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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
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Try putting this at the end of that script. (Untested)

on *:input:*: {
  if ($1 == !quote) {
    var %who = $iif($chan,$chan,$me)
    if ($chan) {
      if (!$istok([color:red]#channel1 #channel2 #channel3 #channel4 #channel5[/color],$chan,32)) { return }
      if (%quote.delay) {
        echo -a Please try again after $duration(%quote.delay) or use !quote in a PM.
      else {
        var %delay = $rand([color:blue]600,5400[/color])
        set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay
    if ($2) {
      if ($2 !isnum) { msg %who $2 is not a number. | return }
      if ($lines(quotes.txt) < $2) { msg %who Quote # $+ $2 doesn't exist. | return }
      msg %who $read(quotes.txt,$2)
    else msg %who $read(quotes.txt)
  elseif ($1 == !quotes) { msg %who Total quotes: $lines(quotes.txt) }
  elseif ($1 == !addquote) {
    if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You need to include a quote to add. }
    else write quotes.txt $2-

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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gomp Offline OP
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Could you make all functions answer to me too?

When I write !qote !quotes etcetera, in channels.

It works fine in /msg.

But not in any of the channels.

All else works Fine!

Tahnk you for making it! laugh

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
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gomp Offline OP
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Here is the whole working thing, tested all I think.
If anybody wants to use it too.


; - !Quotescript...

on *:text:!quote*:*: {
  if ($level($address($nick,8)) == Quote.Ban) { return }
  else var %who = $nick
  if ($chan) {
    if (!$istok(#narkotika #paranormal #ddayhome #shroomery #spiritualmaterialism #coders #TheTruth #immortal-technique #felles #tv.no #chemistry #filosofi #NanoTechnology #åndelig #ganja #pinehillhaints #Le·g·ion! #innvikling #Truth #Gudene #shamanism +#christian #innsikt #2012 #utvikling #sms.no #tao #rytmeboksen #dreamt +#3d_life #archangels #spiritual #ascension #ugdulf #dreaming #spirituality #buddhism #shrooms #psychedelics #spiritual #narkotika #filosofisk #filosofi #åndelighet,$chan,32)) { return }
    var %who = $chan
    if (%quote.delay) {
      .notice $nick Please try again after random delay of: $duration(%quote.delay) - Or use !"commands" in a PM.
    else {
      var %delay = $rand(50,100)
      set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay
  if ($2) {
    if ($2 !isnum) { msg %who $2 is not a number. | return }
    if ($lines(quotes.txt) < $2) { msg %who Quote # $+ $2 doesn't exist. | return }
    msg %who $read(quotes.txt,$2)
  elseif ($1 == !quotes) { msg %who Total quotes: $lines(quotes.txt) }
  else msg %who $read(quotes.txt)

on *:text:!addquote*:*: {
  if ($2 == $null) { .notice $nick You need to include a quote to add. }
  else write quotes.txt $2-

menu nicklist {
  !Quote Ban: auser Quote.Ban $address($snick($chan,1),8)

on *:input:*: {
  if ($1 == !quote) {
    var %who = $iif($chan,$chan,$me)
    if ($chan) {
      if (!$istok(#narkotika #paranormal #ddayhome #shroomery #spiritualmaterialism #coders #TheTruth #immortal-technique #felles #tv.no #chemistry #filosofi #NanoTechnology #åndelig #ganja #pinehillhaints #Le·g·ion! #innvikling #Truth #Gudene #shamanism +#christian #innsikt #2012 #utvikling #sms.no #tao #rytmeboksen #dreamt +#3d_life #archangels #spiritual #ascension #ugdulf #dreaming #spirituality #buddhism #shrooms #psychedelics #spiritual #narkotika #filosofisk #filosofi #åndelighet,$chan,32)) { return }
      if (%quote.delay) {
        echo -a Please try again after $duration(%quote.delay) or use !quote in a PM.
      else {
        var %delay = $rand(50,100)
        set -u [ $+ [ %delay ] ] %quote.delay %delay
    if ($2) {
      if ($2 !isnum) { msg %who $2 is not a number. | return }
      if ($lines(quotes.txt) < $2) { msg %who Quote # $+ $2 doesn't exist. | return }
      msg %who $read(quotes.txt,$2)
    else msg %who $read(quotes.txt)
  elseif ($1 == !quotes) { msg %who Total quotes: $lines(quotes.txt) }
  elseif ($1 == !addquote) {
    if ($2 == $null) { echo -a You need to include a quote to add. }
    else write quotes.txt $2-




Now all works!

Just got to make the notices show up only in the channel the !"commans" are being used, but that I should be able to find out on my own, or by making a post and asking in genereal..

Thank you ever so much!
I'd like to thank you in person one day. (I am a lucid dreamer.)


Last edited by gomp; 17/11/06 02:16 PM.

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
Joined: Jun 2004
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Fjord artisan
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Seems you fixed that already too!

Thank you ever so much!

You really made my wish come true!


BTW the name of that *.gif is "fortunate, happy, lucky, prosperous" (...in Norwegian! (Lykkelig!))

And you are the ONLY one responsible for that! At least indirectly!

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
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gomp Offline OP
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Fjord artisan
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* /auser: insufficient parameters

I get that when trying to ban someone.

Help? smile

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
Joined: Aug 2004
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252
The original post has nothing to do with bans. You should've started a new topic, and supplied us with the code that the /user command is in in regards to the aspect of banning.

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gomp Offline OP
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Fjord artisan
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I found the error I made.
Forgot to null out a linewith a ';' that messed with the script.
So it works now.

I got a few new requests for options though.

So I'll make a new post to make it less messy..

Thank you for all help! I love you! laugh

(I though I was replying to Riamus2, I skimped.)

[url=NEW POST FOUND HERE...]https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=166554&page=0#Post166554[/url]

Last edited by gomp; 12/12/06 11:16 AM.

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
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