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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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I am looking for a script that will give a more graphical feel to dcc transfers from fserve's. I remember comething like it, but I cant find anything. I did find dccassisyt, but it only seemd to work in x-chat. I need something for mirc. Can anyone help?
Thanks! Jess
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Please try the search feature for help with this. You will not find help for filesharing here, as many consider it illegal and what not. I will refer you to another post that explains it better: Mirc isnt a file sharing client.Basically they take a shotgun approach to filesharing in here, the moderators will not help you and if any one does help with this, they will probably be boiled in hot cherry syrup for it (well, maybe not that last part).
keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keekĀ·ing, keeks To peek; peep.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i think its raspberry syrup but cherry would work in a pinch
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The requester wanted a script that shows graphicly the dcc transfers from fserve (which happens to be part of mirc), lets not jump the gun on whats wrong and right. Next having ZIP or RAR well be evil becuase some pirate software comes in zips and rars!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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ok ok, maybe i jumped the gun, a little. so sorry. lets not start a big ol debate, just answer the question :tongue:
edit: didn't mean to sound mean, ya know what i mean?
Last edited by keeker; 01/11/06 11:01 PM.
keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keekĀ·ing, keeks To peek; peep.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Heh, maybe I don't have the credentials to make my comments on this (seeing as I only have like under 10 posts atm), but just remember that DCC is a legitimite protocol for sending legitimate files. Fileservers are also legitimate as long as the files shared on it are not protected by copyright law and/or are legal to share from computer A to computer B according to the countr(ies)' laws. My opinion is unless they are mentioning using the protocol for illegal purposes (which is a good way for them to get sued anyways), they should be able to get help on scripting for it. Now I have seen some mIRC scripts with what you are talking about...I know the name of one in particular (pretty sure at least) but I don't know if the admins want me listing copies of Scripted mIRC's around on their forum :P Look around at some of the more popular ones though - I'm pretty sure you'll find something. (And if nothing else, learn how to use certain DLLs to get the HWND of all active DCC windows, move them off the screen if desired to keep them from being visible, and extract various information from the window such as %, time left, etc -- all windows, which dialogs are, are readable/writeable via Windows programs  )
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Your thoughts are good, except that probably 99% of downloading done through mIRC is illegal. As such, there is a sticky that moderators have posted on this forum stating that we don't help with that stuff. It's very easy for someone to say they are just downloading something legal, such as pictures... in fact, "pictures" is the most common reason that people give when trying to talk us into helping them. Almost all of the time, they are lying about what they are using it for and since we have no way to verify it, we really need to just say no because it's such a high percentage of illegal downloads. Besides, if it's just pictures or something similar, there are many better methods for sending them.
Keep in mind that this is the official forum, so certain things aren't allowed here for that reason. Also, there are a LOT of forums out there that DO help you with such things, so it isn't like we are the only source for scripting help.
I know that some of the people here (including some of the main helpers) disagree with the policy, but as long as it's a forum rule, we need to adhere to it.
All of that said... this is asking for a script that just makes it look cosmetically better. It isn't asking for help making a script that does anything with actual downloading. Because of that, I think it would be fine to help with it, though I'm not sure quite how to do it other than by a DLL (if one exists).
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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<snip>I know that some of the people here (including some of the main helpers) disagree with the policy, but as long as it's a forum rule, we need to adhere to it. Yes, I agree, it can be a bit of a pain when you know that there's a genuine interest in scripting and the learning of scripting but the OP asks a question that automatically stops you from answering. We can't have the debate now(nor should we, it's been done to death) but posters should remember that mIRC has these facilities built in and as such we can help with those, BUT if filesharing is mentioned in the post then we can't really help, because of the current mass downloading (mis)use of the client. All of that said... this is asking for a script that just makes it look cosmetically better. It isn't asking for help making a script that does anything with actual downloading. Because of that, I think it would be fine to help with it, though I'm not sure quite how to do it other than by a DLL (if one exists). I guess you could use picwins, in fact some of the best looking scripts I have ever seen have been picture window based. btk
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Good point. I didn't think of using picwins. I never use them, so didn't think of them. (I'm too lazy to try and draw what I want in them) 
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net