Usually theres more activity on the boards but tonight was pretty quiet so I decided to make a quick Dialog timer that could be extended with if statements that if the timer reaches x amount of minutes to execute a command such has shutdown windows, play mp3 etc... of course I myself in this dialog did not add any of this.

This dialog only has the basic Start, (Running timer) and stop shows you were it stopped.

Simple, Basic!

to run the script type /crono


dialog timer {
  title "Timer"
  size -1 -1 68 47
  option dbu
  text "Current:", 3, 7 20 25 8
  text "End Time:", 4, 7 32 25 8
  box "", 5, 3 0 62 44
  edit "", 6, 34 19 27 10, center
  edit "", 7, 34 31 27 10, center
  button "Start!", 8, 7 7 25 10
  button "Stop!", 9, 34 7 27 10

alias trip { 
  if ($dialog(timer)) {
    return $asctime($calc($ctime - %ts),nn:ss)

alias crono { dialog -md timer timer }

on *:DIALOG:timer:sclick:8:{
  %ts = $ctime
  if ($dialog(timer)) {
    /.timer 20000 1 //did -ra $dname 6 $!trip

on *:DIALOG:timer:sclick:9:{
  /.timers off
  did -ra $dname 7 $did($dname,6).text

on *:DIALOG:timer:close:0:{
  /.timers off

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }