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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Spellchecker as you type in the command stack would be nice 
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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dll files would be better than built-in.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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This doesn't seem like a very feasable thing to implement directly into mirc, the dictionary files alone would be a huge bulk to mirc (or resource hogs in the case of active online communication).
Mirc is used by so many people who speak and type in so many different languages that it would be near impossible for an internal spell checker to stay up to date.
Other problems would arise also, such as users that speak more than one language on irc, in the same channel even.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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how about aspell? many win apps us it. ultraedit, gaim.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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It would be nice to have a spellchecker. Most of the poeple I speak with are english and it a rather large server. I havent really came across anyone that does speak english, even the japanese speak english 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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As a note, it wouldn't be too much trouble to put a dialog or picwin "button" over mIRC that will check all of the words in your editbox using an online dictionary. It shouldn't even be that difficult. For that matter, you could just check it by running the text through Google's search and see if it pops up a "did you mean" link, which would mean a single search rather than searching every word in your editbox.
I don't think I'd have it do this automatically using on INPUT just for speed issues and you probably don't need every line to be checked... only ones with words you're not sure of. I think it would be better to have a button that checks your current line before you send it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It would be nice, though just about every country that has English as a first or second language spells different words differently just the same as grammar differs.
The simplest solution to this problem is to become more proficient at typing.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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add to that the increase in the tla's and other 'text talk' that people use these days and a spellchecker isn't really viable.
I like the idea of checking thru a google socket. I also like how we write scripts trying to be as memory friendly as possible, just to throw the load onto googles servers! lol
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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I second that Riamus2..
Hotmail has theirs set up to check the first 2000 words... it does it in a split second.
Having an online editbox pre-check at the touch of a button, would make a nice feature.
Last edited by Scripto; 11/01/07 07:56 PM.
Scripto ---- Life is about the relationships. The correct code being: $replace($them,$you,$me)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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perhaps there could be a plug-in to use things along the lines of Microsoft Word's (or another application's) built in dictionary? Maybe a DLL somewhere?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Oh, you can definitely use a pre-built dictionary. Many are freely downloadable, including many different languages. That's not a problem. However, as was mentioned, having all of your lines checked would really tax your cpu unnecessarily. It's much better to have a button or something to check only the lines that you care about. And using google would save cpu over using a dictionary file.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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well, it could be a "check before send" since the editbox can only have 255 characters in it (sendable IIRC). to realtime check it, yeah, I agree, but to check it before send should take MUCH less time. As for using a website to check it thru, yes, there are plenty of dictionary sites out there that are trustworthy
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It depends how fast you type. I type really fast and I would not want it to check every line and possible start lagging me.
Also, you can send more then 255 on most networks that I've been on... somewhere over 400 on the ones I'm on regularly.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The limit is usually 512 chars including EVERYTHING that is sent in the message (PRIVMSG, target, etc)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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255 must have been an OLDER number that I was thinking of but yes, it goes into the 500 range (as pointed out). I dont know, Firefox (granted this is NOT two way communication so that on its own could be part of the potential lag issues) autochecks my spelling as I type and it doesnt seem to lag me one bit. While typing this it caught 4 errors (as of this sentence - boldfaced deliberately) and underlined them red (tho did NOT auto CORRECT). Perhaps something like this could be done where we have the option of correcting them just by visual glance.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, you can't underline words in red in mIRC unless some DLL I haven't heard of can do it. But you could pop something up that listed unknown words, I suppose.
The lag issue is with the methods you'd have to use to check the sentence in mIRC scripting. mIRC scripting just can't check it fast enough, afaik, to prevent some kind of lag if you're a fast typer and type really long lines of text (or paste them). A DLL would be needed to handle it fast enough for it to work well.
However, if you had a hash table filled with your dictionary words and each word was an item in the hash table, you could probably do it without lag by just checking $hget for an exact match. Still, with long lines, you'll have to loop through every word on the line, which can still cause lag. Also, you have the problems of punctuation and other symbols. What do you ignore or remove before checking for an exact match? You could remove all symbols and keep only characters when checking, but that could cause problems if certain words need apostrophes or hyphens or whatever else.
And, I don't know of any dictionary files that are formatted properly to just load into a hash table in the first place.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I would like to add my support for this suggestion. Ever since Firefox recently added a spellchecker, I have gotten used to it, and it's annoying that mIRC doesn't have one - the absence is noticed.
I've tried to make a DLL based on Aspell, this is no easy task which is why nobody has done it. It's one thing to get the spell checking right, it's another thing to have it underlined with a squiggly red line in the editbox. And then there is the issue of adding a context menu for suggested spelling corrections.
Spell checking is a natural feature for a text centric program. I would encourage khaled, if he is interested (or anyone who is capable of making a DLL), to take a look at Aspell, it's an open source library.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't regularly use any other chat program, so forgive me if I'm wrong, but do any other chat clients have spell checkers? I don't think they do. "Word centric" programs such as Firefox and MS Word have spell checkers because when you type documents in those programs you're probably meant to be spelling things correctly (e.g. forum posts, wikipedia entries). However, the very nature of "chat" on the Internet means words are often not spelled correctly. In fact they are often severely distorted! So Firefox might have a spell checker, but Chatzilla doesn't. MS Word does, but Windows Live Messenger doesn't (afaik).
If you want to type correctly then feel free (I certainly do), but the point of a spell checker is to prevent embarrassing or silly mistakes in documents intended for an audience that might actually care. Also it helps prevent irreversible mistakes - once you've sent that email you can't correct the typo. Once you've printed off that document and posted it, you can't get it out of the mailbox. Making a typo on IRC doesn't matter, is not embarrassing, and the "live" nature of it means you can simply correct your mistake on the next line. Er go, I don't think mIRC is an appropriate program to include a spell checker with.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Making a typo on IRC doesn't matter, is not embarrassing, and the "live" nature of it means you can simply correct your mistake on the next line. Er go, I don't think mIRC is an appropriate program to include a spell checker with. I agree, this should not be added.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I don't think this is something that should be built-in to mIRC, but that doesn't discount the desirability of having the option to easily create/add one via a DLL. I think that spelling in IRC is just as important as spelling in other mediums. Although I consider myself a fairly good speller, I often will find myself running to Firefox's Dictionary.com search-box to make sure I'm communicating effectively; I can imagine this being a great help to people who are just learning a language as well. So, it would be very useful to multiple types of people if mIRC made a spell-checking feature easier to implement. Unfortunately, I doubt even facilitating such a feature is high in priority. For the record, though, Trillian has a plugin for spell-checking that is very useful; it also, of course, has the Wikipedia entry green underlines, which is a whole other feature entirely. 