Tools > Popups and find:
.Kick:/kick # $$
.Kick (why):/kick # $$1 $$?="Reason:"
Replace this with:
.Kick:/kick # $$1 (Kick Count: $calc(%kickcount + 1) ) | set %kickcount $calc(%kickcount + 1)
.Kick (why):/kick # $$1 $$?="Reason:" (Kick Count: $calc(%kickcount + 1) ) | set %kickcount $calc(%kickcount + 1)
Nou if you want to add to your own kick script the kickcount, simply add: (Kick Count: $calc(%kickcount + 1) ) | set %kickcount $calc(%kickcount + 1)
on the end of kick
Simple but it works
Oh yeah, dont forget to:
set %kickcount 0
Before start kicing