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Joined: Aug 2004
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 423
sorry for the second post,

i've been searching the forums for help with this.. and i found some good stuff, but i'm still having problems.. first off now i'm flooding myself off and not sure why, second i'm in need of some help with parsing html code that on two lines... and i think i may have the sockclose commands in order... but could use some advise on that.. now for testing purposes i kept this code to the orig order. here's the code:
on *:TEXT:!movieinfo *:#ghettowtest:{
  if ($isfile($remove($2-,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh ) == $true) {
    hload $remove($2-,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh $remove($2-,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh
    msg $nick MovieInfo For $2- 
    msg $nick $hget($remove($2-,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Genre) 
    msg $nick $hget($remove($2-,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Tagline) 
    msg $nick $hget($remove($2-,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Plot) 
    msg $nick $hget($remove($2-,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Runtime)
    msg $nick $hget($remove($2-,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,site) 
  else {
    hmake $remove($2-,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh 
    set %movietitle $2- 
    set %movieinfonick $nick 
    msg $nick Please Wait While We Retrieve The Info (No longer Then 30 Secs)

alias movieinfo { sockopen movieinfo1 www.imdb.com 80 | echo -at A }

on *:sockopen:movieinfo1: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /find?q= $+ $replace(%movietitle,$chr(32),$(%20,)) $+ ;s=all HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.imdb.com $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
  set %zinfonumber 1
  ;echo -at Succesfully Opened Socket
on *:sockread:movieinfo1:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    ;echo -a Error
  else {
    var %tmptxt
    sockread -f %tmptxt
    ;echo -a %tmptxt
    if (Location: isin %tmptxt) {
      set %movieinfolink2 $remove(%tmptxt,Location: http://www.imdb.com)
      sockclose movieinfo1
      sockopen movieinfo2 www.imdb.com 80
    else {
      if (<p><b>Popular Titles</b> isin %tmptxt) {
        set %movieinfolink2 $gettok(%tmptxt,2,34)
        echo -a %movieinfolink2
        sockclose movieinfo1
        sockopen movieinfo2 www.imdb.com 80

on *:sockopen:movieinfo2:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %movieinfolink2 HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.imdb.com $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
  set %zinfonumber 1
  hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh site For Full Details Visit: http://www.imdb.com $+ %movieinfolink2

on *:sockread:movieinfo2:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    ;echo -a Error
  else {
    var %tmptxt
    sockread -f %tmptxt
    ;echo -a %tmptxt
    if (<b class="ch"> isin %tmptxt) {
      if (%zinfonumber <= 3) {
        if (%zinfonumber = 1) { inc %zinfonumber }
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 2) { hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Tagline $remove($replace($htmlconv(%tmptxt),Tagline:,­Tagline:­,Plot Outline:,­Plot Outline:­ ),(more),(view trailer)) | inc %zinfonumber }
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 3) { hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Plot $remove($replace($htmlconv(%tmptxt),Tagline:,­Tagline:­,Plot Outline:,­Plot Outline:­ ),(more),(view trailer)) | inc %zinfonumber }
        ;echo -at $remove($replace($htmlconv(%tmptxt),Tagline:,­Tagline:­,Plot Outline:,­Plot Outline:­ ),(more),(view trailer))
      if (Genre: isin %tmptxt) { set %genrecatch 1 }
      if (Runtime: isin %tmptxt) { set %runtimecatch 6 }
    elseif (%genrecatch <= 1) {
      hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Genre ­Genre:­ $+ $chr(32) $+ $remove($htmlconv(%tmptxt).rem,(more))
      unset %genrecatch
    elseif (%runtimecatch <= 6) {
      hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh  Runtime Runtime: $+ $chr(32) $+ $htmlconv(%tmptxt).rem
      unset %%runtimecatch

alias htmlconv {
  var %t, %u = $regsub($replace($1,<br>,$crlf),/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,,%t)
  if (!$regex(%t,/&\S+?;/)) return %t
  if ($prop == rem) return $(,,$regsub(%t,/&\S+?;/g,,%t)) %t
  %t = $replace(%t, ,$chr(160),",",<,<,>,>,&,&,…,...,®,®, $&
    ©,©,,™,™,¼,¼,½,½,¾,¾,³,³,²,²,°,°,•,•, $&
    ›,›,‹,‹,»,»,«,’,’,‘,‘,&rdguo;,”,“,“,–, $&
    –,—,—,',',˜,~,×,×,÷,÷,¶,¶,&ecute;,é,&Ecute;,É,¢, $&
  if ($version < 6.14) || (!$regex(%t,/&\S+?;/)) return %t
  var %html = html $+ $ticks, %body = body $+ $ticks
  .comopen %html htmlfile
  if ($comerr) return %t
  %t = $com(%html,write,1,bstr*,$+(<html><body>,%t,</body></html>))
  %t = $com(%html,body,2,dispatch* %body) $com(%body,innertext,2)
  %t = $com(%body).result
  if ($com(%body)) .comclose %body 
  if ($com(%html)) .comclose %html
  return %t
alias -l replywithstuff {
  msg %movieinfonick MovieInfo For %movietitle 
  msg %movieinfonick $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Genre)
  msg %movieinfonick $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Tagline) 
  msg %movieinfonick $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Plot)
  msg %movieinfonick $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Runtime)
  hsave -o $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh 
  msg %movieinfonick For Full Details Visit: http://www.imdb.com $+ %movieinfolink2
  hfree $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh


this is the error msg i get when flooding off:
/msg: insufficient parameters (line 114, script3.mrc)

which is this line:
msg %movieinfonick $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Genre)

so any advice would be appreciated on this and of course suggestions are alsways welcomed smile

thanks in advance

Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 423
Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 423
ok well i figured out the flooding part and have got the sockclose issues hashed out.... but i have a couple of new questions... here's what i have now :
alias movieinfo { sockopen movieinfo1 www.imdb.com 80 | echo -at A } 

on *:sockopen:movieinfo1: { 
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /find?q= $+ $replace(%movietitle,$chr(32),$(%20,)) $+ s=all HTTP/1.1 
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.imdb.com $+ $crlf $+ $crlf 
  set %zinfonumber 1 
  echo -at Succesfully Opened Socket 
on *:sockread:movieinfo1:{ 
  if ($sockerr) { 
    ;echo -a Error 
  else { 
    var %tmptxt 
    sockread -f %tmptxt 
    ;echo -a %tmptxt 
    if (Location: isin %tmptxt) { 
      set %movieinfolink2 $remove(%tmptxt,Location: http://www.imdb.com) 
      sockopen movieinfo2 www.imdb.com 80 
    else { 
      if (<p><b>Popular Titles</b> isin %tmptxt) { 
        set %movieinfolink2 $gettok(%tmptxt,2,34) 
        echo -a %movieinfolink2 
        sockopen movieinfo2 www.imdb.com 80


on *:sockopen:movieinfo2:{ 
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %movieinfolink2 HTTP/1.1 
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.imdb.com $+ $crlf $+ $crlf 
  set %zinfonumber 1


on *:sockread:movieinfo2:{ 
  if ($sockerr) { 
    ;echo -a Error 
  else { 
    var %tmptxt 
    sockread -f %tmptxt 
    ;echo -a %tmptxt 
    if (<b class="blackcatheader"> isin %tmptxt) {
      if (Directed isin %tmptxt) { set %directcatch 1 }
    elseif (%directcatch <= 1) {
      hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Director $htmlconv(%tmptxt).rem
      unset %directcatch
    if (<b class="ch"> isin %tmptxt) { 
      if (%zinfonumber <= 8) { 
        if (%zinfonumber = 1) { inc %zinfonumber } 
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 2) { hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Tagline $remove($htmlconv(%tmptxt),Tagline:,(more),(view trailer))
          inc %zinfonumber
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 3) { hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Plot $remove($htmlconv(%tmptxt),Plot $+ $chr(32) $+ Outline:,(more),(view trailer))
          inc %zinfonumber
        ;echo -at $remove($replace($htmlconv(%tmptxt),Tagline:,­Tagline:­,Plot Outline:,­Plot Outline:­ ),(more),(view trailer)) 
      if (Genre: isin %tmptxt) { set %genrecatch 1 }
    elseif (%genrecatch <= 1) { 
      hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Genre $remove($htmlconv(%tmptxt).rem,(more)) 
      unset %genrecatch 

alias htmlconv { 
  var %t, %u = $regsub($replace($1,<br>,$crlf),/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,,%t) 
  if (!$regex(%t,/&\S+?;/)) return %t 
  if ($prop == rem) return $(,,$regsub(%t,/&\S+?;/g,,%t)) %t 
  %t = $replace(%t, ,$chr(160),",",<,<,>,>,&,&,…,...,®,®, $& 
    ©,©,,™,™,¼,¼,½,½,¾,¾,³,³,²,²,°,°,•,•, $& 
    ›,›,‹,‹,»,»,«,’,’,‘,‘,&rdguo;,”,“,“,–, $& 
    –,—,—,',',˜,~,×,×,÷,÷,¶,¶,&ecute;,é,&Ecute;,É,¢, $& 
  if ($version < 6.14) || (!$regex(%t,/&\S+?;/)) return %t 
  var %html = html $+ $ticks, %body = body $+ $ticks 
  .comopen %html htmlfile 
  if ($comerr) return %t 
  %t = $com(%html,write,1,bstr*,$+(<html><body>,%t,</body></html>)) 
  %t = $com(%html,body,2,dispatch* %body) $com(%body,innertext,2) 
  %t = $com(%body).result 
  if ($com(%body)) .comclose %body 
  if ($com(%html)) .comclose %html 
  return %t 

alias -l replywithstuff {
  did -ra my_imdb 3 %movietitle
  did -ra my_imdb 4 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Director)
  did -ra my_imdb 5 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Genre)
  did -ra my_imdb 14 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Tagline)
  did -ra my_imdb 1 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Plot)
  hsave $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh 
  sockclose movieinfo1 | sockclose movieinfo2
  hfree $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh
dialog my_imdb {
  title "IMdb Personal Search Results"
  size -1 -1 243 106
  option dbu
  edit "", 2, 54 10 133 10
  edit "", 3, 42 33 82 10
  edit "", 4, 42 43 62 10
  edit "", 5, 131 44 99 10
  edit "", 6, 152 33 35 10
  text "Search For:", 7, 24 12 28 8
  text "Movie Title:", 8, 12 34 28 8
  text "Genre:", 9, 112 45 17 8
  text "Director:", 10, 19 44 21 8
  text "Runtime:", 11, 129 34 22 8
  edit "", 12, 42 52 62 10
  text "Rating:", 13, 22 54 18 8
  edit "", 14, 131 53 99 10
  button "Search!", 16, 200 9 37 12
  text "Tag Line:", 17, 107 55 23 7
  button "Done", 18, 215 22 22 12, ok
  text "Movie Plot:", 15, 92 67 27 8
  edit "", 1, 6 76 231 22, multi
on *:dialog:my_imdb:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 16) {
    set %movietitle $did(2)
    did -r $dname 2
    if $isfile($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh)  {
      hmake $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh 
      hload $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh
      did -ra $dname 3 %movietitle 
      did -ra $dname 4 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Director)
      did -ra $dname 5 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Genre)
      did -ra $dname 7 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Tagline)
      did -ra $dname 1 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Plot)
    else {
      hmake $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh



this code works very well... except when it pulls the director info, i get two blocks at the end?? don't know why . another thing is that the hash file that gets saved for some reason gets titled $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)).hsh ??? and this kinda halts the script. i also want to get some other info from my searches... like movie runtimes and also MPAA rattings if available... thos pieces look like this:
<b class="ch">Runtime:</b>
USA:98 min
<b class="ch"><a href="/mpaa">MPAA</a>:</b> Rated PG for crude humor, innuendo and language.<br>
but the mpaa rating isn't available on all searches.. and for the runtime results i only want the 98 min portion since many search results wont have country classification..

any help on these issues will be appreciated greatly... as well as comments on how i can improve this code..

thanks in advance... (again)

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