...a "bot", for quotes, and I might adapt the script to also function as a mantra-quoter, in #buddhism, etcetera..

Hey! I am asking a really big favour here. grin

I have searched the net many times for this, and can only find no-usable-for my purpose stuff, of stuff for eggdrops.
Or scripts I cannot get to work.

So the thing is.

I got like Hundreds of lines of personal written “one liners” in a text file. I edit all the time via the F8 key. (Opening a notepad by the /run command.)

If I put all the “quotes”, all neatly in order, line by line, in a “quotes.txt” in the mIRC folder, …


1 "Everything can contain nothing.. but nothing cannot contain everything.. Thus, nothing becomes, what it already is.."
2 "We need no religion, as we are; A legion!"
3 "The Truth is relative to its context."
4 "Never doubt your doubts!"
5 "I neither agree nor dis-agree, I keep open, ... !"
… So on …

Then if anyone wanted to display a random quote, in a dead silent channel E.g.
One could type !quote , either in a channel or in a ‘personal-message too me’.
Subsequently triggering; <my-nick> “random Quote” …

And if anyone got the time and find pleasure in doing this for me. (And others who might like it?)
I would also like for “me acting as a bot”, to be able to do this:

If someone type !addquote “the-quote-they-want-to-add”, to me in personal-message, or in main chat.
(Either it is their own, or by others.)
Then it would be added to “quotes.txt”. (with the newest number) [Which I 'of course' then could edit with easy ever day.]

To protect against abuse, it would be cool to be able to “ban” certain nicknames, by the right click menu. From adding any quotes. (Then "ignoring" from that nickname until I delete it from a list, of some kind or how one may do it?) : )

Also, there should be possible to make it exclude, or ONLY include certain channels.

So, if I imagine having this thus far, I can type !quote, and other can type !quote, to get me to say a “random quote” … so what came to mind then, is that there should be a delay to how many “ 'random' quotes” I will answer in so many minutes. Say ‘max one’; then a random delay with in 10 - 90minutes, or so? (Side note: It would be nice to have the delay 'not be relevant' in the personal-message windows, but unlimited there?)

An other function that would be neat, would be; !quote “number” ..
Say all the lines in the quote.txt get a number on adding, or when I type manually by the F8, adding a new to the .txt. wink

So one could use: !quote “number” to display a selected "One liners."

And, even an other function that would be nice to have:

!quotes Which would make me say: "there is XXX number of quotes in the record!" or something like that.

I imagine it done to test for ideas once again:

I and others, can use: !quote to display a quote, (and it is randomly delayed so no spamming should occur.)
I and others, can use: !quote “number” to display a selected One liner.
I and others, can use !quotes, to see how many quotes there is in the .txt

I and others, can use: !addquote “quote”, to add a quote.
I can right-click on the names of anyone I want to not be ale to use the !addquote feature, and “ban” them from ever doing that with that nick. (so that I still see what the nick say, but won't reply to any off the commands, but the !quote, and !quote "number".)

Maybe even be able to "ban" certain nicks from using any feuture, if they abuse.

If I wanted to disable the script for certain channels, I could do that to? Maybe by just allowing specified channels? [(Some might be bothered by use of this feature, even though there is so many lines that it won’t get repetitive, .. and is growing ‘each day’. (and the random delay)]

Anyone up for ALL THIS scripting?

(I know very little coding myself.)

I can only be thankful by words, and in spirit, though…
Thank you for reading my request!
And have a fine, fine day! laugh

Last edited by gomp; 21/08/06 11:57 AM.

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.