ok well this started as just a small thing, but each time i went to define what it was, i found something else as well.
TEXT in listbox's changed apparence in mirc 6.20
Ok in previous mircs text in a list box appeared differently from regular text is a few ways...
(1) a $chr(9) tab would revert the text color to the lines defaults
(2) a ctrl-r would reverse the current colors, ie: yellow text on red would become red text on yellow (ctrl-r outside here using defualt color reversed)
Now (1) was live able, even usable, but not overly desired, so im happy its been fixed
And (2) was a nice difference but nothing ya cant live without, just change the color ya self now instead of using reverse
However theres some other changes i dont think are expected
If you ctrl-r reverse the text in the listbox, the between tabs span of space is reverse using "normal text" color and not "listbox text" color, so u get two differnet reverse colors

Also and far more disturbing is tab stops in listboxs would cause text to advance or
retreat to the tabstop so you could end up with text covered by later text
While this is fine it now ALSO occurs in the mainwindow area, this is causing data i expected to just be tabbed out to be hidden.

Im also seem to be getting some wierd coloring problems in the listbox, but havent fully tracked that down, it might just be me so didnt want to plug it to hard.
I take it back I love the tabstopped main window, as soon as i adjusted my tabs to better placing its just the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1