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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Three nights ago, I upgraded from my old 6.17 version to 6.2 Now I no longer am able to get a DCC transfer, chat, etc...
It gets even odder... Not only can't I receive a DCC transfer, chat, etc... But when someone sends one to me, I am effectivly frozen. I am still able to type in the channel, and people see me typing, but I can not see their typing, nor am I able to join any other channels.
It is as if I have been disconnected, yet I am sort of still there... Though I can't do anything.
I have to disconnect, and then re connect in order to be able to chat again.
Can anyone at all help with this?? I went into the mirchelp channel on Undernet and asked about this, and the only thing I was told by one person, is that they too are having troubles with their DCC's. Other than that, no helpful information.
Nothing was changed on my PC. I am at a total loss as to what to do. I have even tried putting my old version back on, and now it does the same thing.
Common sense to me, says it can't be a problem with mIRC, yet what could possibly be doing this?? I have completly scanned the PC for viri, malware, adware... all is clean.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Last edited by gliterbun; 01/10/06 07:42 AM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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OW not nice, the problem is there could be so many things. 1) Assuming you are using windows xp make sure the built in firewall (or anyother firewall) isnt partially blocking the new mirc. 2) make sure you are running a clean (unscripted copy of 6.2) Try typing /remotes off if you are unsure BEFORE you try and dcc. 3) If all else fails download another copy from a different mirror, install it to another folder and try that (do not use the old settings).
Have a try and lets us know Fire
Last edited by Firestarter; 01/10/06 09:06 AM.
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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mirc needs to do something about the dcc send problem. My Yahoo Messenger, MSM, ICQ and AIM all send/receive without having to go into the router and do super-human things there to get results. It's really annoying having to go to another program to do that which mirc should do.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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(Some of this was already said, but...)
Check your DCC options in mIRC. A new install may have them disabled.
Also, if you were using any scripts, it could be that a change in mIRC made one of those scripts stop working properly.
Finally, make sure that firewalls and routers are configured properly for mIRC.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mirc needs to do something about the dcc send problem. My Yahoo Messenger, MSM, ICQ and AIM all send/receive without having to go into the router and do super-human things there to get results. It's really annoying having to go to another program to do that which mirc should do. Superhuman? Just use portforward.com ... it's *very* easy. Also, downloading usually isn't blocked by routers and firewalls. Uploading can be depending on the port(s) used. I don't know how those IM apps upload, but it's possible they use ports that wouldn't be blocked (such as port 80). Because there are so many routers out there and they are all set up differently, asking mIRC to forward ports in your router for you is a bit rediculous.  Just as a note... if you look up the port that is used on one of those IM apps and try sending a file from mIRC using the same port, it will probably work without touching your router. mIRC gives you the option of choosing ports, where many apps don't.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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did you pay any attention to this when it was siad to you
"2) make sure you are running a clean (unscripted copy of 6.2) Try typing /remotes off if you are unsure BEFORE you try and dcc. "
Your complaint sounds like it is a script that fails in 6.2 and causes more than just a dcc problem to appear.
Can you confirm if the problem occrs on a mirc 6.2 with NO scripts loaded (to get to this u can copy the mirc.exe to a new folder and run it from that folder, logining on in it)
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Well... as I said in my first post... I don't feel the problem can be in mIRC since I cant see what it would have to do with my DCC's.
This is what I have done so far though... D/Led a fresh copy from this site. - Still no go Reinstalled my older version - Still no go Then did a full virus, adware, spyware, and even did a scan for Trojans, using 2 different programs, that are recommended for finding trojans - I had none.
I am going to go out on a limb (and hope a LOT!!) that perhaps, something went awry in my router (WRT54GS). I am going to get a new one and see if anything changes.
I am trying this b/c... well, I am basically out of ideas, and about a week or so ago, I did try to flash it to a newer firmware version which failed. However, my problems did not start till a good week or two after I had done that, sooo... not too sure it would be it, but am willing to try anything.
After that... is there anything my ISP might have done?? They did come on a service call about 2 weeks ago, b/c my speeds were not up to par. They said they could not really find anything wrong, other than they said, I had too much signal.
Ai ya. Sorry for the long post. But wish to cover everything I have done.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Okie dokie... Have a new router, just hooked it up Again I have completly scanned this PC for everything... Viri, Trojans, Adware, Spyware... It comes up as clean. I don't use any scripts in my mIRC's. (So that is not an issue)
I am going to d/l 6.2 from the Iowa server (Never tried that one)
I am a little afraid to actually start the install (LOL) don't want to see the problem is still there.
Oh well... here goes. (Fingers crossed... toes too!!)
Last edited by gliterbun; 02/10/06 04:48 AM.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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 Nope, did not help. I still have the same problem.  I checked XP's firewall, mIRC is allowed. I am at a total loss now. Any other ideas welcomed... I really don't want to format.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I didn't see this mentioned earlier, so I don't know if you tried it or not, but do you have the same problem with Windows firewall disabled?
I realize that you probably don't want to run your system without a firewall, but if disabling the Windows firewall resolves your current problem, there are lots of other firewalls available.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I didn't see this mentioned earlier, so I don't know if you tried it or not, but do you have the same problem with Windows firewall disabled?
I realize that you probably don't want to run your system without a firewall, but if disabling the Windows firewall resolves your current problem, there are lots of other firewalls available. Actually, though it was not mentioned, I did try that as well. (Real head scratcher this one is huh?) I have had a breakthrough of sorts though... I can reproduce the same problem on the other PC in our home. It has version 6.17 on it. While I very rarely ever use that PC with mIRC, it never had any troubles when I did. So, that means this problem has to lie somwhere either in our Wireless LAN (Where nothing has changed) Or ... where I am thinking... possibly the Cable Modem, or even when the tech came out to our house to fix slow speeds, perhaps he may have done something somehow. If the latter be the case, (And I have installed a New Router, so I dont think it could be our LAN) then does anyone have any ideas if the modem could be the culprit, or the tech?? Thanks
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Your mentioning of odd behavour of mirc, made me think its something inside the app itself (at least at first).
try /!DEBUG @debug
then monitor if whena dcc occurs , what happens when u chat in channels etc afterwards, do u still see all info from channels comming and going etc.
PS: the fact its happening on more than one pc, leads me to think its outside of mirc tho. Since its very hard to track what that might be im sorry i cant be much more help.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Well, I just changed the setting in which port mIRC listens from 59 to 60... and I was able to finally receive a DCC without locking up.......... However, I then shutdown mIRC restarted it, went to receive a DCC and I again locked right back up.  I just got off the phone with my Cable provider. I am going to try and see if they will give me a new modem... real longshot I suppose hoping that something is wrong with the modem, but I have tried everything else. This is a toughie.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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So your running a DCC listening port? You might be getting DOS attacked.
This is how recieving files NORMALY works Sender Client (mirc) PM's a CTCP special message to your client (mirc) that tells it the name of the file, size, his IP and the port hes gonna send it on Your mirc then opens a tcp connection to that IP at that port number (does not need to be that port number on your end) but only on his His end is waiting for you on that port number and when you connect, he starts the file send.
Using a listening port, means you are always listening on PORT N (in this case 59 or 60), this means your mirc well respond to connections made to u on that port, for dcc of types you have set. it is possable that when you requested a file from soemoene using a listening port setup, that some bad person gets this data and then sends a huge amount of crap transmissions to you on this port, this causes your mirc to try and deal with every one of them, and thus lock up doing so.
Im not saying this is whats happening but it maybe.
Try using a completely different irc network and request a file from some person, see if you lockup then, if not its likely being caused by the location your requesting from.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I am pretty sure mIRC came with listen on port 59 as the default. Are you saying, I should leave that blank (Which I don't think you can do? Wont it just make it port 0 then? This is under DCC Server in the options list. It has Enable DCC Server t checked, and all other boxes Not checked (Listen for: Send, Chat, FServ) And Perform DNS Lookup also Not checked. I have the new modem... and I am still a no go. 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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disable the dcc server, it is NOT needed for simply having files sent to you on dcc.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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 Well, I have done everything. The PC has been formatted, there is now no way there is any virus, trojan or whatever. (Only mIRC is on the PC as of now) My ISP does not block any ports (I checked) that this would use. My router is Not blocking it. I d/led a Fresh copy of 6.2 I un-checked enable DCC server... I still lock up! Wonderful. I have no where else to look now.  P.S. Thanks for the views. I am a paid user (have been for years of mIRC) Why after I post does my thread not go to the top?
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Well, here is what has happened today... (for anyone who might care)
I had no internet now (LOL) I suppose I have to laugh at this point.
Contacted my ISP, had me do a number of things, then went to level 2 tech, she had me type some info at my DOS prompt, then re authorized my modem, and lo and behold I was finally able to receive a DCC transfer.
She was not happy about what I have been through, and we do know it all goes back to when they last came out.
So they will be sending yet another tech out on Tuesday to check the lines, and my TX and RX rates (First tech had said they were too high and adjusted them... basically problems started soon after)
So, we see.
Very frustrated, pissed, and generally put out. Thanks again to everyone who looked in here.
Here is hoping come Tuesday, all will be well again.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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So it was a DOS (denial of service) attack after all, just one caused by your ISP. :-)
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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So it was a DOS (denial of service) attack after all, just one caused by your ISP. :-) If I could have a more in depth explanation of that, from anyone I would really, really appreciate it. Another tech is coming today, and I would like to be able to speak more knowledgable on the subject. (Other than I know disruption of connection between two or more PC's is one description... I am looking for more specific to this case, as in what it is that they could have done to cause this, or anything that may be helpful) Thanks!!