If you're like me, you like to keep your channels and networks semi-organized. I like to have things in a nice order but not always alphabetically like mIRC does. If I want to part a channel and then rejoin it without messing the line-up I could either have to spam hop so the server doesnt allow me to rejoin and mIRC doesn't close the window, or I would need to close all my channels in that network and re-do them When I want to rejoin that channel.
What I would like t osee is like a drag and drop feature for the channels and networks. And Example.
NETWORK1 | #Chan1 | Chan2 || NETWORK2 | CHAN1 | CHAN2 |CHAN3
Oh no! I need to part #CHAN2 on NETWORK2 but I want to keep the same order. What should I do? Hey! Maybe I could just part it and then rejoin it so it goes to the end and then drag the channel in between #CHAN1 and #CHAN3.
I guess network drag and dropping wouldn't be as needed because there is a lovely /disconnect alias but it would still be useful and would just be pretty cool all together.
Hope you like my future suggestion

-Andrew N. (Spitfire3292)