windows XP
mirc 6.21

mIRC settings:

Font linking: yes
SJIS/JIS conversion: yes
Multibyte display: yes
Multibyte editbox: yes
UTF-8 display: no
Parse ansi codes: no

occured at: custom @window with a multiline editbox and a sidelistbox, font: Ms UI Gothic 12, script Japanese, UTF default

No error report

Pressing enter at the end of a line in the editbox skips to a new line. No way to make mIRC process the inputed text or msg it, it just keeps going to a new line, even if the previous line after the inputed japanese text is empty, it goes to a new line. Could be under other windows and other mIRC settings aswell

Last edited by opteronium; 13/01/07 05:00 PM.