Excuse me for my bad english.
I coded an input using v (mIRC help says: "v - return $ok, $yes, $no, $cancel for buttons.") and e (mIRC help says: "e - show input editbox
") options but pressing on no and on cancel it returns $null instead of $no or $cancel.
I don't know why, i think that it could be a bug, isn't it?
Try this:
//echo $iif($input(try,177,try,try) == $null,null,$iif($! == $cancel,cancel,$iif($! == $no,no,$!)))
If you press "Yes" it will echos "try" else both pressing "no" and "cancel" it will echoes "null"
I thought that mirc doesn't support v and e options mixed... but why should i use 2 bottons (no and cancel) if pressing one is equal to press the other?
I hope I explained my trouble in a good way...
Thanks, ZaC a.k.a. KiTiK

Last edited by KiTiK; 22/03/03 07:38 PM.