has nothing to do with it. Changed IP address back to original and received worked...send broke again.

Mirc needs a change to allow for seperate IP when sending.

#172 12/06/03 03:54 AM
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Please excuse my lack of knowledge with computers. My problem is that when a bot sends me something I automatically reject it. I am pretty confused on what to do right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And again, I apologize for my lack of computer knowledge. Thanks in advance.


P.S. My email is...
My AIM is...

#173 13/06/03 04:36 AM
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without knowing what if any error msgs you see in your status window:
-you may be rejecting the file type, file/options/dcc/folders
-you may have a script that refuses or puts ppl on ignore
-you may have dccs blocked, file/options/dcc or file/options/general/lock
-it may be a network that requires you /dccallow +nickname for certain file types
-the sender may be having the prob, not you

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
#174 23/06/03 12:49 PM
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I don't know what I'm doing wrong, or forgetting, I hope someone here can help.

I'm behind a router, with a cable connection. My provider does not have me firewalled, I've tried port forwarding, my localhost and ip. The results of my //dns $me and //echo $ip are the same.
I've followed the steps listed in this thread, I know I must be missing something, or not doing a step right. I would appreciate any help offered. crazy


#175 22/07/03 12:57 PM
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Ameglian cow
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I'll just make this comment once more, because there is one more possible solution, skip the technical bits they merely confuse you:

DCC sends have following negotiation sequence (give or take, I'm forgetting):

sender listens on port
sender -> reciever: DCC SEND filename ip port filesize
reciever TCP connects to port and the transfer starts

This reveals the problem: The sender needs to be able to accept incomming TCP connection by listening on a port, if he can't, because he is behind a firewall or he shares an IP with others (for example with a NAT), he can't DCC send.

Since mIRC 5.4(1?) there has been a different sequence supported by mIRC, passive DCC. It's specified to be used with firewalls but works in many other cases just as well (i.e. behind a NAT). The idea behind this is that the recievers listens and the sender connects, thus removing the problem altogether. This again from memory (the exact description is in mIRC's help):

sender -> reciever: DCC SEND filename ip 0 filesize
reciever listens on port
reciever -> sender: DCC SEND filename ip port filesize
sender TCP connects to port and the transfer starts

This is very much like how FTP solves the same problem (passive FTP) and this solutions works great, except for one tiny smudge. Khaled intended this protocol for sending behind a SOCKS firewall and thus tied mIRCs implementation to this fact by disallowing passive DCC to be used if no firewall is configured. The ip sent by the sender is intended to be the firewall ip but for the reciever it makes no difference if this is the senders ip (or any arbitary number actually) instead. This limitation in mIRC implementation is not a flaw in the protocol or it's usefulness but rather a strange design decision by the mighty K. I keep trying to get this arbitary limitation lifted in future mIRC's, it takes (concievably) next to no implementation effort and would enhance the utility for some users. As a proof-of-concept that this setup works anyone with send problems should download an try:

[link deleted by moderator. no disrespect intended, but we advise against users d/l every addon they see]

It allows DCC sends using this protocol by adding it's own DCC send code. Liberate passive DCC in mIRC, make my addon redundant.

Last edited by ParaBrat; 22/07/03 06:35 PM.
#176 22/07/03 06:25 PM
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Skip the condescending attitude, its uncalled for. You obviously missed the point of this thread. The intent is to list some commonly encountered issues and resources that a new user can investigate with relative ease, all of which have solved the problem for countless users.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
#177 23/07/03 08:23 AM
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The condescending attitude was not intentional and I apologize if I phrased myself in a manner that provoked you. I also apologize should this happen in the future. As for helping countless people, I know for a fact that my addon has helped dozens of people who would have no other way of initiating a DCC send. It's an honest attempt to help mIRC users and I'm spending my own time out of free will towards this 'cause', both by spreading my addon (which I haven't personally had use for the last few years) and by evangalizing the introduction of this feature into mIRC, just as you spend your time on this board (albeit on a smaller scale). All I really want is to get Khaled's attention and understanding that this change would only be necessary in the sender and that any mIRC from 5.4(1?) and on would automatically be able to recieve files under this system. In my previous communication with him on this matter he has told me that his main point of hesitation is if he'll have to introduce new incompatible changes into the DCC protocol and I've failed to get any response to my (truthful) claim that he made all the changes needed in mIRC 5.41 already. He is obviously a busy man and I tend to be way too wordy for my own good :-/

I sincerely hope I contributed to this thread by mentioning yet another technique that can help people behind firewalls who are unable to control port allocation perform DCC sends, today. I also hope my posts end up contributing to helping you help even more people in the future by introducing another way of easing the common troubles of DCC sends into mIRC.

#178 24/07/03 01:01 AM
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My apologies for misunderstanding your phrasing. As i said, i meant no disrespect to you or your addon. I'm sure you understand that not every addon is done with the best of intentions and we strongly advise people to not download everything offered. Allowing everyone to "spread" their addons here would contradict that advice.

Yes, Khaled is a busy man, and recieves thousands of emails every day, so it may take a while to recieve a response. Of course, only he could speak to the changes you suggested to him and his hesitation about them.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
#179 11/08/03 03:20 AM
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I turned on the fire wall in mirc now I cant turn it off and I have to guess to get it work once in awhile it works as dcc once and awhile server and then as both any ideas?

In Virginia, chickens cannot lay eggs before 8:00 a.m., and must be done before 4:00 p.m.
#180 11/08/03 04:20 AM
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go back to where u turned it on and with your UP arrow key press till u see none. this is a bug on some systems ..... hopefully to be resolved in the next release

#181 06/09/03 06:34 AM
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Ameglian cow
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I wrote a long description pertaining to NAT and outgoing DCCs for the guys over at BroadbandReports. I thought it would be applicable information here:


Semi-technical users that don't own a D-Link 614+ should at least be able to get the jist of what the problem is (as I describe it in laymens terms).

Please don't ream me for describing the actual IRC protocol portions in simple terms -- being as I'm one of the authors of the hybrid/ratbox ircd SSL code, rest assured that I understand exactly how it all works, but just wanted to print a simplified ersion that people could understand better.

Have fun, and let me know if what I wrote up helps.

#182 11/09/03 06:12 AM
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ok ... I did everything listed from your response on down the line now when I try to send I'm getting an error message of: unable to resolve local host with someone with scripts and without ... what did I mess up?
earlier this week ... act/helproom suggested clearing my ip boxes, unchecking local host on connect always get and checking ip address ... checked server for look up

mirc 6.1
no firewall


#183 11/09/03 06:49 AM
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Just wanted to spare anyone from having to excplain all over again. Please disregaurd my last message I got it and it works now, I can send ... Thank you all experienced MIRC helpers. laugh

#184 12/09/03 12:57 AM
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glad you got it sorted out smile

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
#185 19/09/03 02:06 AM
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that stuff helped me out 2. thank dudes


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