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Joined: Feb 2004
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Jae Offline OP
Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Feb 2004
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mIRC 6.2


i tried making a batch file (for the fact its easy to edit in notepad etc)
purpose to see if u can have a main mirc directory
as well as put all mirc scripts under their own folders of the main directory
note: for each batch file load i deleted and re copied contents again

test-r.bat :
mirc.exe -rtest\
- creates folders in x:\mirc\test\
- mirc.ini isnt touched and mirc will not save any settings

test-i.bat :
mirc.exe -itest\mirc.ini
- loads x:\mirc\test\mirc.ini
- creates folders in x:\mirc\
- mirc updates the mini in x:\mirctest\mirc.ini

test-i-r.bat :
mirc.exe -itest\mirc.ini -rtest\
- creates folders in x:\mirc\test\
- mirc.ini isnt touched and mirc will not save any settings
(same as test-r.bat)

test-r-i.bat :
mirc.exe -rtest\ -itest\mirc.ini
- creates folders in x:\mirc\test\
- mirc.ini isnt touched and mirc will not save any settings
(again same as test-r.bat)

with test-r.bat, i went back and tried putting a x:\mirc\mirc.ini to see if mirc wrote over it, mirc yet again still did the same thing and touched neither mirc.ini's

idealy i was hoping to be able to force mirc to load everything from certain sub folders

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Right, mIRC currently needs full paths for both of these commandline parameters. I will extend them for the next version so that they can handle non-full pathnames as well.

Joined: Feb 2004
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Jae Offline OP
Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Feb 2004
Posts: 201
Thanks, i wasn't aware of needing the full path. I made an assumption based on the help file not mentioning full path's. It seemed to half work anyway. Thanks heaps. Keep up the good work. smile

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