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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i made some dialog for nick list and what i wanted is that in text control is displayed nickname of which i selected in nicklist
id 2 is text control
thing is i want to on every nick change (click) it shows every nick change in ID
so imade alias for it
alias svictim { .timersvictim 0 1 did -ra dialog_name 2 $snick($active) }
but it doesnt work... why?
Last edited by raZOR; 04/11/06 04:27 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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the timer is evaluating your parameters
try .timersvictim 0 1 did -ra dialog_name 2 $($snick($active),0)
to evaluate it 0 times on setting so that the timer re-evaluates it.
there is somethign with a ! too, but i cant remember it, $!snick($active) perhaps....
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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heh, ill need some help with same...
alias kickban {
if ($dialog(kickban) == $null) { dialog -mo kickban kickban }
dialog kickban {
title "Kick/Ban"
size -1 -1 172 146
option dbu
box "Victim", 1, 8 7 157 33
text "", 2, 15 22 142 9
radio "Kick victim", 3, 10 51 35 9, group
radio "Kick and Ban victim", 4, 10 66 55 9
box "Ban Mask type", 5, 70 45 95 30
combo 6, 76 58 84 12, drop
box "Kick Message", 7, 8 82 157 33
edit "", 8, 15 96 142 11, autohs
button "Cancel", 9, 132 127 32 12, cancel
button "OK", 10, 93 127 32 12, ok
on *:dialog:kickban:init:0:{
did -a $dname 6 [0] *!user@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [1] *!*user@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [2] *!*@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [3] *!*user@*.domain
did -a $dname 6 [4] *!*@*.domain
did -a $dname 6 [5] nick!user@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [6] nick!*user@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [7] nick!*@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [8] nick!*user@*.domain
did -a $dname 6 [9] nick!*@*.domain
if (%bancombo.type == $null) { %bancombo.type = 3 | %bancombo.sel = $gettok($did(1,%bancombo.type),2,32) }
did -c $dname 6 %bancombo.type
did -a $dname 2 $snick($active)
if (%kick-penality == on) { did -c $dname 3 }
if (%kickban-penality == on) { did -c $dname 4 }
alias svictim { .timersvictim 0 1 did -ra kickban 2 $($snick($active),0) }
on *:dialog:kickban:sclick:*:{
if ($did = 9) { .timersvictim off }
if ($did = 10) {
%bancombo.type = $did(6).sel
%bancombo.sel = $gettok($did(6,%bancombo.type),2,32)
%bancombo.type2 = %bancombo.type - 1
if ($did(3).state == 1) { %kick-penality = on } | else { %kick-penality = off }
if ($did(4).state == 1) { %kickban-penality = on } | else { %kickban-penality = off }
if (%kick-penality == on) { .kick $active $snick($active) $did(8).text }
if (%kickban-penality == on) { .ban -k $active $snick($active) %bancombo.type2 $did(8).text }
.timersvictim off
problem is that i dont know a way to make dialog disables OK button (ID 10) if no nick is selected. in alias it doesnt work (acts like init event) and in dialog... you just cant do it... any ideas?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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use if (!$snick(#chan,0))
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yea but where?
i tried with
alias svictim { .timersvictim 0 1 did -ra kickban 2 $($snick($active),0) if ($snick($acitve) == $null) { did -b kickban 10 } | else { did -e kickban 10 } }
tried this [censored] too :P
alias svictim { .timersvictim 0 1 did -ra kickban 2 $($snick($active),0) .timersnickdisable 0 1 if ($($snick($active),0) == $null) { did -b kickban 10 } .timersnickenable 0 1 if ($($snick($active),0) != $null) { did -e kickban 10 } }
Last edited by raZOR; 04/11/06 07:48 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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$active not $acitve and change the...
.timersvictim 0 1 did -ra kickban 2 $($snick($active),0))
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Put this as the first line in the init event if !$snick($active,0) { did -b $dname 10 }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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now it always stays disabled... even if nick is clicked on
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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did $iif(!$snick($active,0),-b,-e) $dname 10 } Sorry..that should fix it up
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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it does not :P just to note, that this dialog (if anyone even loaded it up would know...) changes nick target on every new click, co it IS refreshed on every click.
therefore i dont think that init event is good way for what i need help with, correct me if i'm wrong tho.
Last edited by raZOR; 05/11/06 05:23 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The edit box, where the target is placed, only holds a single nick. When you click the OK (to kick/ban someone) or Cancel, the dialog closes, so the next time the dialog opens, the init event runs again. The init event runs every time the dialog is opened. I just realized that there's an un-needed brace in the line I gave you last time right at the very end. I have tested the following, which is a slightly modified version of yours, and it works. The modifications I made (with the exception of that line for the init event) refer to the radio buttons, but aren't required and simply make the code a little easier to read (in my opinion) alias kickban {
if ($dialog(kickban) == $null) { dialog -mo kickban kickban }
dialog kickban {
title "Kick/Ban"
size -1 -1 172 146
option dbu
box "Victim", 1, 8 7 157 33
text "", 2, 15 22 142 9
radio "Kick victim", 3, 10 51 35 9, group
radio "Kick and Ban victim", 4, 10 66 55 9
box "Ban Mask type", 5, 70 45 95 30
combo 6, 76 58 84 12, drop
box "Kick Message", 7, 8 82 157 33
edit "", 8, 15 96 142 11, autohs
button "Cancel", 9, 132 127 32 12, cancel
button "OK", 10, 93 127 32 12, ok
on *:dialog:kickban:init:0:{
did $iif(!$snick($active,0),-b,-e) $dname 10
did -a $dname 6 [0] *!user@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [1] *!*user@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [2] *!*@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [3] *!*user@*.domain
did -a $dname 6 [4] *!*@*.domain
did -a $dname 6 [5] nick!user@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [6] nick!*user@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [7] nick!*@host.domain
did -a $dname 6 [8] nick!*user@*.domain
did -a $dname 6 [9] nick!*@*.domain
if (%bancombo.type == $null) { %bancombo.type = 3 | %bancombo.sel = $gettok($did(1,%bancombo.type),2,32) }
did -c $dname 6 %bancombo.type
did -a $dname 2 $snick($active)
if (%kick-penality == on) { did -c $dname 3 }
if (%kickban-penality == on) { did -c $dname 4 }
alias svictim { .timersvictim 0 1 did -ra kickban 2 $($snick($active),0) }
on *:dialog:kickban:sclick:*:{
if ($did = 9) { .timersvictim off }
if ($did = 10) {
%bancombo.type = $did(6).sel
%bancombo.sel = $gettok($did(6,%bancombo.type),2,32)
%bancombo.type2 = %bancombo.type - 1
%kick-penality = $iif($did(3).state,on,off)
if (%kick-penality == on) { .kick $active $snick($active) $did(8).text }
if (%kickban-penality == on) { .ban -k $active $snick($active) %bancombo.type2 $did(8).text }
.timersvictim off
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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this "modification" STILL disables OK button even if nick IS selected
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Try this alias kickban {
[color:green] if !$dialog(kickban) { dialog -mo kickban kickban }[/color]
dialog kickban {
title "Kick/Ban"
size -1 -1 172 146
option dbu
box "Victim", 1, 8 7 157 33
text "", 2, 15 22 142 9
radio "Kick victim", 3, 10 51 35 9, group
radio "Kick and Ban victim", 4, 10 66 55 9
box "Ban Mask type", 5, 70 45 95 30
combo 6, 76 58 84 12, drop
box "Kick Message", 7, 8 82 157 33
edit "", 8, 15 96 142 11, autohs
button "Cancel", 9, 132 127 32 12, cancel
[color:green] button "OK", 10, 93 127 32 12, ok,disable[/color]
on *:dialog:kickban:init:0:{
[color:gray] ; line removed[/color]
var %i = 0
[color:green] while %i < 10 { did -a $dname 6 $+([,%i,]) $mask(nick!user@host.domain,%i) | inc %i }[/color]
if (%bancombo.type == $null) { %bancombo.type = 3 | %bancombo.sel = $gettok($did(1,%bancombo.type),2,32) }
did -c $dname 6 %bancombo.type
did -a $dname 2 $snick($active)
if (%kick-penality == on) { did -c $dname 3 }
if (%kickban-penality == on) { did -c $dname 4 }
[color:green]alias svictim { .timersvictim 0 1 did -ra kickban 2 $!snick($active) $(|) did $!iif($snick($active),-e,-b) kickban 10 }[/color]
Note: This doesnt have your sclick event , so keep that 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I can't understand that. Here's a couple of screen shots using the code I posted. First one is with a nick selected, 2nd is without   As you should be able to see, the OK button is available in the first picture, however, it's greyed in the second.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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hehe you done it !!!! thanks so much !
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I can't understand that. Here's a couple of screen shots using the code I posted. First one is with a nick selected, 2nd is without As you should be able to see, the OK button is available in the first picture, however, it's greyed in the second. i have no clue why, i realy don't. but it didnt worked at me and i do use mirc 6.2. and it is NOT possible other scripts or timers or aliases interfered with this one bcos i always make unique ones (names). and ofc i check if there is such intereferance.
Last edited by raZOR; 05/11/06 07:58 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It would be interesting to see what other people get when trying my code. Do they get the same as me (which shows that it works) or the same as you (which shows it doesn't work)?
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Your code doesn't change the state of the OK button if you select/unselect a nick after the dialog is open.