Okay, here goes..
ive got these sclicks for my treeview switchbar (makes everything clickable) and i cant get it to work on the DCC stuff, all i get is: "* No such connection id: 1"
So my question is: Why?? and How do i get around it??

Teh code:
on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:1:{
tokenize 32 $did(switchbar,1,1)
echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10
if ($calc($4 - 1) <= $scid(0)) && (!$5) {
scon $calc($4 - 1)
;right here it is changing the scon so you can show the status window on the selected server
window -a "status window"
;activating status window the scon server.
elseif ($5 = 2) && ($6) {
scon $calc($4 - 1)
;right here it is changing the scon so you can show the channel window on the selected server
window -a $chan($calc($6 - 1))
;activating channel window the scon server.
elseif ($5 = 3) && ($6) {
scon $calc($4 - 1)
;right here it is changing the scon so you can show the query window on the selected server
window -a $query($calc($6 - 1))
;activating query window the scon server.
if ($4 == $calc($scid(0) + 2)) {
;Checking to see if it is the DCC branch
if ($6) {
echo -a dsfdsf
if ($5 == 2) {
echo -a asfdsa
;Checking if the active branch is gets.
window -a "Get $get($calc($6 - 1)) $get($calc($6 - 1)).file $+ "
;Activating, or showing the selected get window
elseif ($5 == 3) {
;Checking if the active branch is sends.
window -a "Send $send($calc($6 - 1)) $send($calc($6 - 1)).file $+ "
;Activating, or showing the selected send window
elseif ($5 == 4) {
;Checking if the active branch is Chats.
window -a = $+ $chat($calc($6 - 1))
;Activating, or showing the selected chat window
if ($4 == $calc($scid(0) + 3) && $5) {
window -a $window($calc($5 - 1))
Its the part in
red that doesnt work right. the output is:
slclick select mouse 4 2 2-* No such connection id: 1-The first line means something like:
click select(ed) (with) mouse (branch) 4 (subbranch) 2 (subsubbranch) 2
Here's another screenshot with the problem "in action":
treeviewLook for the "DCCs: 2" and go from there in the output
Thx in advance!!!