ok im using
on 1:START:{
/server irc.freenode.net
/server -m us.quakenet.org
/server -m irc.riz0n.net
in a myconnect.ini file to connect to mulitple networks
it works fine but i need something other than "perform" (located in tools>options>connect>options>perform) to do my /nickserv identify password (or /msg q auth nick password for quakenet) commands
the reason im not using perform is because it takes action AFTER ive join all the channels on autojoin (Favorites)
i dont want that because my ip will be shown (by the time i identified myself its too late)
can anyone help?
i need it to auto ID myself as soon as im connected to the specific server and before my autojoins in "Favorites" performs
i just started mIRC scripting ( i have toyed with it before but only small miminal sniippets)
thanks in advance
EDITED: thought i should also add my password/nicks are different for each server